MC NK Deal Complete

Abbreviation keys:

MC: Main Characters (Apocalypse Sun and Moon)

NK-Nightmare King's Dimension

DW-Dark Water

WM-Wonderland Mafia

“I can't forget. If I do, then I can't warn people right.” Dominic finally spoke. It had been hours as he decided what to do. No one noticed him, not even Sera's sister who had come into the room twice. It was like he was invisible to the world and unable to penetrate it.

“You'll know.” Boogeyman's voice echoed from below. “I am only taking Dominic's memories, not your time in other dimensions.”

“I wouldn't remember Cheryl.”

“No. I am taking every memory that you personally cherish.”

“Why? What possible reason could you want it all for?”

Boogeyman did not answer.

Dominic chewed on his nail. “I still have a chance to go home.”

“You know that's a lie. That is only lean hope that will never come.”

“I won't. I can't.” Dominic laid his head down. “Cheryl and Guyver.”

“Will have a life without you. You only have one purpose.”

“For how long?” Dominic questioned. “I will never agree to forever.”

“Hmm. You are an aged child, almost out of my jurisdiction. It would be next to impossible to ever get them back.”

“How long?” Dominic asked again. “I want a chance to have them back.”

“Are you wanting a compromise?”

“Yes!” Dominic shouted. “I will never give them up forever. I would rather die in the apocalypse than lose my memories.” He wiped his eyes. “It's all I have.”

“Fine, Apocalypse Sun. When you turn nineteen, if you find a way back to my dark dimension, I will give them back. I have less need of them when you are a man. Oh, but children's memories? Every time they whimper in bed, I drain a little from them each night. Haven't you ever wondered why the average kid can't remember being two? Three? Have few memories at five? The younger, the better.”

“You want to drain all my memories for one big feast.”

“I won't have to scare for months on end as I savor your forgotten memories.”

Dominic closed his eyes. “You will give them back when I am nineteen?”

“I savor children's memories. They won't be anything to enjoy by that time, even memory power has an expiration date. I would have no need of them.”

There was no guarantee the Boogeyman would keep his word. Dominic didn't even know how he would find this dimension again. And nineteen? He only turned thirteen some . . .well, he couldn't even keep track of days as easy anymore. Time seemed to blend together but nineteen would still have to feel so long. “I want it in writing.”

“Easily done.”

Beside Dominic a paper sprouted up along with a needle.

“Prick and sign.”

“A blood contract?”

“Devilish. Just my style.”

Dominic didn't grab the needle before reading the contract. “Nineteen. You promise to tell me my choice when I get older. My choice?”

“You may want to forget it. At that age, the way back won't be kind. I don't want men down here, so do you think I'd yank you down?”

“So my life might be in danger.”

“Or those you are with.”

Dominic shook his head. “I won't be with anyone. I'm alone. Forever.”

“Maybe, maybe not.”

Dominic looked at the paper. He always had to leave right away, how would he ever have a chance to have someone else with him? He continued to read. “If I get stuck, you'll bail me out? We didn't agree on that.”

“I want more than a decade of memories but I have some heart. I am not completely unreasonable, and I believe it will be harder for me to spook children if the apocalypse happens . So, until you turn sixteen, I will let you use the dream pathway. After that, forget it. Your smell will reak to me.”

“Then why not just help?” Dominic saw a slight way out. “You don't want the apocalypse to happen either.”

“I live in dreams. Human, animals, and even the undead. Everyone dreams. Make the deal or not, I can live with an apocalypse.”

Boogeyman wasn't going to give in. Dominic looked at the paper. A backup for help. He'd be able to continue on his journey. He would know that he could come back to fetch his memories although it wouldn't be easy.

Dominic pricked his finger and watched his blood trickle down on the contract.

He looked at the paper in front of him. “What is that?” He looked at his finger. It was bleeding.


“Apocalypse Sun, the deal is complete.”

“Apocalypse Sun?” He looked all around him. “Who said that?” Was someone talking to him? He didn't know. He didn't remember his name. “Who are you?”

That brief question was unanswered as he felt himself falling into a deep black hole.

“Keep the contract. Have fun, Apocalypse Sun.”

Apocalypse Sun. It was a strange name, but it must be his. He landed with a thud on the ground. “Who's there? Where am I?”

“You will slowly gain experience. Don't expect to get the point across the first time you see them. Dreams or nightmares, people try to disprove their worth. It will not help that your novice ability will not even allow you to talk.”

“What do you mean? Dreams? Talk?” He looked around himself. “My name's Apocalypse Sun, I get that, but who am I?”

“The messenger of the apocalypse. You'll remember as you meet the lovers. Now, go. I wish to be alone with my new rewards.”

New rewards? What new rewards? Apocalypse Sun felt himself being shoved backward by a powerful force. He headed downward again.

“Are you okay, mortal?”

A voice greeted him. Strange. For a moment he seemed to enjoy the physical pain on his head. Almost like he hadn't felt real pain for some time. He rubbed his head and looked up at the voice that had spoken.

He looked up and noticed a small amount of light shining down on him. Another person around his height was dressed in a light blue cloak, coming toward him. Their face was obscured by a hoodie.

“He got you too?”

The voice was strict, but higher. Possibly a girl. He accepted the hand as they pulled him up. “Who are you?” he asked.

“I have never been designated a name, only a position. Often times I am confused and called Apocalypse Sun.” They looked toward him and lowered their hoodie. Long black hair cascaded out of it. “I am the Apocalypse Moon.”

Apocalypse Sun blinked. She had a strange similar name, maybe she knew something about him? “Do you know who I am? I don't remember who I am.”

“You are in the Nightmare King's dimension. A.K.A. The Boogeyman, but they'll grind your bones into dust if you call them that.” She crossed her arms. “Usually I fade away after a few moments from talking to someone. I never receive any time to give detailed explanations.” She looked toward him. Her lips tugged upward. “Pleased to meet you.”

Apocalypse Sun nodded, fighting the urge to smile as he saw hers. Whoever he had been, he wasn't alone anymore. “I have a deep feeling we were on a similar path. Nightmare King called me Apocalypse Sun, so I think that's me.” He rubbed his shoulder. “So, what are you doing here, Apocalypse Moon?”

“I told Nightmare King about his fate, and the bleeding heart didn't care to hear it, so he threw me in this black pit of nothingness,” she said. “Some people take the fact they have a star-crossed love hard.” Her eyes looked above him and followed a piece of paper that fell to the ground. “Yours?”

Apocalypse Sun stared at the paper and picked it up “It's a contract.”

Apocalypse Moon looked at the paper next to him. “You made a deal with the Nightmare King it seems.” She touched the contract. “Terrible idea, inferior power to others. You are lucky. He took nothing important though, only memories.”

“Not important?” Apocalypse Sun looked at her like she had grown another head. “I don't know who I am. How is that not important?”

“You're not just a mere mortal, you are a messenger. You were chosen to be the seer of the apocalypse. You warn the destined lovers, while I warn the star-crossed. There is no family or friends, those are for normal people. So what truly can you be missing?” She shrugged.

Lovers? “Lovers? That's a weird word.”

“Partner. Boyfriend. Girlfriend. Ladylove. Boytoy. Whatever word you wish to use, it means lovers. A romantic relationship between two entities.”

“Okay, fine, I help lovers,” Apocalypse Sun said with some disdain. “Why am I labeled with Sun and you are Moon?”

She almost glared at him. “No matter what you change your name to, you will always have Apocalypse in front of it. No matter who you are though, our tasks are still opposite. We are always opposites.”

Fine, Apocalypse Sun for now. “Okay, then what am I supposed to do?”