Chapter 2: Prisoner

'Well, this Prisoner is just so weak compared to other peoples units from there buildings but worst of all I'm weaker dammit I wont give up lets look at the units I can create.'


Basic Prisoner

Enhanced Prisoner

Prison Guard

'Well, this is promising lets see what a Enhanced Prisoner does.''

[Enhanced Prisoner]







A strong and enhanced Prisoner costs 250 dollars per Prisoner.

'Nothing much, about this prisoners stats are average at most lets check the prison guards stats.

[Prison Guard]







A guard for the prison Incredible marksmanship, buffs each prisoner by 10% once made allows creation of the prison armory Costs 300 dollars.

'I guess, I can either make 2 enhanced prisoners or 2 guard and a few normal prisoners lets check my cash and income.'




He went back to his inventory, and tried to see if he could sell the extra wood he gained he could see the option and sold the wood giving him 400 dollars he decided to check what sub-buildings he could build he saw nothing unlocked so he bought a guard then once the armory was unlocked he bought it.


[Weapons available]




Low-grade armor

'Mhm the pistol adds 7 extra strength to the bullets and the rifle adds 9 extra strength nice.'


Jonathan called Jade and Blakes older brother Damian.

''I have called, you two here today to discuss who will be the heir since that rat failed.''

Jonathan said with a little bit of anger, he turned to both of them Damian stood there nervously he was only a half blood after all even after he awakened the immortal swordsman building he wasn't treated the same Jade stood there indifferent gazing at Damian then her father.

''I've chosen, Jade you will be the next heir and lead the family to greatness.''

Damian stood, there quiet he had his head down he was distraught he was 22 had one of the most unique swordsman buildings his units helped a lot of the families army while every building is different what they cost also differs his building required the mining of gold and precious jewels to build his units he was greatly sponsored by the family by supplying him with mines and money to spread his buildings.

But, Jade was genius she awakened with 40 stats in everything while he only 35 even after 2 years her number of units are equal to his and they are superior in every aspect except in healing and vitality he was inferior even though she spent way more resources to build her units he was surpassed in 2 years.

Jade, didn't, even move from her position she just said ''Okay.'' and walked out of the room Jonathan also left leaving Damian alone he resented her and he resented the fact he was born a half blood.

'At least that piece of trash isn't going to be the heir where is he he should be in his room I want to see his despair.' 

Jonathan, chuckled cruelly to himself he walked out of the meeting room to his brothers room but when he opened the door all he saw was a messy room no one in sight.

''Wait, no way he ran away?! GODDAMMIT MAIDS! MAIDS!''

The maids, who heard him scream there name came to him bowed and asked what he needed.


''Young master Blake left not too long ago he did not say where he was going master Damian.'' A maid answered.

'Dammit, where did he go, did he go and build his building somewhere in the woods? Probably not he is a pampered wimp he probably will return in a while.'


Blake had been exploring the features of his system, and buildings the low-grade armor added 15 defense and 10 stamina the baton 10 strength to every hit Blake was surprised he could buy them each for only 100 dollars each he had 700 currently he bought 1 Rifle for the guard and let out the prisoner he commanded the prisoner to go collect wood stone and try find a mine he positioned the guard on the wall and ordered him to do patrols along the walls and shoot anything in a 1 Km range leaving him with 300.

'What can I eat there isn't food let me check the store maybe I can get something?'


Cooked Potato




'Wow, this is depressing I should have taken my bed well that would look suspect let me just go to the third floor and place down my stuff a warden lives at the top I think.'

Blake said with a bit of sadness.

Blake then walked to the second floor, it was like the ground floor at the top of the staircase there was a wooden door when he got close it opened for him it was a large office like place there was a wooden chair and a desk other than that it was empty he bought the bed for 50 dollars he had 250 dollars left so he bought a Enhanced Prisoner and positioned him to guard the ground floor.

'I'm poor, now huh the heir to the star family laying on a cheap bed in a wooden prison well not the heir now since I'm the failure of the family let me just sleep a little.'

Blake laid down on his bed and waited for his prisoner to come back or for anything to happen he was extremely tired from all that had happened so he took a nap and after 2 hours of sleeping he felt something enter the prison he was jolted awake he carefully walked down stairs and saw his basic prisoner unload all of the wood and stone onto the floor he was surprised it could use the system to store things.

'That is unusual normally units can't use the storage of the system.''

He put those thoughts, at the back of his head as he saw how much stone and wood the prisoner had gathered but the prisoner was bloody and had countless scars and a large claw mark on its chest.

All Blake could think is could I survive that? this worried him to no end, if his prisoner was in this state there must be a terrifying beast in the wilderness of the forest.

He turned to, the stone and wood on the floor he couldn't figure out how much there was but he wanted to upgrade his prison to stone so he checked the cost.

[Prison Buildings]

Stone Prison

A stronger version of the wooden prison Produces 3 Basic prisoners a day and 4 guards every 5 days cost 1000 Blocks of stone or 1250 dollars.

'MY LORD, that costs a lot lets try it with all the stone i have.'

[Successfully Upgraded Wooden Prison]

Blake looked around, the prison was changing the wooden walls and cells slowly turned stone and he saw prisoners being created in the cells it was like the stone from the floor was molding into them same with the guards he was amazed he checked the stats of the prisoners and guard instantly.

[Basic Prisoner]





[Prison Guard]





'So when my Prison Upgrades my units do as well maybe this wont be bad but i still require resources I can't sell wood anymore and the money I get from selling has been lowered.'

Blakes, prisoner was injured badly he wasn't sure how it could've survived so he sent it back to its cell and stationed the guards to walk around outside the prison to secure the area and see if the beast was nearby once he decided that it was safe he walked through the gates of the prison he was going back home.