Chapter 26 - ALICE

In a computer room filled with flickering lights from the monitor,a laugh suddenly burst out.

"Hahahahahahah, it's finally completed."

Faust shouted in joy. From now on, it would be easier to upgrade little by little.

"God it's midnight boss, what happened?" Angel complained.

Faust spotted her and gave her a big hug due to so much joy. Then he pointed to the computer and said, "That happened. Hahahaha! I've completed my AI."

"Really? What does it do?" Angel curiously.

"Let me show you.." Then Faust moved excitedly towards his computer while rubbing his hands.

"See this window? This is the basic command sheet. I'll just type in the command and the AI will do it for me." Faust patiently explained.

Angel went forward to take a closer look and saw a text 'Please Enter a Name'.

"Oh yeah, I haven't named it yet. Hmmm..let's see."

A few minutes later, Faust murmured, "It's much harder to choose a name than I thought. Since that playboy has JARVIS, then I'm going to call this ALICE which stands for Automated Live Interactive Computer Emulator. Hmmm that sounds good. ALICE it is."

He proceeded to type in ALICE for the name and then he entered.

-ALICE at your service sir_

Seeing this, Faust once again laughed and he brag it towards Angel who was still confused.

"Watch this...hehehe."

Faust typed in using the keyboard.

-Hack into the school's Intranet_

The moment he pressed the Enter button, it immediately open some windows quickly before flashing the school's intranet interface.

"See? I don't need to do it manually. I'll just type in a command and then boom! It's right in your face."

Faust continued, "Let's try another one. Let's step up the game shall we? Hehehehe."

-Hack into the Virginia State Police System_

Then at the computer screen, the windows once again move on their own before presenting a platform with a Virginia Police logo.

"Do you want to clear your traffic violations, she can do it. Completely untraceable. Hehehe. Cool isn't it?" Faust said smugly, obviously proud of his creation.

"Quite impressive, Boss. Can you clear my records?"

"Yeah, we can do that but why would I do it? Think about this, if your records became clear, wouldn't that be more suspicious? Remember, you're from a security company."

"What you said makes sense."

"Don't worry, I got you. You're my woman.. Uhhh I mean my guy so you can rest assured. Besides, this is just the beginning. I'll upgrade our equipment here, buy some mics then upgrade it a little into voice command. That way, instead of typing it, I'll just say the command out loud."

"Whatever you say, boss." Angel just shrugged and left the room as she doesn't wanna hear anymore of his rocket science.


Next day at School

Darcy, William and Faust was sitting at the open field iside the campus having their lunch.

"Do you have any plans in this coming thanksgiving day?" Darcy asked.

"Yeah, I'm going home..I mean to my parents." Faust said.

"We have the same idea, I decided to go home and visit my parents. By the way, thanks for the help on my exam." Darcy thanked Faust and reach out her fist.

"No biggie, as long as I can help." Faust answered her fist bump.

"What about you, William?"

"Oh me?, I think I'm gonna stay here. I would love to go home but I need to save up."

Faust raised eyebrows and offered some help, "Do you need help? Money is the least of my problem so if you want I can shoulder your plane ticket for you."

"No.. No.. That wouldn't be necessary. It's okay, I can handle it." William said embarrassingly.

"Are you sure? I really can cover it for you. It's just like a drop water for me so.." Faust insisted

"Yeah yeah, I'm sure. I think I'm going to spend time in the library." William said.

"Suit yourself, just let me know if you need help. I'll bring you guys something when I return." Faust finally gave up.

"Speaking of help, I think I need one with packing my stuff. Help me out Faust, please? My roommates went out and no one's going to help me." Darcy winked at him sending some signals.

"After class? No problem." Faust understood her signals and immediately agreed.


A few hours later, inside Darcy's dormitory.

"I thought boys aren't allowed here?" Faust asked curiously.

"Well, I smuggled you in so.." Darcy replied.

"How long do we have?" Faust asked while looking around the room.

"About and hour or so."

Darcy was about go to her bunk bed when Faust suddenly pulled her into his arms and gave her a deep kiss.

"Mmmmmm.. I'm going to miss my little witch."

"What are you going to do then?" Darcy bit her lips.

"You already knew it don't you?"

"Say it."

Faust gave in and said, "I wanna fuck you so good before I leave."

Then Darcy escaped his embrace and lay down on her bed.

"Yeah? What are you waiting for then?" She spread her legs as an invitation while staring coquettishly at him. She was wearing a skirt

Faust couldn't take it anymore and dive into the sea of blankets for his clam shell as he removed the only piece of pink clothing that stands between him and the treasure. Songs of bird call fills the room accompanied by banging of drums.

After enjoying their benefits, they took a rest reminiscing the battle that just happened a while ago. Faust was in Darcy's arms as they panted.

"By the way, I planned to apply for an early graduation. I'll talk to my old man about this that's why I need to go home." Faust informed her.

"Make sense, I figured it'll happen sooner or later since you started to teach me for my exams and subjects." Darcy said in a sad tone.

"Really? Don't feel bad. I'm still attending this school, I'm just moving to college." Faust reassured her.

"Nah, I'm okay. Besides, I have your number. You wouldn't refuse teaching me again, are you?" Darcy squinted

"As long as it didn't fall on the same exam day."


"Hey Darcy, I have a strange question, care to humor me?"

"Fire it away."

"If you have a chance to live a long long time, would you take it?"

"That's indeed a strange question.. Hmmmmm well, who wouldn't right? Of course I will take it, as long as I have someone I know is with me."

"Huh, why?"

"Isn't it sad to live a long life without someone to share the joy it brings."


"What do you mean, okay?"

"I mean that sounds like a good plan."

Darcy laugh and said, "You're talking as if it's possible."

Faust just shrugged and said, "You never know, science is rapidly advancing and 100 years ago, stepping into the moon is completely impossible but we did. Creating a serum that will give you a longer lifespan is the same, It's just that we haven't discovered it yet."

"Hmm it make sense when you say it like that. Well, we better get dressed before my roommates return. Besides, I still need your help packing my stuff."

"I thought it was just your alibi."

"Half truths are great alibis. Now move your ass Einstein." Darcy pushed him off the bed.

"Okay, I'm gonna buy a cowgirl outfit and let you wear it when I return. Hehehehe let's see how you can still boss me around by then." Faust grinned pervertedly.

"Bring it on, cowboy!" Darcy snorted.

"And for the record, Einstein's IQ is only between 160 to 180. Mine's 210." Faust mumbled.

Darcy just rolled her eyes hearing it.


After helping Darcy pack her luggage. Faust went straight to the gym for his boxing practice. Due to the increase of his appetite and his active physical lifestyle, his developing muscles are starting to look obvious.

At this time, he was already done with the task assigned to him on the first three days they went training. As his next task, he was now having a spar with Angel.

Bam! Bam!

Angel was now having a hard time as she was still holding back and being careful not to get too much excited. She was considering if she needed to add more difficulty by giving 70 percent of her skills. But at the same time, Faust was getting better. He can dodge some counter attacks and his attacks became sharper, tricky and precise without any excessive amount of extra moves. Little did she know that Faust had already activated his Overdrive.

Eventually, Angel got excited and unconsciously unleashed her strength.


Faust was able to dodge but the air exploded causing him to lose his focus and almost got hit so he immediately retreated.

"Fucking shit, you almost turn my head into a burger patty." Faust complained.

"Sorry, boss I can't help but get excited. You're improving too quickly and I never seen anyone like you before. Your learning speed is incredible."

"Thanks but that was close!"

"How about I teach you how to kick so we'll be able to include it next time? That way, it'll be able to add some difficulty in our sparring without me losing control."

"Okay, let's get to it. Just teach me the basics and apply it tomorrow."

"Got it."

Angel and Faust got down from the ring and went towards one of the punching bags. Then Angel proceeded to teach him the basics of kicking and what part of the feet should land.

A few hours later, they went home and Faust went straight to the computer room to continue upgrading ALICE. The parts needed was already bought by ANGEL earlier that day so wasted no time.

"Sigh... this should do it. Let's test it out."

He rebooted the computer which was installed with a dozen of microphones. After booting up, he said loudly ing the room, "ALICE are you live?"

Suddenly, an electronic woman's voice sounded through his speakers.

"Yes, sir I'm at your service."

"Hahaha very good!"

Then he walked out of the computer room and drag Angel upon his return.

"Turn around face the camera there." Faust nudged Angel and instructed.

"What's happening?" While being bewildered, she still do what he asked.

"ALICE, scan her face and register her with a 2nd level access."

"As you command, Sir" ALICE replied.

Then Faust saw on the screen showing Angel's picture with an 'ACCESS GRANTED' text on her profile.

"Who's that?"

"That's ALICE the AI I've shown you last time. The difference is that we can talk to her through voice command."

"That's awesome!"

"Hey ALICE, can you list the equipments we needed to integrate you in the Estate's security system?"

"As you command, sir."

Then ALICE showed the list through the screen.

"Copy the list and buy it tomorrow, we're going to install it before we leave for Texas. Oh it includes a server. I expected it as much."

"Got it."

"Thanks, Angel. Don't worry, I'm gonna make a cool gadget for both us and I bet you'll gonna love it."

"Like what?"

"Whatever you want? For me, I'm gonna make an eyeglass. How bout you? What do you prefer?" Faust asked in return.

"I'm not tech savvy, boss."

"Then let's make it simple. How about an earpiece. That way, you can make a call without pulling out your phone."

"Okay, as long as it's simple to operate."

"It's actually quite simple to use, you'll just have to command ALICE like what I've done earlier and she will do it for you through that ear piece."

Angel nodded in understanding and said, "Sounds like a plan."

"Ear piece it is then."

"ALICE back up all the data stored in this computer and transfer it to a deive."

"Right away, sir."