Chapter 29 - Happy Thanksgiving Day

"Do you want me to go with you, young master?" Sebastian worriedly asked.

"Nope, you can just stay here or drive around. I'll just call you after I'm done."

"Understood. Be careful, young master."

Then Faust turned towards the park with skateboard on hand. As he was approaching, he can feel some of their gaze towards him but he didn't care.

Instead of showing off right away that might turn into embarrassment, he figured he needed to familiarize himself first so he sat down at the corner to blend in and observe the kids doing their tricks. He searched for the one who looked the most skilled and he locked his eyes towards him.

He activated his Overdrive and watch his every move in slow motion. He continued to observe for another ten minutes before standing up, to practice on his own. He avoided the ramps and went to the flat area for beginners instead. Thankfully, only a few kids were there.

'I think I should practice the basics first. Damn that kid Jacob for tricking me. I can't believe he spouted a bunch of nonesense and made me fall countless of times. Wew, good thing we're alone at that time.'

From his hand, he put down his skateboard and stepped upon it in a 30-degree angle in the mid part of the board before closing his eyes trying to remember every move he observed from the expert just now.

'So determining the correct stance is essential as it affects the overall balance and control of the board. I should be relaxed and not stiff, and from the way that expert stands on board, I should bend my knee a little. Okay, here we go.'

He opened his eyes and started to put his weight on his front foot. Then he pushed off with his other foot which propelled him forward. After gaining the speed he like, he returned his other foot at the board and relax to feel the sensation. He couldn't help but smile at his small achievement in successfully doing it in his first official try.

A/N: First official try because he was tricked before so it's not counted.

Faust did this over and over again until he became relax doing it. He also instinctively discovered how to maneuver the board by tilting it slightly on either side using his weight depending on where he wanted to go. He even performed kick turns which allowed him to turn sharply in getting around some obstacles.

'So it's balance and stance. Once you get used to it, you'll be able to control it naturally. Hmmm, I thought I'm going to have a hard time but it turns out it's that easy.'

If any of the kids were to hear his thoughts right now, they'll probably beat him to death as they spend so much time, effort and training until they learn their current skill. Unlike him, who only spend a few hours to learn it from the scratch.

After enjoying riding around with his skateboard, it was now time to try the first basic trick for skaters.


He closed his eyes once again to recall how the expert jumps over the ledge earlier. After a few moments, he got ready to try it.

Once again, he stepped over his skateboard and pushed his other foot to gain speed. As he felt that it was already the right speed, he bended his knee like crouching down and quickly popped the tail of the board. As the tail hits the ground, he jump off of his back foot and slided his front foot upwards towards the nose of the board, leveling out the board in mid-air. He kept his knees bent as he landed back on the board, with both feet landing at the same time. But his feet slip through and stumbled on the ground.

'Aw! Hmmm, that's a little bit of a challenge.'

He keep repeating these moves again and again until his feet hurt so he decided to stop. But even so, he successfully did it.

'Well, that was fun.'

He texted Sebastian to pick him up and a few minutes later, he showed up.

"To the company, young master?"


"I already arranged the parts you've requested and you can find them on your workbench ready to use." Sebastian reported.

"Thanks, Uncle Seb." Faust was delighted to hear that.


Faust diligently followed his scheduled and went to the company right away.

Inside his laboratory, he excitedly started his project after seeing the complete set of tools and parts according to his blueprint.

Instead of making his hi-tech eyeglasses as part of his planned, he changed his mind and decided to make Angel's earpiece first. It was quite simple for him since it didn't include complicated circuits. He just needed to insert a powerful receiver and analog for long distance communication as well as a high definition mic. He also installed a simple program for voice command and for filtering the call. He completed all of these in no time without breaking any sweat like a child playing Lego.

Then he turned his attention to his own gadget.

He grinned and started to assemble the parts scattered around the table. First was the motherboard the size of a grain which will be located at the bridge of the frame. Then with twelve mini cameras installed around the rim, he also included a bone conductor device which was installed at the temple area near the hinges and a powerful battery at the temple tips. There were also two high definition microphones at corner rim both left side and right side.

The glass he used was made of the glass technology from the kree, in which his computer monitor was made of, covered with photochromic tint that absorbs solar energy for power efficiency.

As the last piece of the parts fitted in, Faust carefully looked at the eyeglass he made and he was satisfied with its look.

A/N: Eyeglass

But he wasn't done yet because that was the easiest part. He connected the eyeglass to the computer and started to program it according to its functions.

Fortunately, ALICE was helping him, otherwise, it would take five days to one week to complete the codes.

"ALICE, you already knew the pattern so you can now continue to complete it. How long will it take to finish?"

"Twenty two hours and fifteen seconds, sir."

"Then I'll just come back tomorrow to check it."

"Affirmative, sir."

Faust stood up from his chair and said, "Uncle Seb, I'll just leave this computer on going. Please don't let anyone enter this lab for the meantime."

Sebastian nodded and reminded him, "Young master. Also, I'm afraid we will need to leave now. Remember, we are hosting a thanksgiving party back at the villa and I assume that they are starting to prepare now."

"Oh shit, I almost forgot. Thanks for the reminder. Let's go! I can't wait to grab the leg of that turkey."


No long after, they arrived home and he noticed that everyone in the villa was quite busy. Some maids are carrying food into the courtyard where a long table with white tablecloth was settled in.

There were rows of light bulbs hang around the venue and it had a festive atmosphere.

"Young master Faust, the event is going ot start soon. I would suggest taking a quick shower and dress up a little formal."

"Okay, then I'll head upstairs first."


It didn't take long for Faust to freshen himself up. When he went down, he was already wearing a white polo-shirt and knitted vested over it. His long black slack pants matches perfectly with his top-sider shoes.

He saw Sebastian waiting for him at hallway.

"Are you ready? Young master?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Then Sebastian led him to the courtyard where he saw his Mom and Dad sitting at the end of the table as a Host. There are bunch of people sitting around the long table as well. They are probably just waiting for him to start.

Arriving at table, John stood up and introduced him to the guests.

"May I have your attention please? Let me introduce you to my beloved precious son, Faust Valentine, my one and only heir." John said proudly while the guests greeted Faust with a nod as they clapped their hands.

"Faust, they are the important key persons of our company. Mind saying a few words?"

Faust turned to the guests and greeted them politely, "It's a pleasure to meet you, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your continued support in maintaining the stability of the company. I hope this will never change as we strive to contribute for the profitability and greatness through our hard work. Otherwise, I think I'm gonna start preserving that turkey for the coming years of my homeless life."

Faust's mini speech earned him a good impression among the executives and garnered a good laugh from him. The event instantly filled with good atmosphere and laughter.

The Valentine couple couldn't help but smile at him and looked at him with a proud gaze.

Then Sebastian pull a chair beside John to let Faust sit himself in.

As they eat their meal, John offered a toast and said, "Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone."


"Cheers, Mr. Chairman!"

All of them raised their glasses and responded to John with enthusiasm. They are very happy that someone like John was their boss as he was easy to get along with and kind towards his employees. From time to time, someone from the executives chatted with Faust but he didn't shy away and maintained his eloquence the entire night.

They enjoyed themselves so much that they didn't notice it was already late at night.

As Faust was about to go upstairs to rest, he noticed someone looking around the hallway. He approached him and saw it was the bald middle-aged man among the executives.

"Excuse, me. Do you need help?" Faust offered his help since the guy was somewhat loss.

The bald man was startled and hurriedly turned around to face him.

"Hello, Faust. Sorry, I was just looking around to find the restroom and I got lost since your villa is somewhat big. Would you mind pointing me to the right direction?"

"Sure, Mr...?"

"Ahhh how of rude me, My name is Stefan Friedrich, your company's Chief Financial Officer." The bald introduced himself.

"So Mr. Stefan, the restroom is that way, when you reach the end of the corridor, turn right and you'll see it."

"Thank you so much, Faust."

Stefan followed his direction while Faust watched him walking down the corridor.

He got a strange vibe coming from that man.

'He doesn't seems to be in a hurry for someone who needed to pee. Hmmmm. I feel something wrong with that guy though I couldn't quite put a finger on it.'

"Maybe I should let Dad be wary of him. He might be a corporate spy." Faust muttered.

One might think that Faust is an idiot for not taking Stefan too seriously and not guess his identity. But that's because he didn't have enough evidence to confirm or have an idea that he was a member of Hydra. Like Grant Ward, they were trained not to leave any evidence that can be used against them so who would've thought that he was a Hydra agent.

Faust shrugged it off at the back of his mind and continued to go to his room to rest.


Next day,

Faust went to the mall to buy something for his friends in Virginia. Since it's already winter and the school was a about to resume, he bought something that they could use so he decided to get a top of the line winter jacket for William and a scarf.

As for Darcy, he bought her an expensive yellow beanie since she always wear one, a first class scarf and his promised cowgirl outfit.

Of course, Faust bought some winter wear for him and Angel as well. He chose a black trench coat and black leather jacket while he ordered the same type of clothing for Angel, just for female ones.

After shopping, they went straight to the company to check the progress of Faust's project.

"Uncle Seb, please wait for me. It'll only take a few minutes then we will go home with these gifts for my friends."

"Understood, young master."

When Faust entered his laboratory, he locked the doors and said, "ALICE what's the progress of the eye glass?"

"It's already a hundred percent complete, sir."

"Okay, back up the data towards the drive and erase it from the company's database."
