Everyone scatter and flee

The six members of the Rampage Axe Team quietly scaled the wall and entered inside a courtyard next to the street, the entire ground of the courtyard had long been covered with weeds, the fence had moss growing on it, and there were even more than a dozen collapsed places.

"The prey is just ahead." Sunil·Naik carefully glanced through the gap in the collapsed fence towards the street outside and turned back.

"Guys, this time, the task of you few is to kill the sixteen D-class armored bulls, as for the C-class Armored Bull Leader, it will just be handed over to me, Elara, you'd better not shoot, while once you do, we must leave immediately." Batir·Catalin whispered.


Candice·Polynas and the other five nodded solemnly.

The sound of gunshots was something that could easily attract monsters. If it was on the rooftop of a tall building, the distance was far, and the monsters were unable to determine the location of the gunshots with their ears. However, when fighting on flat ground, once shots were fired it was easy to attract the surrounding monsters to surround them, and the longer it took the more they attracted.

"Alright, do it!" Batir·Catalin waved his hand.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Six silhouettes darted out at almost the same time, even Elara·Thorne was holding a short sharp knife.


The leader of the armored bull was the fastest to spot the Rampage Axe Team's attack, and immediately bellowed angrily. The sixteen armored bulls around it also let out angry roars one by one, and the sound echoed continuously in the streets, deafening the ears as a robust and strong armored bull charged towards the humans in front of them.

"Kill them!"

"Bastards, go to the hell!"

Candice·Polynas looked at the armored bull rush in front of him, and with a movement of his feet, he instantly sidestepped by more than a meter, and the knife in his hand turned into a circular arc of light, and made an upward lift at the throat of that armored bull! The armored bull gave a low roar and even slightly lowered its head, using its chin to block Candice·Polynas's blade!


The Moonlight Fang cut through the armored bull's chin fur and cleaved into its chin.

"This armored bull has really fast reflexes, much faster than lion mastiff's reflexes." As soon as Candice·Polynas landed on the ground, there was a gust of fishy wind coming from it, another armored bull had already opened its bloody mouth and toring at Candice·Polynas, but Candice·Polynas took a step back and pulled away a little bit of space, and then with a sideways top of the shield, he stabbed his right hand with a straight blade!

The Moonlight Fang delicately grazed the edge of the shield and instantly pierced into the jaw of that armored bull.

Candice·Polynas quickly drew his blade and stepped back.

"Pfft," blood spurted wildly, and the armored bull, which was comparable to a small SUV, landed on the ground, its body shook, and wailed before falling to the ground with a loud thud.

"Watch out!"

A loud shout rang out suddently!


Only to see not far from the side of the Sunil·Naik, Dileep·Nambiar two people almost at the same time by the impact of the flying up, which Sunil·Naik the whole person ruthlessly crashed into the street beside the wall, rumbling sound, has long been in disrepair of the wall collapsed directly, Sunil·Naik fell to the ground is a mouthful of fresh blood spit out.


The Armored Bull Leader that knocked away Sunil·Naik, and Dileep·Nambiar reached Candice·Polynas' eyes almost instantly.

Candice·Polynas had just killed the D-class armored bull, and facing the suddenly appearing Armored Bull Leader, he couldn't even think in time, and could only move his body horizontally as hard as he could.

"It's too fast! I'm going to get hit! dodge, dodge!!!"

Obviously Candice·Polynas' dodging speed was still a little bit short, if there were no accidents, the Armored Bull Leader would crash into Candice·Polynas, suddenly Candice·Polynas' speed of moving horizontally obviously increased by a large amount, and the Armored Bull Leader dashed past Candice·Polynas' body.

"Sinful animal!!!" The captain 'Batir·Catalin' who had injured his partner because of his carelessness slammed over from the side as if it was a thunderbolt, his face was hideous, and his two huge axes smashed fiercely into the Armored Bull Leader as if they were spinning wind wheels.

Peng! Peng!

The giant axes and the bull's horns collided!

Both Batir·Catalin and the Armored Bull Leader stumbled, while Batir·Catalin took off on his left foot and once again dove forward. Not giving the Armored Bull Leader the slightest chance to attack his partner once more!


On the rooftop of a sixteen-story building roughly five hundred meters away from the Rampage Axe Team, four warriors were using binoculars to look around, while two others had sniper rifles in their hands and were resting against the wall, and all of them had a pattern of a tiger's head on the left chest of their combat uniforms.

"Captain, there are more monsters around, it will be difficult for us to completely avoid all of them to reach the place where 'Silver Moon Wolf ' is located five kilometers away." A middle-aged man with only one right eye frowned and said.

"Emm,there's a team fighting the armored bulls, it's the Rampage Axe Team." A dark skinned lean man said with a raised eyebrow.

"Guys, I have a good idea! Kevin, Enkh, you two first use your sniper rifles to deal with the important members of the Rampage Axe Team, and then immediately shoot the two monster groups around them! We're far away, and the monster groups won't be able to detect where the bullets are coming from. Once shot, they will only attack the humans they can see in anger! At that time, the two beast swarms will be attracted by the Rampage Axe Team and then surround the Rampage Axe Team.And their fight will cause a large number of monsters to gather towards that side, so that the monsters elsewhere will become sparse, and we'll be able to easily advance several kilometers in distance!" The corners of the mouth curled up slightly while that lean man with dark skin said slowly.

The others all looked at him, and no one spoke.

Poisoning other warriors, they had done it before. However, it was usually for reasons such as grabbing monster corpses, whereas this time, it was just to get others to attract monsters for themselves.

"Do it!" The dark-skinned lean man ordered.

"Yes, captain."

The two team members using hot weapons no longer hesitated, having ventured between life and death, they had too much experience killing people and monsters.

Two sniper rifles had already been set up, the two hot weapon team members were lying down in front of the sniper rifles, they both chose to use the special high power armor piercing bullets, and began to aim, in just a split second, both of them nodded slightly to the dark-skinned lean man next to them, indicating that they were ready.

The dark-skinned lean man gently waved his hand, and the two team members simultaneously pulled the triggers!



Two low muffled sounds suddenly rang out, and two bullets instantly tore through the air, shooting towards the Rampage Axe Team's several people who were fighting the armored bull in the distance. Although the sound was loud, the speed of the bullets was several times the speed of sound, and before Rampage Axe Team's group of people even heard the gunshots, the bullets had already arrived!


The armor-piercing bullet tore through the air and shot at Candice·Polynas' head.


Candice·Polynas felt a hint of a death crisis, his eyes instantly glared round, his body instantly produced a large amount of adrenaline hormones, his heartbeat violently increased to an astonishing speed, his body's sweaty hairs stood on end, and his nerves were tensed to an unprecedented limit! Even the spiritual thoughts in the depths of the sea of consciousness also quickly spread out all over the body!

Faced with a life and death crisis! The survival instinct of living creatures caused Candice·Polynas' entire body and spirit to instantly reach its peak!

Candice·Polynas' Moonlight Fang, which was originally used to attack the armored bull, reflexively changed its trajectory, and the power of his entire body erupted to its limit.


Candice·Polynas's spiritual thoughts instinctively acted on the battle sword, causing its speed to surge once again!


Without the slightest hesitation, her spiritual energy also acted directly on the armor-piercing bullet that flew at breakneck speed, and the speed of the armor-piercing bullet almost instantly plummeted from four times the speed of sound to one times the speed of sound!


Candice·Polynas's Moonlight Fang accurately cleaved onto the armor-piercing bullet, and the armor-piercing bullet was ejected away.

Batir·Catalin, who was fighting the armored bull Leader, had his back to the direction of the bullet and didn't see the armor piercing bullet at all.

The huge axe in Batir·Catalin's hand slashed at the neck of the Armored Bull Leader, this time it managed to break through the Armored Bull Leader's steel-like skin, penetrating five centimeters deep, which also caused his body to tilt forward a little bit, which led to the bullets that were originally aimed at his head to hit Batir·Catalin's ears, and the strong rotating airflow caused the right half of Batir·Catalin's face to be knocked out of place. Catalin's skin on the right half of his cheek instantly tore and bled.


The armor-piercing bullet continued its flight, then shot into the neck of the armored bull Leader.

"Roar!" The Armored Bull Leader roared in pain, then began to frantically attack Batir·Catalin.

"Sniper bullet! Enemy attack! Everyone quickly take cover in the alley" Batir·Catalin roared.

"What the hell, which asshole is it!" Sunil·Naik, Dileep·Nambiar also stormed out.

While roaring in anger and fury, almost everyone in Rampage Axe Team moved quickly, no one dared to stand still under the sniper's aim, and Batir·Catalin, the team leader just now, was lucky that the bullet grazed Batir·Catalin's ear only because it broke through the Ironclad Cow Leader's skin and penetrated five centimeters deeper, causing his body to tilt forward a little bit the.

"Pom!"" Pom!"" Pom!"" Pom!"

Four shots in quick succession!

"That way!" Batir·Catalin, Candice·Polynas, and everyone else who entered the inside of the alley stared at the direction where the gunshots rang out.

Only a few shadows disappeared in a flash from the rooftop in the distance.

Candice·Polynas understood that among warriors, there was not peace and harmony.



Several people gathered around and Batir·Catalin was covering his ears, covered in blood.

"I'm fine." Batir·Catalin said as he covered his ears.

"Damn it! Run away!" Elara·Thorne said as her face changed drastically.

Just now, the Tiger Team had fired a total of six shots, two of which were fired at Candice·Polynas and Batir·Catalin, while four more were fired at the surrounding group of monsters, and by this time, the roars of the monsters had already resounded around the area, and everyone in the Rampage Axe Team immediately understood why the Tiger Team had fired four more shots earlier.

"So sinister."

"They want to kill all of us."

"Run away."

It was too late to treat Batir·Catalin's wounds, and the group immediately darted away.

"Roar, Roar,Roar,...." 

A large number of ironback boars have appeared in the street ahead, hundreds of them running together with a roar as if an earthquake had struck.The Rampage Axe Team people were shocked and were just about to change direction when a violent shaking sound came from behind them as well, more astonishing number of beasts running over, there were not only one-horned wild boar in this beasts, but also more lion mastiffs, the beasts in front and behind added up to more than a thousand heads.

"Big trouble."

Everyone in Rampage Axe Team's face changed greatly!

"Go over the wall!" Batir·Catalin gave an order.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Rampage Axe Team quickly climbed over the crumbling wall, and the monsters, who had been attacked by four sniper rounds, were so enraged that they only knew that only humans had such insidious and terrifying hidden weapons! When they saw the humans going over the wall, they almost unanimously "Roar" the unicorn boars lowered their heads and crashed into the wall, the decades-old weathered wall collapsed almost instantly, and more than a thousand densely packed monsters rushed towards them.

The Rampage Axe Team looked back and couldn't help but change their faces drastically.

"Guys, split up and run for your lives, if we run together then all of us will die!" While fleeing, Captain Batir·Catalin also shouted with red eyes, "Don't let me know who set us up, I, Batir·Catalin, if I could servive this time, I will definitely find them and make them pay for their blood!!!"

"Everyone scatter and flee!" Sunil·Naik and Dileep·Nambiar also gritted their teeth.

Facing a siege of over a thousand monster swarms, even Elite Warrior masters could only flee in disarray.

"Captain!" Candice·Polynas bellowed.

This bellow caused everyone to look at Candice·Polynas in shock.

"Follow me! All of us will leave alive!!!" Candice·Polynas let out a low roar through clenched teeth.

The six flying daggers pinned on Candice·Polynas' thighs instantly flew up and hovered around Candice·Polynas.