Abbreviation Keys:
MC- Main Character.
NK- Nightmare King's Dimension.
WM- Wonderland Mafia
DW: Dark Water
That question only seemed to annoy her. “You have an inherent sense, no matter what happens, to warn the ones who need to be warned. You don't need memories to do that.” Apocalypse Moon touched her cheek thoughtfully with her pointing finger. "It's not like our lives are worth remembering. We are raised to be obedient and to study the dimension gaps and different ways of travel.” She gestured to her head. “All the hours of studying and training will always be up here.”
“Mothers and fathers though?” Apocalypse Sun asked her. “Brothers and sisters?”
“They are of no matter. Your normal life was probably sacrificed to become the other seer too.”
Was it the same for him? Did he really not have someone out there who cared for him? “Then, maybe we should stick together?”
This time, she seemed slightly shocked by his words, instead of annoyed. She folded her arms. “That's impossible. You have a task and you must do it. The first Apocalypse Messenger warns the destined lovers of other dimensions. That's you. The second Apocalypse Messenger warns the star-crossed lovers of the same dimensions. That's me. While some create those who stop it, the others create what can start it.” She turned her head away. “I should not be so conversational with you, we are not meant to even cross paths.”
All of it sounded like gibberish. Star-crossed? Destiny? “Why the names Sun and Moon though?”
“Because.” She glanced at him with one eye strangely closed. “You chose first.”
“You arrived to your duty first.” She leaned slightly, putting her hand on her hip. “I am Apocalypse Moon because you arrived first.”
Oh. Everything was still so bizarre, this just didn't feel right. She also seemed like she was angry at him right then. “But. I don't know what I should do.”
“Follow your instincts.” She looked above her at nothing. “Nightmare King, you must face facts! It has been foretold. Keeping me here will not make things easier. Eventually I will be released.”
“Nothing . . . can prevent me from seeing her,” a voice said from the shadows. “I know that nothing is possible, but I will continue to see her,” he said firmly.
“Such an annoyance,” she muttered. “Let me go, and I will still let you have the barren serum. You can have your love without fear of consequences.”
“No. Figure it out yourself.”
“That Nightmare King.” Apocalypse Moon looked toward Apocalypse Sun. “Someone like you shouldn't have been down here. You have the light, easy duties.” A certain amount of sting was held in her voice. “He must have thrown you down for a reason. According to the contract, he is even willing to help you. That means you must know a way out of here.”
“Dreams,” the voice said far above them. “When they sleep. If you want out, you miserable cur, you must follow him.”
She turned back to look toward Apocalypse Sun. “Fine, for the moment only, we shall travel together. What do you remember of dream walking?”
“Dream walking?” He didn't remember anything at all. Even though he didn't want to be alone, he wished for some better company. “I remember nothing about dream walking.”
“Some inner instinct about what you have studied?” She asked while he shook his head. “Seriously? How can you not even know something that simple?” Apocalypse Moon began to walk away.
For a moment, he thought she'd leave him behind but then she called back to him. “Come with me, Forgetful Sun. It will not be as easy as you imagine.”
Great, now he was Forgetful Sun? “I thought it had to have Apocalypse in the front of it.”
“Good memory,” she sneered. “Come with me, Apocalypse Forgetful Sun.”
Why even try with her? If only he had his memories. These were not normal names, normal places, or normal situations. He didn't belong there.
He had to follow the one who did belong there. He tried to keep up as she navigated the thick darkness around them.
Childish. Ridiculous. Not to mention, utterly . . . well, there was no other word for it. Stupid. She was roaming around with the Apocalypse Sun. If her mentor knew of this happening, he would make mincemeat of her.
They were never supposed to be together in their travels, they were each other's nemesis. While not every lover was the same, sometimes those they had to warn encompassed the same area. Sometimes, it was even involving similar families. There had been more than once that a parent of a star-crossed, had been the destined lover. When such a thing occurred?
Nothing happened unless the two Apocalypse Messengers were near each other. A vexing problem she was now forced to deal with until she found her own way out. Hopefully this particular Apocalypse Sun was still new and simply hit his head. If he had been out there and was undoing her work with her there?
It would start with a simple cut, one that no one felt. Then it would get stronger until death finally fell upon the defeated, and a new Apocalypse Messenger would be chosen to take their place.
They were counterparts. It was the deities way to make sure that things stayed that way. One could not perform their duty with something like 'friendship' in the way. No. Sworn enemies.
However, this so-called 'Sun' was a clutz. He just tripped in the darkness, not knowing to feel around more in front of-!
Okay, so she just tripped in the darkness too, it happened. “Temporary,” she said more for herself than him. This was only a temporary alliance. Even though he was her enemy, he was still needed as well to serve his role.
“Will it always be like this?” he asked from the darkness. “I mean, is this how we are supposed to live? You said I warn destined lovers when I would see them. Is that all I do? What about food?”
Ugh. “Food is a simple matter. You eat once every year. An apple will be sufficient.” Did his dimension really not have a backup plan for him? Inferior. Nothing like hers.
“Did you learn that on your own, or did someone teach you?” he asked.
“Ugh. You converse too much,” she complained. “My dimension has research.” Yes, from other Apocalypse Messengers. Not every one returned, being a messenger was not always an easy job. The ones that did always had new information to contribute.
“I wonder if my world had that too,” he said, not really adding to the conversation. Which didn't matter, one way or the other. “I am from a different place though, raised to be here, and to send a message to some lovers?”
The way he phrased it, honestly. She couldn't see in the dark well, but she stopped and still casted a glare in the direction he had been. Which, she realized now wasn't smart with this simpleton.
“Oh, sorry.” He had crashed into her foot, stepping on the back of it. “I didn't mean to do that. I didn't know you stopped.”
“I stopped because that wasn't the right way to phrase your duty,” she remarked. “Does this sound like a one day journey? A happy journey? No. Your name is Apocalypse Sun. The point of this whole thing is in your name. If you screw up, then you will send the dimension that you screwed up into hell.” There.
“You mean if I don't give some message that I don't even understand, to people that I never even met, I could end a whole world?” he asked.
“No, you could end a whole dimension,” she corrected him. “Not only that, but you have to keep a perfect score as possible. If you screw up too often, you'll trigger a massive wiping. As in the end of everything in creation itself.” Was she done with explaining now?
“I don't even understand,” he muttered. “How can something so big be for love? It sounds like a fairytale.”
People. She appreciated her people. She kept quiet for her people, because they understood all of this. The importance. She did not want to give her nemesis anymore help, but by the gods, he would screw up all of creation if he didn't get it together. “Listen. Though I see not how in the world some inferior-minded being was chosen for this honor, if I leave you to your own devices, you'll screw up something big that may affect me.”
She reasoned it out herself. She had to help, or it would end up affecting her own duties.