First battle Occupied area

"Candice, this is your first battle Occupied area, don't be careless." Elara·Thorne solemnly reminded.

"Come on, Candice, your current speed and nerve reaction speed have just reached the 'Senior Warrior level' physical fitness qualification line. Your strength is also close to the Senior Warrior level. You will have no problem dealing with this one-horned wild boar." Leon·Shahd was also encouraged.

The other three people also looked at Candice·Polynas.


Candice·Polynas pulled out the 'Moonlight Fang', holding the shield 'Wyvern's Guard' in his left hand and the sword 'Moonlight Fang' in his right hand, and he smiled slightly: "Captain, look at how I killed this one-horned boar." Candice·Polynas said and quickly ran forward.

"Captain, are you asking too much for Candice to deal with the D-class one-horned boar in his first battle?" Elara·Thorne couldn't help but said, "Although our Rampage Ax Team should fight Candice will test it, but it must be done step by step. It is better to let him fight E-class monsters first."

"Yes, we can't rush him too much." Leon·Shahd also said.

"The captain's arrangement is no problem." Sunil·Naik said solemnly, "Candice's physical fitness is not weaker than that monster at all. Although the difficulty is higher, he should still be able to win."

"This is his first time entering the wilderness area." Elara·Thorne was a little dissatisfied.

"What's the matter? I don't want him to become a burden to us. Otherwise, with a newcomer, how can we hunt powerful C-level monsters?" Dileep·Nambiar frowned.

"Let's keep silence, just look, and let's talk about it after watching the battle between Candice and the One-Horned Boar." Batir·Catalin said expressionlessly.

Elara·Thorne and the other four fell silent.

Like a nimble leopard, Candice·Polynas quickly ran behind a car that had overturned on the highway. He looked at the one-horned wild boar not far ahead. The one-horned wild boar had black hair all over its body and one deep hair. The gray horn is like a sharp knife, exuding an icy cold light!

"This is my first battle, I must show up my vailue to the team."

Candice·Polynas stares intently at the one-horned boar in front of him looking for prey.

"Ho ho"

The one-horned wild boar roared loudly and scanned the surroundings with murderous eyes.

"It found me." Candice·Polynas' heartbeat accelerated, he was a little nervous, but also a little excited.

"Boom" the one-horned wild boar suddenly flew up, as if it had turned into a high-speed tank, and crashed into Candice·Polynas in a straight line. Candice·Polynas quickly dodged away like a flexible monkey.

"Boom" the one-horned wild boar hit a car behind Candice·Polynas that had been weathered for decades. The car was directly hit and rolled several times on the highway. The car's body split from the middle. It drove away, the wheels flew off and then rolled a long way on the highway before falling down.

The moment Candice·Polynas dodged, he immediately rushed towards the one-horned boar.

"Go die!" Candice·Polynas growled.

The whole person was like a bolt of lightning, shooting directly at the one-horned wild boar. The 'Moonlight Fang' in his hand instantly flashed a cold light and struck directly towards the neck of the one-horned wild boar. The one-horned wild boar that hit the car had no time to turn, but when Candice·Polynas approached it.


A black shadow was attacking Candice·Polynas' head.

"So fast!" Candice·Polynas was startled. He quickly pushed his feet and twisted around to avoid the black shadow. This black shadow is the one-horned wild boar's tail that looks like an iron whip!



After whipping its tail, the one-horned boar's agility instantly surged, and it suddenly pounced on Candice·Polynas. The thick iron hooves and the sharp horn stabbed directly at him.

"Damn, this one-horned wild boar is too fast." Candice·Polynas immediately took a step back while pushing the shield forward in his hand.


The shield and the one-horned boar's iron hooves collided violently. At the moment of the collision, Candice·Polynas used the force of the rebound to quickly dive backward and roll around on the ground. The one-horned boar quickly chased and rushed over, and Candice·Polynas jumped. He stepped on the body of a dilapidated truck, then jumped and hide behind the truck.

The truck's obstruction prevented the one-horned wild boar's collision from having any effect.

The five Rampage Ax Team members who watched this scene from a distance all nodded slightly.

"Captain, Candice' reaction is good." Elara·Thorne smiled.

Captain Batir·Catalin smiled and nodded: "That's right. I thought he was going to have a hard time fighting this one-horned boar for the first time! I didn't expect that his temporary reflexes would be extremely fast, his basic skills were very good, and he could use his shield to unload force. It's very clever and the movements are very smooth. Candice was not injured this time by the one-horned wild boar."

The five Rampage Ax Team members continued to watch the battle between Candice·Polynas and the One-Horned Boar.

Candice·Polynas was extremely focused and was shocked: "This one-horned wild boar is so insidious. It deliberately showed weakness to me at first. Then it suddenly attacked me with its tail. At the same time, it attacked me with iron hooves and a single-horned knife one after another. In addition, the final crazy collision This series of moves is almost the same as that of a human warrior!"

"Ho ho" the one-horned wild boar roared. Instead of hitting the big truck stupidly, it jumped over the big truck and quickly rushed towards Candice·Polynas.

"Monster, you are dead this time!"

Candice·Polynas kicked a broken tire nearby, and the tire quickly hit the one-horned wild boar as if it was shot out by a trebuchet. The one-horned wild boar did not slow down at all but lowered its head slightly. The horn on its head was so sharp that it cut the tire in half, and then the tire fell away.

After Candice·Polynas kicked off the tires, he immediately rushed towards the one-horned boar.

"Ho" the one-horned wild boar immediately turned its head as it knocked open the tire, and stabbed Candice·Polynas with the one-horned knife.


At this moment, Candice·Polynas' body rotated as flexibly as a butterfly, and he avoided the horned knife with great precision. While spinning, the 'Moonlight Fang' in Candice·Polynas' hand also used the power of rotation to draw a knife instantly! The sword light of 'Moonlight Fang' accelerates rapidly along an arc!


As fast as lightning, the spinning knife struck directly at the neck of the one-horned boar. Candice·Polynas clearly felt the hardness of the one-horned boar's hair and the toughness of the fur. It is indeed fur that ordinary bullets cannot break through.

Bright red blood oozed out, and Candice·Polynas' knife only penetrated about five centimeters into the neck of the one-horned wild boar, and could not go any deeper.

"Roar~~" The one-horned wild boar roared crazily, turned its head, and slammed into Candice·Polynas crazily.

The seriously injured one-horned wild boar is even crazier!


"What a flexible body!" Sunil·Naik had a look of shock on his face.

"Incredible! Candice can evade the one-horned boar's horn thrust so exquisitely, and he dares to spin in front of the one-horned boar's horn without fear of the one-horned beast's 'horn' piercing his body? It's so exquisite .Is it just bad luck, or is his really capable?" Dileep·Nambiar exclaimed.

That spin seemed simple, but it revealed Candice·Polynas' amazing movement skills.


"Excellent." Elara·Thorne and Leon·Shahd couldn't help but cheer.

"This kid is very powerful." Batir·Catalin said with a smile, "In that kind of dangerous situation, he dared to do that and still succeeded. His movement skills are absolutely extraordinary! His timing is also accurate, but the most difficult thing about monsters is their vitality. Strong. It is not that easy to kill this one-horned wild boar."

The five members of the Rampage Ax Team continued to look at the battle between the crazy one-horned boar and Candice·Polynas in the distance!