
The next day in the mystical Kura Village, snow had piled up to 4 inches! Truly an enormous size! The snow had covered the grass, streets and roofs of all the houses. All the structures were either partially or fully covered in snow.

The giant courtyard house of Vira and Vana were no different, snow had made the green lushful mansion a snowy fort. While winter was raining down, the two husband and wife were happily enjoying life with their newborn son when suddenly!


"Heuh!?" x2

"Wha..! Are babies supposed speak there first words this fast?", Vana asked her husband with a shocked expression.

"Uhhh…well.?? I guess so? HAHAHA! I can't believe my son is able to speak his first words so fast! He gets his genius from me definitly!! Come on my little son say paa~~paaaa~~~papaaa~~~…"

The baby stares at the monkey-like face and giggles! "Pa..pa."

"Oh my heart! I can't believe he actually said my name!!!!! What a wonderful son! Haha! Come here little Jang! I'll show you something cool for saying my name!". Vira grabs and holds Jang with care, while walking to the courtyard. The courtyard was spacious with a wall-like structure all around it. There were two trees in front of the gate, one situated to the left and the other on the right.

As Vira walked down a mini stair, Vana, with a worried expression, asked Vira to give Jang to her. "Don't do anything dangerous Vira! Or I won't make dinner for you!", Vana stares with a angry look while holding Jang in her arms. "Ahaha..don't worry darling, it's just a little technique".

As the wind blowed through the courtyard, Vira breathed in and out. A wild energy started to emanate out of his body as he took in a big breath, he motioned into a karate stance and, "Fhoooooo…", strikes out a heavy straight punch while breathing out! "BHOOM!" The punch made a heavy thunder noise and forced the air around the courtyard to move madly!

"Hooooo!..", Jang looked at the scene before him with a overjoyed expression.

"HAHAHAHA! Alright alright, that's all it for today little Jang! Lets go inside".

The day went by, as the two constantly taught the baby words. There smiles as vibrant as a thousand bright suns!

At the end of the first week, Jangs improved vocabulary had shocked his parents. The two were flustered by the learning capabilities of their child, because all the words they had taught were spoken! Although in a wobbly manner that indicated the babies immature vocal cords.

This repeated daily as they spent more time with Jang, occasionally teaching him the continents common language. They were star-struckin by Jangs ability to learn. He had learnt to create basic sentences at the end of the first month! Truly an unbelievable sight, as most babies only start to utter words after their first year. Even scholar geniuses in their first month of birth would be put to shame by Jangs literature skills at the age of 1 month. Not only that but Jang had begun to take his first steps! It was weird a sight seeing a tiny month old baby walking. Both the parents exquisitely smiled and took off to bed.

Slowly the darkness blanketed the village once more.


The morning chicken! In the land of Kendriya, the sound of a chicken usually meant the rise of a new day. The villagers of Kura rose and went to their daily work, farming, blacksmithing, opening up there shops, etc. but in a far off manor, happiness was vibrant as a rainbow in the sky.

"Awwwww!! Our little Jang is walkinggg… look at him so cutie piey~who's mamas~ genius boy~~". It had been about a month since Jangs birth, even so, he had already started to walk and speak sentences in a wobbly manner.

Vana tilts her head side to side happily, her eyes glowing with crescent light.

"Mama…I am hungry.."

"Alright little Jang, I'lll go make dinner. Make sure not to do anything dangerous".

"Yes mama!"

Little Jang slowly walked to his favorite room! The library. Although only a month old baby, Jang is able to read elementary books. He delightfully reads the vast amount of children's book.

1 hour later.

JANG! HONEY! Come eat.

Okay mama!

YWaaHHNN! Coming darling!

The three sat on a rectangular table, it was made of marble glass and inscribed with beautiful patterns; a beautiful starry sky could be seen in it. Vira and Vana sat facing eachother, with Jang sitting next to his mother. The food was steamy hot and a soft rice could be seen with a wonderfully seasoned meat and soup. On the side were multiple creamy meat, other delicacy's, and crystal clear water. Each bit were cooked using spiritual herbs and rich meat; it looked like food straight from heaven!

Contrary to the fiery heaven-like food his parents were eating, Jangs food was like the clouds; soft and lightly textured. He was eating rich softened rice and wonderfully made spiritual soup. Of course, on the side was a cup of milk brimmed with spiritual delicacies. Although only being a month old baby, Jang had started eating soft food. His body was developing at a quicker rate then most babies. His exponential physical growth was due to his unique physique, Perfect Yang Body, a physique sensitive to Yang energy. Cultivators born with a Yang physique are said to develop faster physically and possess divine strength.

Another factor that played into Jangs rapid bodily development was the spirit rich foods and the use of Pink Dragon Water, a magical water made from the refined blood of the Red Dragon and the Sea Dragon. The healthy properties of the blood were taken out and mixed with crystal clean water, turning it pink; gaining its name Pink Dragon Water. Pink Dragon Water is a extremely rare medicine amongst cultivators, it is able to strengthen and speed up the recovery of one's body.

All these factors put together had made Jangs terrifying physical growth!

"Mmmhm!…you always make the best food darling.".

"Best food!".

"Haha…thank you both", Vana smiles.

As the day gave way to night, Jang, a one-month-old, takes tentative steps towards his bed. Witnessing a tiny baby walking to his bed is an unusual sight, especially for Vina and Vira. However, having been continuously surprised by him, they have grown accustomed to the unexpected marvels of their son.

Time passed by slowly, the seasons changed from lifeless white to fresh green, till it crumbled back down to winter. It was the day of Jangs first birthday and unlike the previous celebration, the birthday was more peaceful with only a few guests.

-Jangs semi-narrative-

I was sitting on a small chair fit for my size, reminiscing about my life. It had been a long time since the moment I was born. They say in books that babies only gain consciousness around the time they turn one year old, however, I had clearly remembered every moment from inside my mother to present time.

In the beginning it was dark and sluggish, there was constant pressure being applied. Gradually the pressure became stronger and stronger, until I saw bright light hit the skin of my closed eyes.

At that time, I had no knowledge, skills, nor the ability to speak. All I could do was think—,even then, it was hard to have a thought process about what was in front of me. The two figures infront of me, my parents, were interesting to my past self. They would blabber on about my appearance, and the words "mama, papa". I didn't know why, but I had spoken those words to them when I was a baby. Maybe it was instincts, but it had satisfied my parents.

Slowly, I learned from seeing them, their teachings had given me enough knowledge to seek my own. I transferred from their teachings to studying books and learning from other sources, uncle Gin and nanny Ai.

It was a whole new world! From letters to words to sentences, all of it was a wonderful journey, however, it could not compare to the discovery I had learnt, I went through a metamorphosis, a wonderful feeling coarsed throughout my veins! Something people would call as "having an enlightenment"! I knew the place I had been born into was mystical, as I had discovered through my parents, but I had never expected see such interesting developements. There were drawings of unique looking creatures, each designed differently. Some as small as ants, some as big as a mountain, there were many! Such wonders I wish to—

"Ooooooo!!!How wonderful! Happy birthday little Jang! Aaahh! What a wonderful little genius, being able to talk so fluently and at such a young age!", an old-looking auntie zealously speaks at me. The old auntie had white-tipped black hair with an aging face, she was my mothers friend and the nanny who had helped my mother when she was giving birth to me. It was nanny Ai, and in my eyes she was a nice lady, she had a bright smile with an elderly tone.

Sometimes she would come over to teach me about the gigantic world, it was exciting to me! Especially, knowing that the world had mystical lizards with wings called DRAGONS! They were as big or even bigger than the house I lived in! How awesome would it be to ride and fly in one! Not only that, I also learned that there were people called, cultivators, who could shake the oceans with a single punch and destroy mountains with a pinky! Seeing my dad convey his techniques were cool and all, however, I dreamed of being able to fly into the sky and have these powers in the palm of my hands!

I have tried to obtain this mystical abilities or martial arts for myself, however, each time I was swatted away, being told it was too dangerous for a little child, who hadn't even turned one, to learn this. I was disappointed for the first time in my life, however, my ingenious mind had worked up a solution…BIRTHDAY! Yes! Genius plan!, use the birthday as a source of power over their minds. I shall gain the source of mystical abilities as my birthday gift!

As I sat there with a cheerful smile, uncle Gin had appeared. It was not a grand festival, there was only my parents, nanny Ai, her family and Uncle Gin. I took a glance at the cake before me, the cake had a base of 9 inches and a height of 5 inches, it was a wonderful white cake with blue cream along its edges. In my eyes it looked delicious! However, I had to focus on the most important task in front of me, gaining the mystical scriptures.

"AAHAAA! Gin, how have you been?", my dad had asked frivolously.

"I've been wonderful Vira, I am just here to attend my Nephews birthday. He did eagerly ask me to come today".

My uncle, Gin, had alot of work in his hands, so he couldn't come by alot, but he had showed me the many wondrous abilities he could do.

"HAAHAHA, it's only been a year and you two have already gotten so close. Well then, we should celebrate his birthday, shall we". Vira walks over to the cake and applies a candle. He extends his arm and points his finger at the candle, lighting it. It looked majestical, fire had appeared through his fingers.


I desperately gasped with astonishment. It was amazing! Oh how I wish to do the same!

"Come now we should sing for abit and blow the candle"

My mother walked up and started to chant the happy birthday song. I don't know why but I never liked this song, to me it felt kinda unnecessary. But whatever, I just need to get through this hurdle.

"Haaappyy birthday to you~ happy birthday to youu~~~…."


The song was over and now it was my time to make a wish and blow the candle. I closed my eyes and prayed in my thoughts. Although, I could wish for magical abilities, my heart couldn't tug away this feeling…

[Oh Great God, if you do exist, I pray that my family and all the people I know have a long and wonderful life…]

After I opened my eyes, I saw the faces of all the people gathered. There was my father and mother in the right side looking at me, uncle Gin was standing in the left, nanni Ai was standing besides uncle Gin with her only family, big sister Li who was about 4 years older than me. I smiled at them.

"So what did you wish for?"

Everyone curiously looked at me.

"Hmmm….a secret!"

Isn't birthday wishes supposed to be secret anyways?

"Well then we should start cutting the cake, little Jang, go ahead and feed your mama and dada first". Nanny Ai said to me with perky tone. Even though, I could talk fluently and was more mature than babies my age.


After some time, the birthday had ended. It was the hour of noon, darkness was slowly engulfing the world. I had yet to ask for a book on the mystical abilities, however, I could feel the right time nearing.

Everyone had brought gifts, nanny Ai had brought me a book called, "Martial World", my dad and mom brought me a little dog, big sister Li gave me a sculpture of me, and uncle Gin…he was thinking.

"What would you like little Jang…"

Those words were refreshing to say, I didn't have to beg them for a book on cultivation. "Cultivation", I thought to my self. It was how you could obtain these so called magical prowess.

"Umm…u-uncle Gin, I-l know I'm only a year old, bu-but I believe I am ready! I want a book on cultivation!", I mustered up all my little courage to shout these words.




It was all quiet. They had the expression "shocked" plastered all over their faces.

"Uhh…honey, aren't you a little too young for that?!"

My mom looked at me worriedly.

"Hmmm…I don't think I can without your parents permission little Jang"

"No- I-l just want a book about it"

I poured out my most attractive expression. My eyes were large and glowing; tears had magnified the sparkle in my eyes. HUMPH! I USE MAXIMUM CUTENESSS!


"Uuunnn!!! Little Jangs eyes are so sparklyy!!!"


"Awwwww!!! Look at him! Vana, it would be okay if we just get him a book about it. Plus, someone as young as him can't cultivate anyways."


Little Jangs "MAXIMUM CUTENESS" was super effective!

"PLEEAASSSEEeee~ mommyyyy~", I forced all the cuteness out of my body!

"Huh…alright, he can get a cultivation book…BUT, make sure not to do anything crazy".

"Hehe…okay mom"

It was a success! I had prevailed to obtain permission to a cultivation Manuel! As I rejoice in my mission, uncle Gin walked towards me.

"Little Jang, I do not have a beginners cultivation Manuel on me at the time, however, I'll make sure to come by tomorrow with it".

"Okay uncle Gin! I'll be waiting! And thank you so much!"

"Haha…it's alright, we'll then I'll head off first, thank you for inviting me to little Jangs birthday, Vira and Vana", Gin modestly bows.

"Haha! You are his uncle, well then have a great day Gin"

"Bye Gin"


The moon had risen by the time my birthday was over. Nanny Ai and her family left and my family and I were alone in the house. My excitement was through the roof, but I stayed calm. Starting tomorrow, I will begin my cultivation journey!