Erik walked down the hallway.

It was already almost dark.

The Alphas had began to murmur about Xaden's no show.

Erik pushed open the doors and went into the strategy room.

All the alphas turned around and saw him.

"You requested my presence?" Erik asked them.

"We requested Xaden's presence. Not yours." James, the Alpha of the Cold pack said. "Where is he? He has kept us waiting for too long."

"I'm his gamma." Erik said. "He is busy with other things. When he is ready, he will present himself. For the mean time I am here to see to whatever it is you want."

"We said we want to see Xaden! Not his puppet!" Alpha Brian, the Alpha of the sand pack said.

The entire crowd of Alphas cheered in agreement and uproar.

"I've said it already Xaden can not be seen." Erik said ignoring their insult. "Whatever you have to say, say it to me."

"We don't talk to under dogs!" Another Alpha spat in arrogance.