Continue to hunting

"Leon, you carry an iron box for Elara!" Batir·Catalin ordered.

"Yes, Captain."

Leon·Shahd walked towards Elara·Thorne, and Elara·Thorne was dismantling the heavy sniper rifle and storing it in a wooden box, and gave Leon·Shahd the iron box containing the wooden box and a large number of bullets. Then Elara·Thorne herself opened another iron box and took out a machine gun. A large number of ammunition chains were wrapped around Elara·Thorne's body, and one end of the chain was directly connected to the machine gun.

"Let's get down."

Batir·Catalin gave the order, and Candice·Polynas and the other five people immediately went down the stairs quickly.

Five minutes later, Candice·Polynas and the others were already in a small alley.

"Captain, that Bloodthirsty wild boar has fallen to the ground and died." Sunil·Naik, who was at the front, took a careful look outside and turned around and said.

"Elara, you did a great job!" Batir·Catalin gave a thumbs up.

Elara·Thorne raised her head and smiled slightly, but said nothing.

"However, Captain, there are about hundreds of monsters gathered around the body of Bloodthirsty wild boar. It will be very troublesome for us to get the body of Bloodthirsty wild boar." Sunil·Naik continued.

"As we used to do, Sunil, Dileep, you disrupt the herd. We will take advantage of the chaos and charge together." Batir·Catalin ordered, then turned to look at Candice·Polynas.

Candice·Polynas held his breath at this time and was about to attack the herd of hundreds of monsters. This was indeed the most dangerous thing he had done following the Rampage Ax Team so far. Of course, according to some posts he saw, this situation is just a relatively simple situation faced by the warrior team. There are things that are ten times or a hundred times more dangerous than this.

"Candice, your mission later is to protect Elara and prevent monsters from attacking Elara." Batir·Catalin said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Captain, I will not let even a monster get close to Elara." Candice·Polynas nodded.

"Okay, let's go!"

Batir·Catalin gave an order.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two black streams of light flew out from the hands of Sunil·Naik and Dileep·Nambiar, as if a bolt of lightning flew more than a hundred meters and fell into the group of monsters in the distance. The two black streams of light turned out to be two oval-shaped black spheres, and there was a red time signal on the oval-shaped black object.

Bip! Bip! Bip!

"Boom" "Boom"

The two time bombs suddenly exploded. The powerful explosion and flying debris caused the two monsters next to the time bombs to stumble over, with blood all over their bodies. At the same time, the two time bombs also produced a large amount of smoke, which quickly spread in all directions.

In terms of power, the two time bombs only killed one monster by chance and injured five or six monsters, and more monsters were only affected by the smoke, which was exactly the purpose of Rampage Ax Team.

"Come on!" Batir·Catalin ordered.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Candice·Polynas' whole body exploded with strength, a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. He quickly ran next to Elara·Thorne. Each of the six members of the Rampage Ax Team was very fast. They were only 150 meters away from the body of the Bloodthirsty wild boar in the herd, and they reached it in 7 seconds.

This is because their speed dropped sharply after entering the herd. Otherwise, each of them would only need 5 seconds to run a distance of 150 meters.


Captain Batir·Catalin was like lightning, rushing to the front. He held a huge ax in one hand and swung it continuously like lightning. 

"Peng!" "Peng!" 

There were two heads of the one-horned wild boar were chopped and exploded.

The captain of the Rampage Ax Team, Batir·Catalin, is so powerful that he is known as: 'Rampage Ax'. This is also the origin of the team's name because he led his elite team in a bloody battle against the beast tide in the base city 5 years ago. , frantically killed countless monsters, and his whole body armor was stained with blood. He was simply crazier than the monsters!

With a giant ax in one hand, and a dagger in the other hand, Batir·Catalin rushed to the body of the C-class monster 'Bloodthirsty wild boar' almost instantly, and the dagger quickly pointed at the bullet hole on the back of the ear of Bloodthirsty wild boar's head. Pierce it in and quickly dissect it. While Batir·Catalin was dissecting the body, the other five members of the Rampage Ax Team were facing a crisis.

"Candice, take care of Elara." Leon·Shahd waved an alloy spear.

Sunil·Naik and Dileep·Nambiar are protecting the team leader Batir·Catalin.



When the surrounding monsters noticed Candice·Polynas and the others, they immediately roared and rushed towards them one by one. It was as if a heavy-duty Humvee with a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour was crashing into it.

"F**k off!" Candice·Polynas took two delicate steps and stepped out of the way. At the same time, the shield on his left arm hit the body of a flying one-horned wild boar. Suddenly, he suffered a strong thrust from his side. The four hooves of the horned wild boar twisted involuntarily, and its huge body tilted and stumbled to the ground, causing the cracked cement street floor to shake violently and splashing a lot of dust.

Candice·Polynas does not seek to kill the enemy, but only seeks to protect Elara from any harm before the captain completes the dissection.



Leon·Shahd wielded a spear at this moment, killing two D-class monsters and driving back three. Then at this time, three angry monsters roared and attacked Leon·Shahd at the same time. Leon·Shahd had no shield and only used a spear.

"Damn it!" After firing a shot, Leon·Shahd's expression changed.

"Roar" The impact speed of an iron-haired wild boar is definitely more than thirty meters per second, and it is as big as a small truck. At this time, Leon·Shahd had no time to resist. There were three monsters attacking him in front of him.

"Am I going to be seriously injured this time?" Leon·Shahd gritted his teeth.


A black shadow came from the side and kicked the body of the flying iron-haired wild boar. When running at full speed, the control of the body's stability will indeed become much weaker. The iron-haired wild boar's body was tilted by this kick, and it fell directly, and then quickly got up again.

"Leon, come closer to me." Candice·Polynas said.

"Candice, thank you!" Leon·Shahd shouted gratefully. If it weren't for Candice·Polynas just now, he would definitely have been injured. Leon·Shahd thought in his heart: "It is indeed right to let Candice join the Rampage Ax Team, and his pace is so fast. So flexible."

"Good movement." Elara·Thorne, who has always been protected by Candice·Polynas, praised.

There were hundreds of monsters in this group. As the dozens of monsters fought with Candice·Polynas and the others at the beginning, more monsters soon came around.

" Damn it, Captain, we need hurry up."

Sunil·Naik couldn't help shouting.

With every second that passes, the Rampage Ax Team's crisis becomes greater. The number of monsters around is increasing rapidly.

"Elara, you can fire now!" Batir·Catalin, who was dissecting the body of Bloodthirsty wild boar, ordered.


Elara·Thorne licked her lips and smiled ferociously. Candice·Polynas and Leon·Shahd, who were next to Elara·Thorne, immediately took a step back. As Elara·Thorne pulled the trigger, bullets suddenly spurted out from the muzzle crazily. Each bullet was an armor-piercing bullet that could cause great damage to D-class monsters, even to C-class monsters. Monsters can also do a lot of damage.



Suddenly, a large number of monsters around them screamed in pain, and armor-piercing bullets were sprayed out wildly and shot into the bodies of the monsters. These monsters have huge bodies and strong vitality, and generally cannot be killed if they are shot into the body. Only one shot into the head will kill them!

Peng! A monster's head and brains splattered out.

puff! A fallen monster had a bloody hole in its body.

"Haha, monster go die!" Elara·Thorne was like crazy. The gun barrel containing Crow alloy could fire armor-piercing bullets non-stop. The crazy pouring bullets almost instantly suppressed the group of monsters facing Elara·Thorne. Candice·Polynas and Leon·Shahd prevent monsters from other directions from attacking Elara·Thorne.

The gunshots rang out one after another, causing the monster in the smoke to instantly determine its direction and rush towards them crazily.

In a group battle, Elara·Thorne's ability to use a machine gun can be compared to ten warriors by herself! But when the machine gun fires, it will attract the attention of the monsters.

"Okay, let's go."

Batir·Catalin, who successfully collected the materials, and let out a low roar, Candice·Polynas and others immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The six Rampage Ax Team members ran away.

"Peng, peng, peng…." hundreds of angry monsters followed, and the concrete floor shook when a monster ran. Hundreds of them were running together, as if there was an earthquake. The entire street and even the dilapidated houses and houses nearby shook slightly, and even made a rumbling echo.

"The herd is really scary." Candice·Polynas looked back and saw hundreds of monsters that were so angry that they were going crazy and flew towards them.

"This way."

Rampage Ax Team immediately turned into an alley. The alley was so narrow that the monsters couldn't even walk two at a time, so they could only come in one by one. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Rampage Ax Team kept turning into small alleys in the densely built area. Soon the group of monsters was completely thrown away.

Half an hour later.

Candice·Polynas and a group of people came to the rooftop of an 18-story building.

"Haha, everyone did a good job this time." Captain Batir·Catalin smiled and said, "Elara's shot was great, Candice, you did a great job, you saved Leon once. This time hunting 'Bloodthirsty wild boar' was the easiest one ."

Candice·Polynas, Elara·Thorne and others all laughed.

"Okay, everyone, let's talk about whether we will return to the base city next, or stay and continue to hunt monsters?" Captain Batir·Catalin asked, looking at everyone.

"I suggest hunting other monsters! Although we completed the task of hunting the 'Bloodthirsty wild boar', the prize was only 50,000€, and the average share of each person was less than 10,000€." Sunil·Naik said with a frown. .

"I want to continue to hunting." Dileep·Nambiar said.

"I agree."

"I agree, it would be a shame to go back now."

Leon·Shahd and Elara·Thorne also nodded.

"What about you, Candice?" Captain Batir·Catalin finally asked, looking at Candice·Polynas.

"I agree. I want to earn more money to buy swordsmanship secrets. It costs too much to become a warrior. I used to think that after becoming a warrior, I would have a lot of money, but I didn't expect that warriors would spend a lot of money." Candice·Polynas touched He said with a smile.


"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed when they heard Candice·Polynas say this.

"Okay, let's continue hunting. Now everyone starts to rest. We just had a fight and spent a lot of energy. We will start action at four o'clock in the afternoon!" Captain Batir·Catalin made the decision.



The six members of the Rampage Ax Team were either leaning on or lying down on the rooftop and began to rest.

When the Rampage Ax Team was resting on the rooftop, a team with the same six members entered City 021. There were a group of six people carefully walking through a dilapidated alley. There were also some monster's corpses in the alley, some of the monster corpses were missing some parts, and they did not look like they had been cut by humans with tools, but rather seemed to have been eaten by other monsters!

At about 6 o'clock in the evening, the six members of the Rampage Ax Team, who were well fed and well rested, all held telescopes and looked down from time to time.

"In two hours, we have already seen two C-class monsters. Unfortunately, we were not as lucky as the first time." Dileep·Nambiar said helplessly.

One of the two C-class monsters hit in these two times was hit in the back. The bullet did not penetrate very deep and had almost no impact on the monster's strength. Although the other end was more seriously injured, it was not dead! So Rampage Ax Team did not go down to fight against the monster group.

"Emm? Captain, look, it's an armored bull." Candice·Polynas shouted.

"Armored bull?"

Immediately, the other five people rushed over and took a closer look with binoculars.

"It's an armored bull! There are only one C-class and sixteen D-class." Batir·Catalin laughed, "Guys, get ready to take action."

"There are only one C-class and sixteen D-class. Leave the leader of the C-class armored bull to the captain. I can kill sixteen D-class armored bulls by myself." Sunil·Naik smiled easily.

"Go ahead, let's get the materials."

Batir·Catalin gave the order, and Candice·Polynas and others immediately left the rooftop one by one. This time they did not shoot in advance. They were afraid that killing the leader would scare away more than a dozen C-class armored cattle. This time Rampage Ax Team wanted to Kill all 17 armored cattle.