The Beginning


A green, lush forest as vast as the sea slowly has snow falling onto it, casting it white. However, the snow is unable to completely encase it as a bright shape is seen in the white forest.

The vibrant silhouette within the forest revealed a quaint village, where parents and children gracefully enter into their homes. As darkness blanketed the village, the moon cast its glow. Every light extinguished, except for a solitary building that continued to illuminate the night.





"urrhh…WAh! WAH! WaHH!"

"WOOHHOFFF! Look at ya little fella, crying the moment your born, atleast I don't have to spank ya".

"Here Vana, take this little munchkin of yours".

"Huuhf..huh…thank you Nanny, without you… I might not have gotten to see my precious little baby, look Vira, our little child, he has your eyes".

"Hooo…and he seems to have your looks. Look at ya little buddy, looking good right from birth! HAHA!"

The two gleeful lovers attempt to caress and amuse the crying baby in hopes of calming its cry. However, the cries only stop after being snuggled into its mothers warm embrace.

"Alright alright both of y'all, I'll have to cut his cord now, get ready and go to sleep, it's getting dark".

The bright lamps turn off and everything becomes quiet.


"Hmm…so Vira and Vana have born a child"

"Yes, Clan Leader!"

"Alright…go on your way…and here, take the gold you, have done a good job".

"Thank you! Great Lord!, I shall take my lead!"


"Hmm…. should visit them tomorrow morning? I have all this paperwork due tomorrow…Candra! Yamos! Come and fill in my duties for abit, I am visiting Viras child tomorrow."

"Yes sir! Do tell Lord Vira and Lady Vana our congratulations"

"Alright. I'll be going somewhere real quick, I can't go empty handed can I. Also make sure to sleep, don't let the paperwork eat your rest".


"Hmmm…! What should I bring as a gift? An artifact? Cultivation pills? Weapon? Aaha! I know!"

In the Rocky Mountains, a giant figure, 20 meters long, could be seen with scaly skin and two pairs of wings. Its eyes were asleep and loud puffs of air gushed out of its nose. However, its sleep was interrupted when a figure approached. The dragon could feel the pressure emanating from the human individual—It was…the Strongest thing it had ever felt.

Before the dragon could move, it was sliced into two.

"I'll have to refine the dragons blood into something usable for a newborn. Well unto my next stop, Thunder Mountain."


Thunder Mountain, a colossal peak spanning over 5,000 miles in width, with its highest point reaching 2,000 miles. Its name derives from its perpetual stormy weather. Day and night, thunder relentlessly strikes the mountain, shaping its color into a distinctive purple and blue hue from the constant onslaught.

The mountain has existed for well over 10,000 years, harboring many thunder beasts. To traverse the mountain, one must atleast be a peak Hero realm cultivator. Even then, there chances at survival is akin to the flip of a coin.

In the skies above Thunder Mountain, a figure zooms through, indifferent to the thunderous tumult. With a wingspan stretching as wide as 50 meters and a body exceeding over 30 meters in length, it is one of the mountain's sovereigns—the Purple Feathered Roc.

Awakening from its century-long slumber, it soars across the Purple Mountain, brimming with joy, letting out a jubilant caw caw before abruptly being split in two.

"Hmm…this will do, although it's the weakest of the Thunder Kings, it still does the job done. Next stop! Pacific Ocean!"





The Pacific Ocean, situated west of the Kandriya Continent, extends to depths well over 1,000 miles deep. The pressure intensifies and the diversity of creatures escalates, as one delves deeper into its vast expanse.

A colossal Sea dragon swims leisurely and contentedly through the ocean depths, crooning a tranquil melody as it indulges in its mea—SLICE!

Its head is cleanly cut before being sucked into a spatial ring.

"Well then, finally done! I'll have to refine this through the night".


-Next day-

Amidst the snow-covered village, a throng of people assemble near a grand mansion. It marked the day following the birth of Vira and Vana's baby—a momentous celebration for the esteemed Kura clan.

"Oooo! What a cutie! He's going to be a looker when he grows up!"

"What beautiful eyes! Diamonds cannot compare to such crystal eyes!"

"My blessings to the lords family! May your child be blessed by good fortune!"

"What name have you chosen for him!"

The whole of Kura clan, numbering over 10,000, had gathered to bestow gifts and blessings upon the newborn baby of Vira and Vana. The questions they asked would be answered by both of the parents.

"Ah! The name of our child is Jang! Jang Kura! HAHAHA!"










After the sunset, the large crowd started to leave.

"Fhooo..! I guess everything done eh! I wonder what to do with all this gifts",

Vira hysterically laughs.

"Come now, I haven't spoken my blessing yet, Lord Vira and Lady Vana". A handsome youth enters through the door. His face, reminiscent of jade, is strikingly handsome, as if sculpted by the goddess Nuwa herself. He garnered a black robe embroidered with red accessories, even through the clothes, his healthy body was perfection in every aspect — ideal height, vigorous shoulders, delicate waist, and robust long legs. Tied into a tail, his white parted hair cascades down to his back, and his eyes shimmer in shades of blue and silver. Upon closer inspection, one can discern the image of a silver True Dragon.

"Ahh! Gin! You came by!", Vira happily smiles. Vira signals the servants to leave and chats with Gin.

"How's it being the clan leader? Tough isn't it".

"Hmmm…yes it definitly is tough, but I can manage. Plus it's a joy to help the clan."


"HAAHAHA! I always new you were a wonderful kid! But you should enjoy yourself sometimes, don't be stuck in the building all the time. I haven't seen you since our last clan meeting and how long ago was that? 3 years!"

"Ahaha, I'll make sure to visit more often, I was just coming by to give my blessings to you two".

Gin touches a spatial ring embroidered with gold markings and retrieved multiple bags, each filled with clothing. He also unveils a magnificent baby crib, radiating with spiritual energy.

"I'v brought this in mind of your baby. The clothes should provide protection from heat, cold, and any dangers that may come his way. It's made out of the Purple Feathered Rocs feather, so it should be durable enough against any General realm cultivators. Oh! And also I'v made ones that could fit when he is abit older. The baby crib should be soft and nice for his body." Gin speaks with a increasingly bright smile.

"Ah…Gin, this is a lot, especially all the clothes…you didn't have to—"

"AH! I still have a bit more I want to give you, here this spatial ring should have magnificent bath water to help your child."

Vira and Vana carefully examine the contents of the spatial ring, only to be shocked by the materials they discover.

"Gin! This is…I can't believe you'd use Grand beasts as the material…this is too much…we can't possible accept such—"

"No no it's alright! This is my blessings to both of you, plus I would like something in return…", Gin shyly looks down.

"Hmm? What is it?", Vin and Vara confusingly stare at the red faced Gin.

"COU-Could I be his uncle?…"




"HUH?!", Vira and Vana stare at each other and look back to Gin at the same time.

"AHAHAH! Of course! We're basically brothers!"

"Of course! You can be his uncle!"

"Well uh…—thank you, I'll probably have to go now. Thank you so much for accepting the gift and my inquiry. Uh! Before I go whats my nephews name?"

"Jang Kura, that's his name", Vira smiles at Gin.

"Jang..Kura..thank you!"

Both Vira and Vana stare at Gin as he departs. They look at each other and stare towards all the gifts.

"Well…I guess we don't have to buy Jang anything for a while..haha…", Vana dumbfoundingly says.
