Chapter 30 - Smartglass

Faust rub his hands with an excited face like he's going to rape someone.

"Fuck you author, that's not what I look like."

"The description was accurate, sir. Should I call the authorities?"

A/N: Heh, I told you.

Faust: ...

"Hey ALICE, where's your loyalty?Remind me to tweak you a bit in that part." Faust gritted his teeth in frustration.

"Understood, sir"

"Now where are we? Oh yeah, the eyeglass. Hehehe."

Faust disconnected the eyeglass from the computer and examined it carefully.

'This looks dope but where's the power button? Did you forgot about it?'

"Hey ALICE.. Ahem! How do I turn this thing on?"

"It's a voice command device, sir."

"Fuck, I knew I forgot something. Yeah yeah, that's how it goes. Maybe I'm too excited to think straight."

"ECV45-U power on." Faust said enduring the cringe.

Then Faust saw the glasses lit up a little.

"Are you connected to this thing?"

"Yes, Sir. Please name the device."

"Just name it Smartglass."

"Smartglass recognized. Please wear the glasses to scan your irises."

"Wait, did you add this program?"

"Yes, sir. Do you wish to abort?"

"No, but why does it have to scan my eye?"

"It's a prerequisite function to automatically turn on whenever the glasses detected your iris everytime you wear it."

"So that means if another individual wear this, it will be just like an ordinary eyeglass?"


"Wow, that's very convenient. Good job ALICE."

"It's a pleasure to be at your service, Sir."

Faust was immediately in a good mood because he was so satisfied with the AI he created. He followed the instruction and wear the eyeglass.

"Scanning complete, Smartglass is online."

Faust looked at the surroundings and became fascinated by it. It was exactly like what he imagined when designed the device.

When he look around, he saw some icons floating around in his vision. It was like a compact version of Apple Vision Pro in his past life.

He can surf the internet using this thing. Display hologram designs and show detailed information of things he see. He can manipulate the icons and images by moving his fingers. As for how the device is doing that, the answer would be the 12 cameras install at the rim. The cameras detected the movement of his eyes and his fingers which then feeded back to the operating system that allows him to manipulate the tabs and windows through the movements of his hands. Although he can also do it using the voice command function. Anyway, you get the idea.

"Hahahahaha, this is the coolest thing I've ever made so far." Faust was so happy he couldn't help but jump around.

After celebrating a little, Faust grabbed the USB drive backup and tidied up the lab. He then walked out of the room while commanding ALICE through the smartglass he was now wearing.

"ALICE call Uncle Seb"

Faust saw a phone icon his peripheral vision calling Sebastian.


He can clearly hear the sound through the bone conductor installed in the arms of the of the eyeglass.

"Yes, young master? Do you need something?"

"No Uncle Seb, I just wanted to inform you that I'm heading out now. We're going home."

"Understood, young master."

Tooot toot..

All the employees was weirdly looking at him when he passed by them. They thought he was crazy and wondered why this guy keep talking to himself.

But Faust didn't care and just happily skipping as he walk towards the exit.


When they arrived home, Faust found Angel waiting for them. She reported at the villa early in the morning for tomorrow's flight back to Virginia.

"Hey, how's it going? Miss me?" Faust greeted Angel with a little teasing.

Angel smirked and said, "Yeah, I miss punching.. I mean training you."

"Aha! Now I'm sure you stopped pulling your punches on purpose. Oh wait, I almost forgot. Here you go." Faust gave her his promised earpiece.

Angel was taken aback from the gift and said, "What's this?"

"That's the earpiece I'm talking about last time with voice command program. I'll teach you how to use it later."

"Thanks boss!"

"By the way, I also bought us some winter outfit since we will be greeted by snow once we land in Virginia. I don't know your preference so I just decided to get a style like mine."

Angel just shrugged and said, "I'm not the type who complain so.. I don't have a problem with it."

Faust nodded in satisfaction and said, "Come help me pack my stuff, I decided to bring along my gadgets that's why it weigh so much."

"Got it."


Later that night, Faust decided to spend time with his parents watching a movie. He hug his mother to appease her and told them his plans in the future.

"Just give us a call if you need anything."

"Oh, come to think of it. I'm sorry I don't call you directly. I just thought maybe you are busy so I called Sebastian instead. I promise I'll call you whenever possible."

"Okay, son. Your mother heard it so you better fulfill your promise."

"You can count on it. Oh by the way, Dad. Be wary towards Stefan, your CFO."

"Huh, why? He seems fine for me."

"Just a feeling. I just felt that there's something wrong about him. He might be a corporate spy. Doesn't hurt to keep your guard up."

"Uhmm, you have a point. I'll keep an eye on him."

"Focus on the movie boys. We're here to relax."

"Right, sorry mom."


At lunch next day, Faust and Angel arrived at West Virginia International Airport with their heavy luggage.

"Brrrrrr! Holy crap it's so cold." Faust said while shuddering.

"Haven't experienced snow, boss?" Angel asked.

"Yeah, t'was my first time. I feel like my nuts suddenly burried themselves and another batch of wrinkles formed around it. The longer we stay here, the faster it'll turn into a walnut crystal."

Angel rolled her eyes hearing him complain, "You have a weird way of expressing the coldness you feel. Come on, boss! We need to go unless you wanted to freeze to death here."

"Okay, let's go. Good thing you are so strong. You manage to carry all our luggage."

"Piece of cake."

The two immediately went to the pick up truck and stuffed in all their things.

"I have the address of the mansion. From now on, that's where we're going to live." Faust said while he buckles his seatbelt.

"Really? I think the estate was okay. Why do we have to move?" Angel asked curiously.

"Because the mansion has the laboratory I need for my experiments." Faust explained.

"Okay, what about our things in the old house?"

"Hmmm.. Just move my computer and your clothes if you want to. We don't have much important stuff there. Sebastian said all the things we needed are already in the mansion."

"Got it. I'll go get it tomorrow."

Faust gave Angel the address of the mansion and started to drive.

A few minutes later, they saw a huge black iron gate in the distance and someone was waiting outside.

As their vehicle approach, the man who was waiting knocked on their windshield. Angel lowered the car window and asked, "Yes?"

"Hello, Ma'am. I'm the security guard of the mansion. I just wanted to check if young master Faust was on board?"

Faust lowered his window to let the guard see him.

"Hi, thanks for guarding the mansion for us."

"It's what I do young master. I was arranged by sir Sebastian along with the two maids." The guard said in embarrassment.

"Oh, okay. Uhh can we go in now? It's freezing outside."

"Of course, give me a second, I'll just open up the gate."

"Thank you!"

They didn't wait long as the gate was opened electronically. The guard gave the signal to Angel to go on so they didn't hesitate to drive through.

Not long after, they arrived at a two story mansion. This mansion was big enough to accommodate 20 people.

A/N: Mansion

"Whoa! Boss this one was bigger than I thought."

"I thought the same. Let's go inside."

As they approach the front door, it suddenly opened and they were greeted by two maids.

"Hello, young master. My name Emily and she's Gina. We're the maids who maintain the cleanliness of the mansion and we do other chores. Just tell us what you wanted and we're at your service."

"Okay, I just have one rule. Don't go near the laboratory. Don't worry about cleaning it up. I have a robot that can clean that place."

"Understood, young master."

"Thank you, Emily, Gina. Please prepare our lunch. We're hungry from the trip."

"Right away, sir."

Faust have Angel take his things to the underground laboratory as they are quite heavy.

As the two opened the doors to the laboratory, Faust was astounded by what he saw.


"Now we're talking. This is...what a laboratory should look like." Faust couldn't help but praise the efficiency Sebastian.

It was a white room with no windows. There were advance refrigerators for storage, microscopes, different kinds of testubestestubes, tools like beakers, crucible and bunsen burners.

There was a white long table in the center where all the tools was neatly placed.

At the entrance, Faust saw a rack with rows of white coats, surgical mask, and gloves along with a sink and disinfectant for hygiene.

He also saw a hi-tech computer at the corner of the room with rows of big rectangular machines that was blinking with lights.

"Holy shit! Is that a server? If I knew that this mansion has this kind of thing, I should've requested it from the start and waste no time building a PC." Faust couldn't help but blurted out in frustration.

'Well, for the record, at least I got to experience of building one.'

A/N: Laboratory

Faust took a deep breath to calm himself down. He turned to Angel and said, "You can place them all in that table. Let's go rest and have some lunch."

"Agreed, I'm hungry too."

The two walked out of the laboratory to have their lunch at the dining room.

After lunch, Faust decided to go to his room and check his wardrobe.

As he opened his room, what welcomed him was a king size bed with black bedsheets at the center. The room has properly ventilated since it was warm inside. The curtains were also the same color as his bed and the walls are painted gray. Strangely enough, the room wasn't to dark to look at.

A/N: Bedroom

He searched for his wardrobe but he didn't find any cabinet. However, there was another set of doors at the side. When he opened it, his jaw dropped that it almost got dislocated.

He saw lines of hangered clothes and pants, from jeans to slacks, from T-shirt to a formal suit. Even shoes, all branded and arranged in a neatly way.

'No wonder I don't see any wardrobe cabinet in my room, turns out it's a fucking walk in closet. Wow! I wonder why we are still living in Texas. This mansion is way more bigger than the villa.'

A/N: Closet

He took off his clothes and went to the bathroom to have a nice hot bath. He was quite tired from the trip and the weather so he relaxed himself for half and hour. Once he's done, he called Darcy and informed her that he already returned and he brought her and William something from Texas.

Then he went to the underground laboratory excitedly.

The first thing he did is to install ALICE to the hi-tech computer and connecting it towards his utility robots.

Once they are all connected, he heaved a sigh of satisfaction.

'I'm getting closer to having a power of my own. Next step is to develop a serum to get my body stronger.'