Cloudie rubbed the back of her neck as she walked home. Work was killer, but Margerite and her ‘destiny man’ took off early for a dinner date. Walking home she saw more than one couple walking the streets. It was the way of Valentine City though, no big thing.
“Walking alone?”
Cloudie turned and saw a man leaning against a fence. He had a hat on his head, covering part of his face. He lifted it and winked toward her.
“Gorgeous wings like that don’t deserve to walk home alone,” he said as he straightened himself up.
Of all the nerve! “I am a lady, not just a set of gorgeous wings.”
“I wasn’t just staring at your wings.”
“The breasts are perky too.”
“Well, you are not seeing them.” She turned around, ready to walk off.
“Cloudie Skye, that’s an unusual name.”
She stopped. “I never gave you my name.”
“I know, but it’s unusual.” He slid around in front of her and held his hand out. “Cupid.”