
After the events of yesterday, Jang was in a lively mood. He had finished all his daily routine and was sitting in a couch. For the past few hours he had been reading countless books.

The current literature he was reading was gifted to him by nanny Ai, "Jianghu". It depicted the story of a youth named Ming Lin and his struggle towards the peak.

It had fascinated Jang so much so that he had attempted to copy the main character, Ming Lin.


Jang Kura had tried to visualize a stance for the technique while blurting it out, however, he had fallen to the ground instead.

"ARRGHH…!! I wonder when uncle Gin will arrive…"

Jang anxiously stood up. It had already been over 8 hours since he had woken up, and uncle Gin was nowhere to be seen. He shook off any negative thoughts and smiled.

"I'll wait a little lo-"

"My apologies Little Jang, I was a bit busy with my work, but I am here now".

"Uncle Gin!"

Jang jumped with excitement as he rushed towards Uncle Gin. He had patiently waited 8 hours and now could reap his rewards.

"Ar-are you going to teach me about cultivation?", Jang excitedly asked.

"Hahaha…come now Little Jang, I can't stay here forever, instead, I'll have to leave you with this book for now. Maybe when you're older I could teach a lot more about cultivation, however, for now this book should help you learn about it". Gin smiles while softly shaking Jangs head hair.


"Alright now, I'll have to go now, make sure to study well! And the next time I see you, I want you to describe the cultivators book to me".

Just like that, Uncle Gin left and Jang was left to himself with the book. Jang traced the book with his eyes and the title, "Beginner Cultivation Knowledge", could be seen on the brown front cover.

The book didn't look majestical, but it was thick. The book had about 300 pages covering basic cultivator knowledge.

Jang started to slowly read the book, it was fascinating to say the least. He had learnt about the system of the continent he was in, especially the figures known as cultivators.

He had always been curious about the world he lived in, especially from the faboulous stories by his family, nanny Ai, and uncle Gin.

From the book, he had learnt that cultivators were rare on the continent he lived in, with only about 1 in 1000 being cultivators. This was still a large number considering the Kendriya continent had a population over 20 billion.

These cultivators or martial artists were beings who and cultivated the energy known as "qi" to attain immortality. However, this was only the most common purpose, cultivators could seek different paths, such as reaching the peak of martial arts or becoming a divine scholar. Cultivators had many professions and purposes.

The most basic way for a person to start their martial arts journey was to join a sect. Sects are basically schools for martial artists, they test the potential of an individual and accept them if satisfied.

However, this was the most basic and common method, other methods could be used, such as the Demonic Cult. However, this was highly discouraged as The Demonic Cult was the main enemy of the orthodox sects, because they obtained strength through evil methods, such as killing, blood, and other evil procedures.

In the Kendriya continent, cultivation could be placed into 9 realms, and each realm possessed 4 levels. The realms were Mortal Realm, Warrior Realm, Elite Warrior Realm, General Realm, Hero Realm, Heroic King Realm, Ultimate King Realm, Emperor Realm, Half-Immortal Realm.

Each of these realms possessed 4 levels, beginning from Early to Middle, Late, and ending in Peak.

The power differences between each realm was huge, with each step above increasing in difficulty.

Mortal Realm cultivators at the peak could blow apart a tree with a single punch, however, an early Warrior cultivator could blow apart a building.

This strength, however, was only the standard evaluation, other factors also have an effect on the power of a cultivator. Components such as unique physique, martial arts technique, perception, and others can affect the strength of a cultivator.

Some genius cultivators could also overcome the level and realm barrier, defeating those of higher realms. It was very rare to see such a sight in the Kendriya continent.

As Jang read through the book, he hadn't noticed the time. It was already turning dark, he been focused on studying the book and was almost done.

Most of the info inside the book covered basic information about cultivators, cultivation, spiritual roots, dantian, meridians, spiritual herbs, alchemy, blacksmithing, weapons, armor, artifacts, spatial rings, inheritance realms, sects, beasts, and magical beasts, etc.

However, what caught his eye the most was the end.


Jang took a look at the page title, it was fascinating. He carefully read the page and went into a ethereal state.

What he had been reading was minuscule but glorious knowledge.

"Beyond lies the Unknown. A mystical realm beyond the Demi-gods. If one perseveres through the judgement of heaven, he shall reach the point. Time like air, void like dirt, chaos like plants."

Little Jangs mind didn't know what to think of this. He was puzzled, but kept a cool head. He knew the continent he lived in, however, from his little understanding, he could guess that beyond the continent was another vast landmass, just like his own.

This revelation brimmed the inner curiosity of Jang. He wanted to discover what was past his homeland and beyond. He wanted to reach the apex of strength!

With improved motivation, Jang cleared up his room and snoozed off to bed.

In the incredible path of cultivation, one must first gain disciple!