Mission target: Bloodthirsty wild boar

 It was around ten o'clock the next morning.

In William Community, in the private garden of Candice·Polynas's family, a stranger came here.

"Mr. Candice·Polynas, these are the products you purchased. You can open it with your fingerprint, sir."

Candice·Polynas took the sealed alloy box handed over by the other party and ran his finger across the top of the alloy box, "Bip! The fingerprint verification passed." An electronically synthesized voice sounded, and then the alloy box opened, revealing an alloy watch, a backpack, and six flying knives.

"Mr. Candice·Polynas, please check, after confirming, please sign." The delivery man smiled.

Candice·Polynas traced the cool alloy of the watch, its sleek metal glinting in the dappled sunlight of his family's new garden. "It's almost too beautiful to use," he murmured, admiring the intricate dials and glowing runes that promised untold potential. Beside him, his father, Mark, adjusted the straps of his new backpack, its sturdy frame humming with unspoken power.

The deliveryman grinned, his eyes flickering past the watch to the six obsidian knives resting in velvet cushions within the open alloy box. "Ah, the Flying Fang set," he said, his voice tinged with respect. "Sharpest blades this side of the wasteland, and those hilts control well."

Candice·Polynas's fingers danced over the watch's surface, activating its interface. Holographic displays shimmered to life, revealing maps of uncharted territories, intricate schematics, and tactical analyses of potential combat scenarios. A thrill coursed through him; with this, the wasteland wouldn't just survive, it would be conquered.

Candice·Polynas hefted the backpack, its weight reassuring. It adjusts to your load, demonstrating the backpack's adaptability. "Food, water, tools, weapons… it carries it all without breaking a sweat. And that hidden compartment…" he winked, tapping a seemingly innocuous panel, "well, let's just say you might find some surprises in there."

Candice·Polynas' eyes stayed on Feiya. The faint, almost predatory buzz of their obsidian blades signaled him to test their deadly edge. He picked one up, its weight falling perfectly into his palm. He activated his 'spiritual power', and the flying knife immediately flew out at an extremely fast speed and plunged into the tree trunk in the distance without making any impact sound, directly penetrating the tree trunk several dozen centimeters thick.

Later that evening, Candice·Polynas's opulent new home in William Community thrummed with the boisterous energy of the Rampage Axe Team. Neon lights cast a vibrant glow on the polished chrome surfaces, showcasing the team's arsenal of customized weapons and gear.

Laughter boomed as "Mortar" Batir·Catalin, a mountain of a man with a booming voice and an infectious grin, cracked jokes about Candice's latest gadgets. His gaze lingered on the Flying Fang set, a flicker of respect momentarily replacing his usual jovial spark.

As the night wore on, stories of past exploits were exchanged, fueled by potent brews and hearty laughter. Candice, surrounded by his chosen family, felt a surge of confidence, unlike anything he'd ever known. These were teammates.

"Captain, when do we leave for the 'occupied area'? "Candice·Polynas asked.

"Haha, you are the person I expected, eager to become stronger, this is a true warrior!" Batir·Catalin Patted Candice's shoulder and laughed.

"In fact, I just want to make some money, because I spent almost all my money to buy this house and the Flying knives."Candice·Polynas touched her head and said.

"Emm, haha…., I understand, this is a big, and beautiful Valli, but it costs money as well. Well, we will go to the 'Free Warriors Alliance' tomorrow to look for a suitable mission. If there is none, then we will set off to the 'occupied area' the day after tomorrow." Batir·Catalin said loudly and looked at the other team members.


The Free Warriors Alliance Building never lacks guests, and everyone in the Rampage Axe Team gathers in their dedicated room. On one wall, a large screen with a total length of two hundred inches appeared, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the latest mission announcement that appeared on it:

Hunt the one-horned wild boar and collect the horn, reward (5,000)

Hunt the tiger cat and collect its claws, reward (5,000)

Hunt the armored bull and collect its horns, reward (50,000)

Hunt the Bloodthirsty wild boar and collect its eyeballs and heart, reward (50,000)

Hunt the Silver Moon Wolf and collect its teeth and fur, reward (500,000)

Hunt the two-headed viper and collect its teeth, skin, and venom sacs. Reward (500,000)

Hunt the Armored Dragon and collect its teeth, skin, and blood. Reward (5,000,000)


Hunt the Red Dragon King and collect its teeth, skin, and blood. Reward (10,000,000,000)

Hunt the Octopus King and collect its teeth and skin. Reward (10,000,000,000)

Many tasks are displayed on the screen, ranging in difficulty from the simplest D-level task of hunting a one-horned wild boar, to hunting the strongest monsters on earth, the 'Red Dragon King' and 'Octopus King'!

"Let's get the team's coordination first. Candice has just joined our team, and he has just become a warrior. So, let's choose a mission that is not too high-level this time. Therefore, we choose to hunt 'Bloodthirsty wild boar', what do you guys think about it?" said Captain Batir·Catalin.

"I agreed." the man with blond shoulder-length hair Sunil Naik said.

"I don't have any objection either." the brown-haired man Dileep Nambiar nodded.

Leon·Shahd and 'Sharpshooter' Elara·Thorne also nodded.

"Thank you, captain, thank you all. I will work hard to improve myself as soon as possible and adapt to the team's fighting style." Candice·Polynas looked at everyone and said solemnly.

"Haha, I believe you can do it. Okay, everyone, bring your equipment, and let's go!" Captain Batir·Catalin said loudly.


A military base hundreds of miles south of Lyon Base City.

"Rumble" There is an armed train slowly stopping at the military base station, and one after another, fully armed warriors are seen getting off the train.

"Candice, usually when we warriors go out to hunt monsters, we always enter the military base when we need supplies." Batir·Catalin pointed to a fifty- to sixty-meter-high iron tower standing in front of him, "Have you seen that tower? The entire European continent, and even the world. A special area will be divided into any military base as a warrior supply area, specifically for us warriors to rest. In this warrior supply area, such a lighthouse will usually be built. It means that according to the Light our way home."

Candice·Polynas nodded.

The warrior supply area is located inside the military base, with quiet small buildings and a very good environment.

"Rampage Axe Team, you all will live and rest at E96." An officer in the supply area handed the Rampage Axe Team Captain 'Batir·Catalin' a key.

"E96, over there."

The Rampage Axe Team quickly found the three-story building representing 'E96'. The key with the chip crossed the door, and the door of the three-story building opened. Before the Rampage Axe Team left the supply area, the right to use this small building belonged to the Rampage Axe Team.

"Lie down and sleep for a while. I didn't sleep well last night." The 'sharpshooter' Elara·Thorne put down the two large iron boxes he was carrying, sat on the sofa, and stretched out.

"Okay, rest now, and we will officially set off tonight, then everyone should be alert." The captain ordered.


Leon·Shahd, Sunil Naik, a man with blond shoulder-length hair, and Dileep Nambiar, a man with brown hair, replied in unison, obviously knowing the rules.

"Leaving at night?" Candice·Polynas was a little surprised.

"Candice, look at what the weather is like now. It's the end of August right now, which is the hottest time of the year. It's a hot day and you're carrying hundreds of kilograms of stuff on your back. No matter how much water you bring, you won't be able to drink enough. When the time comes, You can only drink water from the river." Sunil·Naik looked at Candice·Polynas with a smile, "It's cooler at night, so wouldn't it be more pleasant to go on the road? You can also save water."

It was Candice·Polynas's first time to go hunting, and he didn't know this yet.

In the evening, a group of six members of the heavily armed Rampage Axe Team left the supply area and entered the occupied area.

"Elara, give me one of your iron boxes." Captain Batir·Catalin said.

"Haha, sorry for the trouble, Captain. I can hold these two boxes for a short period of time, but I can't bear them for a long time." After speaking, Elara·Thorne handed one of the large iron boxes behind her to the captain, and Batir·Catalin relaxed He took it with one hand and carried it directly on his back. This weight is nothing to Batir·Catalin, the strongest player in the Rampage Axe Team.


Elara·Thorne opened another box and saw inside the box a silver-gray machine gun with a metallic luster on its muzzle. In addition to this machine gun, there are a large number of bullet chains. At first glance, they are densely packed, filling the entire large iron box. Think about the number of bullets.

"Elara, what kind of gun is this?" Candice·Polynas asked confused.

"The m81 model, with a caliber of 12.7 mm, can fire between 50 and 300 rounds per minute, and the speed can be adjusted." Elara·Thorne said with a smile, "The entire gun body is even doped with part of the third-grade Croton alloy, even if it is continuous When a bullet is fired, the heat of the barrel will not affect the accuracy of the bullet."

"Nice one!"


Elara·Thorne holds a machine gun. Walking with Candice·Polynas in the center of the team, protected by others.

Sunil Naik, and Dileep Nambiar, are at the front of the team.

Captains Batir·Catalin and Leon·Shahd walked at the back.

"We walk along this highway and it will take about three days to reach our destination - City No. 021. According to the map, our mission target "Bloodthirsty wild boar" is there." Captain Batir·Catalin said. Candice·Polynas couldn't help but look at the highway in front of him. For the humans living in the base city, the highway only existed in legends.

The highway beneath my feet was already dilapidated, with several cracks in the road surface.

At first glance, on this stretch of highway, there is occasionally a dilapidated or broken car or truck, and sometimes blackened blood stains can be seen on the ground.

"Let's go!"

The reddish rays of the setting sun shine on this highway that has been silent, dilapidated, and disrepair for decades. The six members of the Rampage Axe Team are moving forward along this highway.



There were waves of monster roars coming from both sides of the highway, and even Candice·Polynas could see many monsters. The other five members of the Rampage Axe Team were very relaxed, but Candice·Polynas did not dare to relax at all. He could not relax because he could see monsters everywhere.

"Well, Candice, there is a one-horned wild boar in front of you, which is D-class, I want you to kill it." Captain Batir·Catalin's voice sounded, "This is your first battle in the occupied area!"