Kill the Bloodthirsty wild boar

Rampage Ax Team quietly entered the suburbs of City 021.

"Candice, we need to be more vigilant next. We will soon enter a deserted city, and most monsters live in deserted cities and some densely built places. That is the real dangerous place, because you A monster, or several monsters, suddenly appeared out of nowhere!" Elara·Thorne said in a low voice as she walked.

"Understood, Elara." Candice·Polynas nodded. 

In the long-term war between monsters and humans, the monsters discovered that if they live in an open area without shelter, the human army can lock on and kill them from a distance through "heavy sniper rifles" or even missiles, etc.!

In deserted cities, there are a large number of buildings. As long as monsters hide in densely built areas, it will be difficult for ordinary human armies to kill them easily, unless they enter the deserted city to hunt monsters. But once the human army enters the deserted city, and engages in street battles with monsters, then the monsters will have a great advantage. Therefore, human armies will not be sent into deserted cities easily!

"Our target: Bloodthirsty wild boar, is a C-class monster! However," Batir·Catalin reminded in a low voice, "C-class monsters already have a certain amount of intelligence, not much different from humans. C-class monsters can command D Class monsters, so almost every C-class monster is surrounded by a large number of D-class monsters, so it is very difficult to kill a C-class monster."

Candice·Polynas nodded.

There is not only a huge gap in strength between D-class monsters and C-class monsters, but the biggest difference is--wisdom!

In order to save their lives, C-level monsters will naturally summon a large number of D-level monsters to protect their surroundings. Except for a few monsters that like to walk alone, most C-level monsters are surrounded by many D-level monsters.

"Everyone, please pay attention, there is an armored cow's lair ahead." Captain Batir·Catalin suddenly said, "The leader of this armored cow's lair is a relatively powerful C-level monster, and the armored cow is a gregarious monster, and there are many of it. Let's go around it. "

"Yes, Captain." Everyone nodded and replied in a low voice.

Abandoned urban areas are much more dangerous than the desolate areas outside.

Along a narrow path, the six Rampage Ax Team members moved forward cautiously.

"Stop." Sunil·Naik, who was at the front, raised his hand and stared ahead seriously. He saw a huge iron-backed wild boar lying on the ground far ahead, and next to him were two tiger mastiff monsters, lowering their heads and taking a big mouthful. While eating flesh and blood, the tiger mastiff monster suddenly looked up in the direction of the Rampage Ax Team, its nose twitching and smelling the scent.

"Let's go around and don't do anything." Batir·Catalin said softly.

On highways and other desolate areas, Candice·Polynas and the others are very carefree and kill monsters whenever they want. But it's different in the city.

After being cautious and avoiding more than ten times along the way, Candice·Polynas and her group finally arrived at a twenty-three-story building.

"Let's go up to the rooftop. Be careful and don't make loud noises. A monster might suddenly appear somewhere in the building."

The Rampage Ax Team of six people continued to approach the rooftop along the stairs.


A low roar of earth beasts faintly echoed on the floor. The six members of the Rampage Ax Team frowned slightly. Sunil·Naik at the front whispered: "Be careful." Everyone was holding weapons and ready to take action at any time. Elara·Thorne, who was using thermal weapons, was protected in the center and moved forward step by step.

"Huh?" Candice·Polynas saw a two-meter-tall lion mastiff monster suddenly appear from the corner ahead, with long hair all over its body, like a small off-road vehicle. As soon as this lion-mastiff monster saw a human being, it immediately roared and rushed over with a gust of fishy wind.

Rampage Ax Team is going up the stairs, but the Mastiff Monster is diving, coupled with the kinetic energy created by its huge size.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The movements of Sunil·Naik and Dileep·Nambiar at the front were almost exactly the same, with a shield in one hand and a scimitar in the other, and they rushed upward at the same time. He almost passed by the lion mastiff monster! When passing by, the scimitar that turned into an arc just scratched the lion mastiff's front paw joint.

Sunil·Naik and Dileep·Nambiar all have the same moves!

This caused the lion mastiff monster to stumble on its two front paws and fall on the stairs somewhat unsteadily. At this time, Leon·Shahd, who was behind Sunil·Naik and Dileep·Nambiar, made an instant progress. At the same time, the alloy spear in his hand stabbed the head of the staggering lion mastiff monster with a sharp whistling sound.


The alloy spear instantly penetrated the eyes of the lion mastiff monster and penetrated the head of the lion mastiff monster!

"Ho ho!" The lion mastiff monster kicked twice unconsciously with its four claws, and then fell down weakly.

The cooperation between Dileep·Nambiar, Sunil·Naik, and Leon·Shahd is indeed exquisite! The first two people helped hurt the lion mastiff dog's forelimbs, making the lion mastiff monster unstable. Leon·Shahd instantly fired his gun and killed him with one shot! Leon·Shahd's marksmanship was also terrifyingly accurate, piercing his eye directly.

During this climb, the Rampage Ax Team encountered three monsters in total, which was considered lucky.

After walking out of the stairs, the six members of the Rampage Ax Team came to the rooftop of this 23-story high-rise residential complex.

"Close the safety door!" Batir·Catalin said, "to prevent monsters from running to the rooftop."


Candice·Polynas and Leon·Shahd closed the iron door at the stairway and found an iron rod to jam the door handle.

"Hey, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief." Leon·Shahd showed a rare smile, sat down on the rooftop, and took out high-energy food and water from his backpack.

"You all brought your telescopes," Captain Batir·Catalin said. "Everyone took out their telescopes and looked down at the edge of the rooftop to see if they could find the target monster! Remember, don't expose too much of your body to the rooftop. The monster will be in a little trouble if he finds out!"

It is a 23-story building that ordinary monsters cannot climb up from the outside. If a C-level monster leads a D-level monster to kill them from the stairs, the threat will not be great. The stairs are only wide enough for one monster to advance forward, so the Rampage Ax Team has enough time to retreat.

Candice·Polynas took out the telescope from her backpack, and some auxiliary tools such as telescopes and wires were carried by everyone. They were not heavy and did not take up much space.

Sitting on the edge of the rooftop, Candice·Polynas could see at a glance the streets below, with a large number of monsters everywhere: The number of monsters in dense urban areas is indeed ten times and a hundred times more than in the wilderness. Even one of the streets On the road, at a glance, hundreds of monsters were advancing.

Even an Elite warrior-level warrior is unlikely to escape alive if he is surrounded by hundreds of ordinary monsters.

"Captain, they are all D-class monsters."

"I didn't see any C-class ones here either."

The five team members, including the captain, all held telescopes and looked downstairs from different directions. Only when you stand high can you see far. From the rooftop of a 23-story residential area, you can indeed see far and see many monsters.

"Crack!" An iron box opened. Elara·Thorne, the only member of the Rampage Ax Team who did not use a telescope, opened the iron box. In addition to a large amount of ammunition, there is also a rectangular wooden box in this iron box. When the wooden box is opened, there are some firearm parts inside. Elara·Thorne quickly assembles it.

In just a few moments, a heavy-duty silver-gray sniper rifle nearly two meters long was successfully assembled, and all-optical equipment, sights, etc. were also installed.

Elara·Thorne pressed special bullets into the magazine one by one, a total of ten bullets.

"Captain, notify me if you find the target monster." Elara·Thorne said.

"Well, you take a nap first to rest your mind. Leave it to us to find the target monster." Batir·Catalin nodded and told the others, "Everyone, be careful and don't miss it."

This is ten times faster than finding monsters on the street, and it is also safer.

Candice·Polynas, Leon·Shahd, Sunil·Naik, Dileep·Nambiar, and Captain Batir·Catalin, all five of them held binoculars and carefully looked at everything below, while Elara·Thorne started squinting while holding a heavy sniper rifle. Go to sleep.


The five members of the Rampage Ax Team were looking down carefully with telescopes. Candice·Polynas held the telescope in his left hand and a kettle in his right hand and took a sip of water. Then he put down the telescope, tightened the lid of the kettle, and put it in her backpack.

"Captain, are we just waiting here?" Candice·Polynas asked.

"What do you think?" Batir·Catalin put down the telescope and said with a smile, "In the surrounding area, this 23-story residential building is considered very high. We are on the rooftop, relying on the telescope, we can see four or five miles around. The entire How big is an abandoned city? Of course, because of the obstruction of buildings, our viewing efficiency is not that high, but - this kind of efficiency is already extremely high. Everyone can rest and look for monsters. It is the best way."

Candice·Polynas nodded.

"Captain, look here." Leon·Shahd suddenly exclaimed, pointing in a certain direction below.


The other four people rushed over, each holding a telescope and looking down carefully. Candice·Polynas also followed the direction pointed by Leon·Shahd. Through the telescope, he saw at a glance that there were one-horned wild boars and iron-backed wild boars scattered on several streets around the northwest corner. In total, there were There are hundreds of them, and the number of pig monsters appearing within sight is increasing.

"Huh?" Candice·Polynas's eyes lit up. On one of the streets, a strange red tank-like monster slowly advanced, surrounded by a group of pig monsters.

"Is this a Bloodthirsty wild boar?" Candice·Polynas was surprised.

Bloodthirsty wild boar group: The second-ranked existence among pig monsters. It is covered with a large number of scales and has amazing defense. At first glance, it looks like an armored tank. In terms of defense and impact, it is no weaker than a real tank.

"It's Bloodthirsty wild boar!"


The voice of the team members made Elara·Thorne finally open her eyes.

Elara·Thorne stood up with a smile: "Guys, found the target monster?"

"Come and see." Batir·Catalin smiled.

Elara·Thorne quickly walked over, picked up the telescope and took a closer look, and said, "Here we go, It seems that it's time for me to take action."

Elara·Thorne was lying on the edge of the rooftop, setting up the silver-gray heavy sniper rifle. The barrel of the gun refracted in the sunlight. Elara·Thorne, on the other hand, stretched out her palm to sense the direction, conducted careful test calculations, and adjusted the aiming optics. The five people next to Rampage Ax Team didn't dare to say anything.

Suddenly "Peng!" a deep and powerful voice sounded.

Almost instantly, the bullet was fired at several times the speed of sound. Although this alloy armor-piercing projectile is incredibly powerful, because its speed is far faster than the speed of sound, the sonic boom it generates only reaches the Bloodthirsty wild boar's ears after it hits the Bloodthirsty wild boar.

Bloodthirsty wild boar marches slowly on the street, surrounded by a large number of monsters.


The scales behind Bloodthirsty Wild Boar's ears instantly produced sparks, and a hole suddenly appeared, and the bullet penetrated.


Bloodthirsty wild boar roared in pain, and staggered two steps to the side. After standing firm, Bloodthirsty wild boar immediately let out a roar, and suddenly a large number of pig monsters that were originally idle around it quickly gathered towards it. a traces of blood seeped out from behind Bloodthirsty wild boar's ears. Bloodthirsty wild boar kept howling angrily, but it couldn't tell where the bullet came from.

On the rooftop, Elara·Thorne raised her head slightly, moved her eyes away from the sight, and said confidently: "You're lucky, I hit the vital point. This Bloodthirsty wild boar has strong vitality and does not die immediately, but within five minutes, it will definitely Fall down." 

The most effective long-range sniper shot is the first shot, because with the first shot, the monster has no defense.

"Good shot!" Leon·Shahd smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"This Bloodthirsty wild boar has the hardest skull, and if it is shot through the scales on the body, even if it penetrates, it will not have much impact on the Bloodthirsty wild boar." Batir·Catalin smiled and said, "Elara, this shot is really awesome." If not Elara·Thorne's one shot worked. It was too difficult to kill a Bloodthirsty wild boar guarded by a large number of monsters!

"Don't praise me. Now you should think of a way to get the body of the Bloodthirsty wild boar. There are hundreds of monsters around the Bloodthirsty wild boar. And if you go too slowly, you might be picked up by a team of warriors. Cheap." Elara·Thorne smiled.

"Don't be so clumsy, there are at most two to three warrior teams in this deserted city." Batir·Catalin smiled and said, "Okay, let's pack up and set off. Go down and get the body."