Dominic kicked an invisible rock on the floor. He missed his friend Vanessa more than he thought he would. Living inside the dark abyss of the Nightmare King wasn’t easy. There was never any real source of light. There was nothing to occupy his time. If he didn’t stay strong, he could go crazy inside of it.
Vanessa was the only other person out there like him. Although his opposite, she dealt with the same kind of problems. Except, that she remembered her world. It wasn’t friendly or good to her from the way she acted, but she could remember it.
Dominic looked above him, looking for any stray light to concentrate. He didn’t have any of those comforts in the darkness. All he had was his real name, only given to him by the sheer tenacity of Vanessa. There were no visions of family. No memories to keep him company.
The only memories he had were his days with Vanessa. “She always said her people would hate to give her a real name, but she liked it. I know she did.” He smiled.