Aurora gritted her teeth after she had uttered those words.

The man who was smiling knowing that he would be called back his his smile and turned back to face her.

"Yes fair lady Aurora?" He asked her.

She nodded her head at her men and the same man who had thrown the first pouch at him, threw another.

The man caught it and felt it.

He put into his satchel.

"That's much better." He said. "And I wnat an apology."

She glared at him angry at this man who was taking her for granted because she wanted information from him.

"You want what Apology?" She demanded in anger.

"Your men vocally made comments about me." He said. "I want an apology or I will leave."

Aurora was desperate and when people were desperate, they would do anything.

"Fine my men will apologize to you." She turned to her men and spoke fluently in them in her wolf tongue. "This pig wants you to apologize to him do it an get it over with."