PW All for the moon on that special night


A large panel of glass was open toward a cliff. Outside was a magnificent ocean. It was a breath taking view Roxie could never describe. She often looked beside her, but Hero stayed on the other side of the glass if he was even present. Until (as he would say) she felt comfortable enough around him.

She walked through the house each day with no real boundaries. She was even free to leave it. There was nothing out there though, it was hot and deserted. No wolves would be caught dead out there.

Which made sense why Hero chose to build there. Free to live as he pleased with no one for miles upon miles around.

Food was never scarce, Hero had a large banquet hall. Even though he had no staff there was always something waiting. If she were extra hungry, she could have cut the beasts up herself. Her tastes had changed as well as her body. Sometimes she wanted it extremely rare like him, but at other times she still wished for cooked meat. She often went in and meat would be there, cooked and ready to consume. Roxie learned when he fixed it each day and adjusted her eating time to it. The tension between them though stayed strong. Hero did not push her to accept him, he just stood by his word. This was best for the world. It didn't mean he didn't try to be friendly.

He brought her every book and magazine on animals that he could. He even brought in visits with some of her favorite animals that she would never have even been able to see. She almost wanted to keep a sweet giraffe, but she knew it deserved to be out there running wild and free.

Roxie went on for months this way, but she still yearned for something more. She still wanted to be free. Would there ever come a day where she could return back to civilization?

* * *

“She is locked onto my property and that is even better than a zoo.” Hero tried to remain calm around the territory leaders. He had imagined that he could at least take her out every once in awhile. Beside him, people wouldn't fear her, but he was not that lucky. His worst prediction had come true. “She is not up for debate.”

“A hole to another dimension. She is not of this world. What if she has different powers than you?” another one said again.

“She is locked up. I bought her and she is locked up. Don't start this again with me, Roxie Malone is nothing dangerous. I don't care where she is from.”

“Execution is the safest option.”

“She is not a threat!” Hero banged his hand on the round table. “Bose, talk some sense into them?”

“She was accepted by society before she had turned wolf,” Bose said to the territory leaders, trying to help out. “Not long ago we were debating whether we could even sell her or not. She is just a young girl.”

“I bought her and she will not escape. I will force marriage on her if that is what it takes.” Hero looked at the territory leaders none too lightly. He knew Roxie dreamt of a world where she could be free out there, but it would not come. Right now, he had to keep fighting the scared thoughts of the stupid humans. There was no room to talk about anything else. “Roxie Malone is completely safe. She doesn't even know how to fight.”

“What if others find out she isn't a regular wolf? They go trawling for answers and find the dimension hole her aunt was guarding?”

“Her aunt has been moved. The dimension hole is under tight lock and key, no one comes in or out.”

“She could be a ruse by the mad doctor.”

“She is not a ruse.” Hero straightened his jacket. “I am the first being to be concerned about that possibility. If I am not considering her a threat, then neither should this world. I demand the applications of execution or zoo imprisonment be lifted off this table!”

“We could be caught off guard. We give into your petty demand, she goes rabid, and then what? We couldn't even take action against her. She is a being from another world and that fact cannot be denied! We know nothing of her. Even you don't know what she could do in the future. We need those options there.”

Over six months. Roxie Malone had lived with him over six months. He surveyed her daily, and kept everyone up on her danger level. Still, those options couldn't be destroyed. If he had not bought her, in all likelihood, she would be dead by now, or incapacitated at a zoo.

Which was worse? Hero didn't even bother to mention that if she was taken to a zoo they would give her a daily drug that would leave her in a stupor most of the day so if she was found by some tourist, she couldn't attack. That was why there weren't vicious wolf attacks from zoos in large numbers year after year. With her tiger colors, she would be a showy attraction promising great revenue. Still, she was considered an alien and he couldn't even get execution off the table.

“We have called this meeting with you, Hero, not to discuss either of these applications.” Bose stood up and left the round table, handing him a new application face to face. “You should consider this one.”

Hero looked at the application and instantly looked back at Bose.


“She belongs in another world. If she goes back over, then I am sure we could all agree to leave her alone,” Bose offered. “Until then, we are having a hard enough time keeping a lid on this from the media. They know that something is going on, and they won't stop until one of them finds it out.”

“Her world is gone. There's nothing left there.” Hero tried to make them understand. “She would be alone, forced to live in a wilderness by herself. I refuse to let that happen.”

“This application is widely accepted by all.” Bose crossed his arms. “Even I believe in it, Hero. You can't keep her forever bottled up. Best case scenario, she dies in your care. You know the other options. At least this way she has a better chance.”

“And mankind feels safe from the threat. The threat of a harmless girl.” Hero growled at Bose. “If I had ever shared my den's location, people would be there right now, wouldn't they?”

“Correct.” Bose wouldn't lie. “It's been accepted. Tell us Roxie Malone's location.”


“Hero. No one has found your den because we don't seek it out. Fight against this and we will discover it. There are only so many mountains out there, and you have taken me relatively close. I could take a guess where it's at.”

“Don't make me.” Hero bent his head downward. “I refuse.”

“She will be taken one way or another. You know that you can't stop the law.” Bose tried to put his hand on his shoulder, but Hero rejected it. “There's no time to play the same game as last time. Refusing to help out the world will not be enough. All we have to do is locate her and the work is done. The contract will be carried out in twenty four hours. Enough time to talk to her.”

Enough time to talk to her? It was obvious this meeting was over. Hero grabbed his jacket and headed out.

Roxie Malone would be thrown over into her original world and he couldn't stop it. But, he could adjust how she left this world.

“Roxie.” Hero was on the other side of the glass in his wolf form. “I failed.”

“Failed?” She approached the glass. “At what?”

“Buying you wasn't enough. An application has been pushed through and contracts have been signed.” He strolled over and hit a button, lifting the glass structure between them. “You have been sentenced to go back to your original world.”

“No. No one would decide on something like that,” Roxie countered.

“Roxie, I have been fighting for your life for some time. I kept you out of a zoo, and I kept execution away. I can't keep this away. Not at nineteen. I can't even propose marriage now, it would be overturned with this contract.”

“Refuse to help them!”

“The world suffered when I did that. It took time and I think Bose knows relatively where my home could be. They would sniff it out and find you.” Hero came near her. “I have some supplies that will help you survive. I wish we were close enough that I could have trained you in wolf fighting. I would feel better.”

“Don't do this.” Roxie looked him in the eyes. “Please don't send me away.”

“I don't have a choice, but I won't let you be thrown in like nothing. I will go with you and I'll find a safe spot for you to live around. Over time, I hope you get used to it.”

There was nothing else Roxie could say. Even though Hero had taken her life into his own hands, he still couldn't save her. There was nothing left to save her.


Hero arrived early, informing the guards of his intentions. The dimension hole was under lock and key now. After making it through security, Hero looked at the hole in front of him. The only wolf who would ever have a kind spirit. Sentenced to this. By the very people he protected every day of his life.

Roxie had become well versed in changing from human to wolf. In a world full of wolves, it was agreed they would both go in that form. Just in case there was something out there still.

After entering the hole, Hero quickly began to look around for a safe spot. An attacked village wouldn't be the safest place. Roxie didn't say anything as he ran around her world, trying to find a spot.

“You are hoping for something that's impossible,” Roxie finally said. “I'll dig a hole and just live there for life. There's nothing else.”

“A water source and a food source. You need those things beside you,” Hero disagreed. He bounded over a fallen tree. “Just ahead I saw a river. That would be your best bet.”

Once they reached the river, Hero looked around. “Fruit from trees. It should all be safe.” He pawed at the ground. “It will be lonely here, no one will be around. There may be some wolves who survived out here somewhere. Be careful.”

Roxie nodded. “You did what you could. I'm sorry that I overreacted to the buying. It's just that, who would want that to happen? I still hate you for it, but I would be dead right now if you didn't, wouldn't I?”

“Roxie. I need to tell you something.” Hero approached her side. “I . . .tried. I tried. I am the saver of everyone there, but I couldn't save you.”

“I know.”

“Food and water.” Hero looked around. “I could tunnel out a den for you?” Before she could answer his ears pricked up. He heard something.

Barely enough time to turn around, Hero found himself under attack from another wolf. Roxie yelled but Hero held his own. Slightly injured, he growled back at the other wolf. “Who are you?” The language between them Roxie couldn't understand.

“Who am I? Who are you?” The unknown wolf looked toward Hero. “There is no such thing as a white wolf. You're one of Danube's creations.”

Hero barked at the wolf viciously. “No one says that name!”

“Everyone says that name.” The other wolf began to circle Hero. “Every wolf alive knows that name.”

“How do you know of Danube?” Hero asked him. “He came to this world too, didn't he?”

“He? His whole family is corrupt. This domain is his favorite area, you are stupid for being out here.” The wolf glanced at Roxie, unable to take his eyes off her. “Beautiful. You've got to be an idiot to have a tigress out here.”

“Tigress?” Roxie edged slightly closer to the other wolf. She picked up the only word she understood. “Did he say tigress, Hero? Did he tell you what it really meant?”

“What is tigress?” Hero asked him.

“You are truly not from around here. A tigerwolf. By her colors, a strong match. Her father or mother must have been a pure tiger back in the day. Ooh, she'd be a hell of a mate.”

“She's not available for any old wolf,” Hero continued to growl.

“No doubt.” The wolf still looked at her anxiously.

“So there are wolves and tigers in this world?” Hero asked the wolf. “I don't seek trouble. I am seeking residence.”

“She can keep residence with me,” the wolf sneered at her. “I'll take good care of her.”

“What about Danube?” Hero asked, ignoring his request.

“My pack lives on the outskirts. I was only here for sentimental purposes. I used to reside here when I was just a cub. A reminder of a better time.” The wolf approached Roxie. “Come. You are welcome to my pack.”

“Hero?” Roxie looked at him again but she couldn't tell what he had been thinking. “Hero?”

“I was the one who decreed it couldn't be said. I never wanted to hear it again. No one knows it.” Hero looked toward Roxie, speaking their language again. “The mad doctor, Roxie. The one who created me and the projects. He is here.” He looked toward the other wolf and spoke in his language again. “Danube. He escaped fourteen years ago, didn't he?”

“Fourteen years ago? One of the sons disappeared, but we've been in a stalemate with the family for five years,” the wolf said. “This village was destroyed fourteen years ago. You know nothing about nothing, you are an obvious escaper. The tigress, she does not even speak the language. Who are you?”

“I am Hero, the white wolf. The girl beside me is Roxie.” Hero sat on his haunches. “You?”

“Rando.” The wolf looked at Hero oddly. “Where do you come from?”

“Nowhere you need to know. Let's keep it that way.” Hero glanced toward Roxie, changing his language back to hers. “Come on, we are moving past this area.”

Roxie was glad that they bounded off. Ending up with a wolf she didn't know for safety didn't suit her at all. She didn't know how desperate Hero would be to find her safety. “Where are we headed?”

“If he exists, so do others. There are more out there.”

Roxie just laid on the ground. “There is nothing more I need. You found a river stream and a fruit tree nearby. That's the best I can hope for, so just go.” He didn't leave though. “You aren't making this any easier. Go now before I do something I regret.”

“I . . .I can't.” Hero began to tunnel at the side of the cliff.

“I don't want you to make a den.” Roxie was at the verge of tears, but she was trying to stay strong. “Go already.”

“It's not just yours, it's ours.” Hero put all his anger into digging. “I am currently protecting a planet that refuses to protect my own pack. There are other wolves out there, and leaving you without survival skills will kill you. Until I feel you are ready, I'm not leaving, and that's not a request.” Hero stopped tunneling and moved toward the ground with her, almost nose to nose. “Someone like me, it's all I've ever wanted. Now that you've appeared they are going to whisk you away. Story of my life, I guess, but I won't let you die in the process. I'll teach you to fight. I'll help you hunt and we'll enjoy the kills together. With me, you can survive.”

Roxie moved her nose away. “The other world needs you.”

“It survived without me before. It will be tough, but it can cope while I'm gone. I've gotten rid of the nastiest projects within my first ten years there. Trust me. I know that I should be here.”

“But . . .the Danube's are here.” Roxie couldn't do it. “There is nothing to save here. The damage is done.”

“Maybe, maybe not. We've barely seen this world and it's in a stalemate. Other wolves have lived, we can too. Besides, I don't care if I never save anyone again . . .just you. I refuse to let an innocent die because of the so-called justice system.”

He would stay to teach her to survive. He was risking all the people he could have saved back home, for her. A part of her wanted to yell at him and tell him that was wrong, but another part (a stronger part that wanted to live) wished to shower him in kisses. She would survive. She would live. And for now she wouldn't be alone.

Hero didn't take long to hollow out a den big enough for them for the night. Roxie would have taken much longer, but Hero knew what he had been doing. Just as they settled down for the night it began to rain.

“Besides the civilization, it is much like Earth,” Roxie noted. She felt Hero close to her, keeping her warm. The rain dropped on the wilderness outside just like it would on Earth. It wasn't Earth though. There were no friends here, except Hero, and he would not be there forever. There was no schooling, and there would be no degree that would bring her into better employment. There wasn't even employment.

“We should move from this area and locate other wolves,” Hero suggested to her. “If there are people who have technology to hold Danube at bay, then they would want to live in comfort. The area around them must be safer.”

“Do you think there is actual civilization then?” The thought gave Roxie hope.

“Let's just move. We'll train on the move, it's the best way to teach anyhow.” Hero couldn't give her a straight answer.There was no way of knowing until they moved.


As days went by, Roxie became used to helping with the hunt. She was learning how to fight with her teeth and claws, and she had even learned how to switch forms. Unfortunately, her human form was no use to her right now. Her wolf form was made to wander through the wilderness. She would also need clothes or she'd be nude when she changed.

Roxie kept up her training, and was getting closer to being okay left alone. It wasn't something she wanted but Hero taught her everything he could. Even a dangerous position that would attack the throat of a real threat. He knew many ways to subdue an enemy, but wanted her to learn how to take them out quick and aggressively.

“Roxie, you are doing well.” Hero held a piece of fresh kill in his mouth. “The rarest of the rare and you are handling it as well as I.”

Handling it? She craved it. Pulling at the other end, they tore the dead animal apart. She laid on the ground, eagerly eating it. It was something large like a rabbit, but it resembled more of a mouse. She never knew the names of any of these creatures, all she knew was that they tasted scrumptious. She didn't throw out the question of him leaving yet though. Why ruin a perfectly good meal with him? Besides, she was hunting with him, and not alone. She could hunt alone but she wasn't as good at it yet. Yes, that's the reason she shouldn't bring up him leaving yet. He could stay awhile longer.

“I noticed something over the hill. Looks like something larger than a village.”

“A much larger village?”

His teeth shone to her, signifying a grin. “Bigger. Think city.”

The animal fell out of her mouth as she quickly got up. “Show me, I want to see.”

“After we eat. Something else out here might take our food.” Hero motioned her to get back down. She ate quickly, consumed with the desire to see. After they ate, Hero headed up the hill and pointed it out.

She knew why he had grinned and couldn't stop her own. It wasn't built with cement, but everything shined like blue lapis in the sun. It was enormous with large towers drifting toward the sky. The beings below were so small in the massive structure they looked like ants. She could barely make out the vehicles which were actually flying crafts. Flying!

This part of the world was even more advanced than what she thought was her own planet. “Oh, Hero. Look at it. It's amazing.”

“That's where you'll find your future, Roxie.” He nudged her muzzle. “Care to go down and take a peek?”

“Care to? I will race you, Hero!” They both laughed in excitement at the prospect of reaching the bottom. Roxie ducked through several branches, whirling through the rest of the woods, heading downward ever faster. When they reached the bottom of the hill, they had reached the city.

The roads were paved the same lapis blue the buildings had been except they didn't shine. If they had, everything would look like one magnificent jewel. They trotted carefully into it and found both forms inside. Human and wolves walked side by side down the streets. They didn't stick out anymore than anyone else, and no one cared about each other's form.

Roxie gestured to the signs above them floating in the air. “That sign there, Hero. What does it say?”

Hero looked toward it. “I can speak, but I can't read. I was too young. Even my speech isn't perfect.” He took a step forward. “I would say it's advertising though.”

“I know. This is it, this is a city.” Her wildest dreams come true. “Would they have jobs? I wonder if I can get one.”

“Not so fast.” Hero trotted up toward a small vendor selling already skinned fresh kill. “Sir?”

“Morning,” he said. “Care to try a little of Quick Kill? No fuss and no muss for skinning creatures. Ten delightful animal treats, including the hard to skin wakonzo bird. Great for those busy times when you just have to eat and run.”

“Not just now, I have questions,” Hero said but the seller was going to be tough to say no to.

“Just a quick sample of the wakonzo bird. Takes fifteen minutes to prep for family meals, no time at all here.” The seller held up a small piece of meat. “Even sliced into the size of tangingo fruit so you can enjoy them at the same time. Great flavor combination.”

“We are new to the city,” Hero said, butting his way in. “Could you tell us about it?”

“What is a city? What are you, wild walkers?” The seller held out the wakonzo bird. “This is the only place non-wild walkers live. Which is practically everyone! Once you come, you'll never leave. Now, sample some wakonzo bird, I insist.”

“I don't have money,” Hero said knowing that would probably make him shut up. “How do you get jobs here? Uh, what do you do so you can buy food and shelter?”

“Dang, you are some wild walkers alright.” The seller put the wakonzo bird back down. “You visit Shazoo, place your skills down, and wait to be assigned.”

“Where is Shazoo?” Hero asked him.

“You are kidding me.” The seller groaned. “Shazoo is everywhere! Big sign, big logo with the green checkmark and a swirl at the top of it? Go into any Shazoo and they'll place you. Next!” He yelled, trying to get Hero out of the way since there was no profit coming from him.

Hero moved away and stood by Roxie's side. “We need to find a place with a certain logo. They'll help you find a job, and . . .you're done.” He tried to smile. “I guess, this is it. You've found a home, Roxie.”

“By the Shazoo's might!” a human yelled as they neared Roxie. She took a step back in surprise. “You are one sharp tigress.” He pulled out a card but Roxie looked at it in confusion. “Have you considered a modeling career? There are not many tigress around, and the ones that are do not have that pure tiger color in them anymore.”

Roxie looked back at Hero.

“He's offering you a job. It looks like we don't have to find Shazoo.” Hero looked toward the man. “I can't read in your language and she can't understand the language. You'll have to be more clear.”

“Oh, wild walkers? That explains what she is doing on the streets without some personal bodyguard escort.” He waved his hand to Hero. “No offense, friend, I mean official. Uniforms, right to kill anyone who approaches, the usual guard. Anyhow, we will work on language skills. Small price to pay.”

“Why?” Hero asked. “Why are her colors such a big deal?”

“Well, tigers, sir.” He gestured toward Roxie's body. “Tigers were wiped off the map, they no longer exist. Only a small amount of the cross breeding kin remain, and their coats are absolutely stunning. Her coat, was her father a full-fledged tiger?”

“I don't know,” Hero admitted. “She knows nothing about her real family.”

“Oh. Well, you are lucky to be here then. Cubs run off all the time in the wild, absolutely necessary to get DNA info on everyone. I will help you locate your family tree.” He rubbed his hands together. “If he was, you are looking at a whole lot of money. Even if he isn't quite full blood, that coat alone will bring in big money. Isn't that excitng? Oh yes, you don't speak the language.” He looked back at Hero. “You could definitely get a job too as her translator. Reading once you speak it won't be too hard to learn.”

A job? “I . . .”

“She needs a translator, and wild walkers form all kinds of different languages out there. Some in packs and others trot in, not even knowing how to talk. She will need someone to help her translate to survive out here no matter what.” He petted Hero. “Worshipping thanks to you if you do this.”

Hero felt that gesture when he was younger. It did not have the same meaning on his planet, it was a sign of respect.

Besides the translator, Roxie had been taken care of. He could assign anyone out there in his world the job of being her translator. He didn't need to stay. He shouldn't stay. There was no need for him.

He did his duty and he had to leave. “There are more that know the language. I will find another when it's my time.” He looked toward Roxie. “He will help you find your family, and he will help you get started in this new world. I don't need to stick around for much longer, Roxie.”

Roxie nodded. “I can't speak their language.”

“I will find someone to come here on my behalf to translate for you. I-I've left my world for so long already, I know I'm going to hear it from Bose like crazy.” Hero rubbed her nuzzle. “I . . . I am going to miss you, Roxie.”

“I am going to miss you too. I understand though, and thank you so much for staying.” Roxie felt herself tearing up. “You taught me so much, and did so much for me. I can never thank you enough.” She looked toward the odd man. “Are you sure he is safe?”

“Not entirely, but I will stay long enough to make sure you have the essentials before I leave.” Hero nodded at the man. “I am her escort for the time being.”

“Great!” He winked at Hero. “Such a lovely coat. Wish mine were half as nice, mine's only a dull grey. Your white coat too, that's interesting. Superior Dye. White's only seasonal though and we want pure models, no fakes. Tigress is often faked but costs so much. A pure tigress, that is money. Let's take you to Shazoo for testing.”

“They test at Shazoo too?” Hero had to ask. “Isn't that where you get a job?”

The man laughed. “I love wild walkers. Shazoo is several things. Getting a job, developing animated photos, stores, etc. It's the Shazoo corporation. Come on, even wild walkers know about Shazoo? They are keeping the Danube's at bay so they can make a killing down here.”

“Wait.” Wait. “These so-called heroes that have fended off the Danube's are actually . . .marketers?”

“Advertisers, diggers, whatever you want to term them.”

Hero glanced at Roxie, then back at the man. Marketers. They are only keeping the Danube at bay for profit. They weren't heroes at all. What would happen if the market dried up and they left? What would happen when they got their fill? “How does finding jobs profit them?”

“They take twenty percent of everything,” he answered.

“What about as a whole? Taxes?” Hero guessed. “Something extra for the community?”

“Everyone buys with their own money.”


“Become wild walkers.”

“Hero?” Roxie asked him. “What's wrong? What are you talking about?”

The Shazoo's, whoever they had been, were only in it for themselves. They weren't defending the planet because it was right, and they could leave at any time if they wanted. A market crash and they would be gone. “The Shazoo could only be temporary.”

“Everyone knows that.” The man sighed. “Enjoy it while it lasts, we survived without them too. Now I am not paid for history teaching, I am here to discuss business. Follow me to Shazoo.”

“What about threats other than Danube?” Hero asked as the three of them walked. “Shoplifters? Men hurting women? Crime?”

“All on your own head. No, uh, let's focus on the positives, right? Roxie, that is her name, right? Well, she is going to be able to afford her own guards. Anyone messes with her and they will rip out their throat. No fuss, no muss, qualified professionals with licenses to kill and maim. No worries.”

No worries? Kill and maim to protect? Hero tried to hide his growl as he witnessed a wolf shoving someone aside. While they yelled, a human pickpocketed them. The streets must have been rampant with crime. There was no law. This looked like a city, but looks were deceiving. There was no law. He watched the streets as they made their way to Shazoo's. In that time he saw ten crimes committed before him.

He stood at the window, watching subtle crimes and big crimes while he waited for Roxie's family results.

“Here it is,” the woman behind the counter said. It was a single flat sheet of paper with the results.

Roxie looked at the results. “I can't read.”

Neither could he. Hero gestured to the man who wanted to hire Roxie. While they waited, he found out his name is Renaldo, and that he got fifteen percent of the money so her best interests had been his best interests “What about this?”

“Oh yes, reading.” He looked at the paper. “Brother was Forma, deceased. Sister was Tabla, deceased. Sister Winda, deceased. Her mother was Wandesha, deceased. Her father was Booth and . . .yes!” he exclaimed. “Full-fledged tiger. Of course deceased. I have hit the jackpot. I mean, that Roxie has hit the jackpot.”

“Your father was a full fledged tiger,” Hero said to Roxie. “His name was Booth.” Booth. That was the name that boy, Apocalypse Sun, had used. Your mother was named Wandesha. You had brothers and sisters, but no one survived.”

“Like my Aunt thought,” Roxie said to Hero. “They were all gone, but it's a new beginning.” She shrugged. “Sounds like it'll be nice.”

“Kind of a celebrity status. Couldn't have hoped for more.” Hero looked toward the window again. “If this is what you want. Or do you want to be a wild walker? Live out there in the wild, it may be better. This world has no real law. You will have to hire people to kill others who come too near. Even innocent people could be hurt.”

“I know.” Roxie looked outside. “It's a city, and it's what I'm more used to. I don't mind the wild, but Hero. I want to do more than survive. I want to live.”

“I know.” Hero kept staring at the crime as he looked back at Roxie. “It's the same though, in the end, only filled with humans and wolves.”

“I know.”

Roxie signed the contract and even got some money upfront, placing some of it in a banking system similar to his world's. She even had enough to find a temporary home for rent, and after looking more would find an even better domicile. She could even have a split home that was for wolves and humans.

She was set, and Hero knew it was time to go. It had been past time to go, but he couldn't leave.

He had bonded closely with Roxie. In his world, there was no women that would ever compare to her. He never even liked anyone until he met her. That wild side, he needed that. Her smile, her laugh, the way her teeth tore at fresh kill. It was all beautiful.

He had his world to save though, he couldn't be gone forever. He had been gone long enough that he knew there would be grave consequences. His perfect hero image would be lost and people would most likely hate and not trust him for a time. Even though it was not his job. He didn't get paid to be a hero, he was just one because he knew nothing else. He never wanted anything else.

People needed help though, and like every movie featuring a hero, he knew the way it had to be. The hero got the girl but only for so long. He always had to go back to saving the world. He never got true happiness.

“Roxie?” He nuzzled her back softly. “I need to go. I will point the translator to you. Until then, Renaldo, the grey wolf you have been dealing with will watch over you. I will get there and back as soon as I can.”

“You'll come back one more time?” Roxie asked him.

“No, I'll just point you out. I'll have him come to the city and I'll point your rental out.”

“Why can't you come back?”

“Because I just can't.” Hero closed his eyes. He had grown so close to her that every second more was becoming torture. “Goodbye, Roxie.” He didn't wait for her goodbye as he ran down the blue street.

Hero ran through the city, watching the advertising on the flying mobiles. The same faces appeared over and over. Those must have been the Shazoo's. He had to concentrate and make it back to the dimension portal. Someone needed to watch after Roxie, and it couldn't be him. He had a city to―

“Help! Somebody, please help!”

Hero's ears pricked up at the sound of someone in trouble. He took another direction and saw a wolf bleeding on the sidewalk. At his side a human woman held him tight as other wolves pulled at her purse. On the other side another man was pulling at the woman, trying to make her let go.

Hero bounded toward them, snarling. “Get away from her or you'll tangle with me!”

The wolves and human both laughed at him. They didn't know him at all.

They were about to.


“Thank you, oh thank you so much!” The woman patted Hero over and over again as the man received treatment from a healer. “Without you my mate would be dead right now. I would not be any better off.”

“It's okay.” Hero watched as the wolf getting treated was taken away. He'd be okay, but he would have died if Hero hadn't have been there.

“You were so swift and fast, the fastest wolf I have ever seen,” she commented. “No one moves like that. Your coat is pure white too. Have you dyed it for show?”

“No, I don't dye my fur,” Hero insisted. What an odd thought.

“Well whoever you are, thank you. Thank you so much.” She patted his head once more. “You are a real hero.”

A hero. Hero watched as they went away and at the crowd gathering around him. Wolves and humans alike were in awe around him. Even among these wolves, he was still a superior fighter. Project or the original thing, he could defend others. In fact, projects were much stronger than those other wolves.

Hero dashed back to Roxie. He even leaped over a seller's umbrella to get there. Faster! He had to tell her.


Roxie turned around and saw Hero heading straight to her again. “Hero?”

“I am staying!” He stopped just in time to not run her over. “I don't need to guard a world that doesn't understand me. I don't need a world that won't accept your innocence. I will always have a place in my heart for my home world, but it's over. A new world needs me now.” He gestured around him. “This world needs me too.”

“Are you sure?” Roxie asked. “You'd give up your world for this one? You'd be starting all over again.”

“This one or the other, I don't care. I don't need fame or the fortune. But here? This is where you are. You are all I've needed, Roxie. Don't . . . you understand that yet?”

“ . . .I.” Oh come on. They had spent so much time together. She was as upset about him leaving as he had been. Even if he waited for her goodbye, it wouldn't come without tears. She wanted him to stay. No one else. He kept trying to leave, but he stayed. She didn't stop that and didn't intend to. She wanted him to go on making excuses forever and she would let him. Now, there was no more excuses. He was staying. “I want you to stay with me.”

“With you?” he asked. “I am staying no matter what, but do you mean―?”

“With me.” Roxie rubbed her muzzle against his and carressed his side. “With me. I . . . I love you, Hero.”

Hero accepted her carresses back. Even though they had a rocky start out of hell itself, they made it where they needed to be.

With each other.


Two Years Later . . .

“Hero.” His wife's eyes were filled with love as she stared at their bedspread covered with a fresh kill.

“I didn't even skin it without you, Roxie,” he insisted.

“What's with all the romance today?” Roxie changed her shape from human to wolf as she jumped on their bed.

“Nothing. Just a reminder of how much I used to be an idiot.” He grabbed part of the catch.

“Careful,” she teased him. “You'll have to split that for three soon.”

“Three?” Hero groaned as he chewed at the skin slowly, trying his best to keep the most meat on it. “You didn't invite someone for dinner, did you?”

“Not exactly. Booth is coming.”

“Your dad?” Hero was confused. “Records show that he's deceased.”

“No. I thought it would be fitting since I don't remember anything about my parents, that I could honor them with our son's name.”

The kill fell out of Hero's mouth. “You mean?” Hero looked toward her wolfish stomach, noticing it looked slightly larger. He leaped over the kill and nestled her side. “Our pack is growing. I love you, Roxie.”

“I love you.” She nestled him back. Hearing the howls outside, they knew it was midnight. They both trotted to their window and sat on the sill, joining in.

Every wolf howled at the moon in one glorious moment. Millions of howls filled the sky, along with the love and excitement of two brand new parents.

All for the moon on that special night. Every wolf had something to howl for. To relieve frustration. To express joy. To mourn a loved one. Everyone always had something. Hero and Roxie howled extra loud in hopes that soon another small howl would be joining that night sky.