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Anthea walked the street, enjoying what she knew could be the last sandwich for awhile. Three days without food. As she took her last bite, she heard the town buzzing and yelling.
“No one drink the water. No one eat anything. Meet up at the market’s corner, ASAP!”
She followed the crowd, knowing it was the way to the town’s groceries. She was trapped in the back of the commotion, but she heard Dumas’ voice.
“No one, in the next seventy two hours should eat or drink anything that comes from your sinks. Do not make anything with water. No food of any kind. Do not take a shower, and do not brush your teeth. If you suspect water is involved, throw it out. Take no chances. Do not water any pets.”
Anthea tiptoed, trying to peer through the heavy set woman’s arms in front. It was Dumas alright, commanding at the front of the store.