Five's old coat blew in the breeze as he walked. “Shay what?” he muttered to himself.
“Did you get an answer?” Eight called out to him. “Five?”
“Preston's new girl should make him come through,” Five answered as he swung his cane. “What do cred donations look like?”
“Lacking,” Eight said as he traveled beside him. “Only a few are donating, most of them are complaining that they don't make enough creds to give.”
“What do I have to do, command it?” Five rubbed his face. “Collect on the businesses early this week.”
“They won't be prepared."
“Do it anyway. Six and Twenty-Two are not going to be left hanging.” Five took off his hat, looking at it for a moment. “Preston's new girl is named Shay. He doesn't want me to know her last name from Earth. Did you find out her last name?”
“Eighteen said he found the name Fankella.”
“Shay Fankella.” Five nodded. “Fine.” Earth names were common, and now he was glad he didn't decide anything yet. She might not be the one. “I am getting tired of the delay. Have plan B on standby.”
“Yes, sir,” Eight nodded as he ran off.
Five placed his hands in his old jacket. He'd been taking a stroll out of Industry to get away when he heard the cries of help. The posh restaurant had several beings ignoring the pleas of the alien. When Preston said she should just give up, he had to step in. Once there though, why waste the opportunity? He needed Preston Carrington to come through. The 'government' would make Six and Twenty-Two bleed forever on income if he didn't get things settled.
Shay held her ground as she sat down on one of the two cold leathery seats. Preston had not told her anything, but he had taken her to the hospital. They must have found something wrong in her blood at her last monthly required check. She tried not to be nervous, Wonderland was not Earth. It didn't matter what she had, they could take care of almost any infection or disease.
"Honey Darling?" She looked at the nurse behind the desk in front of them. “First we have to see if you meet all requirements,” the nurse said to Preston as she typed on her computer. "One moment sir, then we will get this carried out."
Shay looked over at Preston. "Get what carried out? Dear, what do I have? Did I get a disease?"
"No," Preston said. "The doctor pinged on my monitor that you had an infection. It will be taken care of and then we will be out of here."
"Alright sir, name and relationship?" The nurse asked, beginning her dialogue with Preston.
"Preston Carrington. She is Honey Darling. We have a home contract."
“Okay, that's nice. Honey Darling, you may go in and see the doctor. Mister Carrington, if you are a busy man, we can ping you when she is done. Do you have your code?"
Preston quickly gave her a code and nodded his head as a goodbye. So far, everything looked fine. Shay walked in, trying to make herself feel like this happened every day. But, it didn't. She was always there to repair injuries, not because of infections.
She was placed under and awoke later. Preston was called, and he took her back home, quickly going back to work. She cooked, cleaned, and tried to keep her mind off of the infection. By night time, she was feeling better. Whatever the problem had been it would be cleared up tomorrow.
Shay munched on some bacon for breakfast. She had gotten used to eating luxurious solid foods again, even bacon in the morning. Half of Preston's creds were more than she ever dreamed. When Torah said he made three times the creds, she meant for his position. Shay only made 40 creds per month, but now she had 180 a month to do with as she pleased. Today, that meant breakfast with eggs and bacon. A standard on Earth, but a delicacy on Wonderland for her.
She picked up her drink and a pair of monitor glasses. Clicking a button on the glasses Preston had given her, she read the daily to see if anything interesting was happening in Wonderland.
"The rebellious group HUMANA, (Humans United Men Are Not Aliens) were arrested today after being caught trying to drown a Wonderland representative in his own showering facility. All members have been found and assassinated except for the leader, Jones Arch, and a small time member, Chantal Rose."
Shay took her glasses back off. HUMANA, what a waste. There was no way for humans to get the same treatment as everyone else, it would never happen. Forget HUMANA, Preston was the best thing that had happened to her. Obviously there was something wrong with him, but she found herself not worrying about it. He never forced her to do anything, only asking the most minor of favors. Sometimes, he did make a little time, taking her someplace nice. He never had to, but he did. Shay wondered if he really wanted to keep a home contract, or if he was growing sweet on her.
Either way, she couldn't have asked for a better life. She did miss Torah though. Perhaps if she talked to Preston politely he would allow one phone call.
Shay stopped thinking so much as she felt her stomach start to lurch. She felt like she was going to be sick. Heading to the bathroom, she held the receptacle close to her face. After a few minutes, the mess was vacuumed up its tubes.
She was sick again? As she wiped her mouth, she saw a smiling cat by the door. He was only half there. The appearance made her stumble backwards. She didn't own a cat, and especially not a grinning one with stripes. He looked like he had walked out of the fairytale. "The cheshire cat?"
Cheshire waved his tail once. "HUMANA has been taken out, yet were they successful?"
"HUMANA?" Shay asked, still not understanding what he was doing there. "What's that have to do with me?"
Shay reached out to touch him, but her hand went straight through and the cat disappeared. "Delusional, I'm delusional. I need help."