NK MC WM Almost Messed Up

“You saved them.” Dominic looked toward the murky shadows ahead. “Thanks.”

“It wasn't my choice.”

Nightmare King was always like that. No matter who Dominic helped, he would intrude and do

something if needed. He was big and scary, definitely a brute. He wouldn't give Dominic

his memories back no matter what. The little leverage he could have gained he had used

to get Apocalypse Moon out.

Vanessa. Odd, yet sad. She kept the whole universe on her shoulders like him, but

she was raised with it on theirs since birth. He had a feeling from the way he responded to

her that he wasn't raised the same way. He must have a family somewhere. “What about

Stephanie and Tumbla?”

“I don't bring people back from the dead.”

Of course he knew that. The boogeyman had more than just the memories he didn't

know. He was often inside Dominic's mind so much, it was like he heard or knew the

same thing he did. It wasn't a connection he cherished. It made him feel even more alone.