Chapter 3: Hatred

Blake was going home, for a number of reasons he didn't have food but most of all he missed his comfy bed his entire family hated him he knew it all to well.

So Blake began to run through the forest back to the manor, he left all his units at his prison he did not want have any troubles incase his family members decided to kill them or worse destroy his prison Blake continued to run until he reached the manor.

Blake greeted a maid and entered the manor all the maids in entrance stared at him without moving a muscle he suddenly got nervous with all those eyes staring at him he quickly ran out of the entrance and went into the dining room hoping to get a quick snack but to his dismay his entire family was eating.

''Look who decided to show up.'' Jade who was sitting in one of the chairs of the round table said with obvious disgust his father was shaking his head Damian looked at him with superiority his mother looked at him with coldness.

''Uh um I am sorry for missing dinner.''

''Shut it and shit down.'' Jonathan said with annoyance 

Blake sat down his clothes were torn from clearing some of the forest for his prison everyone, looked at him but all those gazes had something in common distain hatred and overwhelming coldness.

''Where did you go Blake?'' Damian asked.

''I went, into the forest to relax.''

''How does, it feel huh Blake for being the failure of the family.'' Damian said with malice Blake sat there even in such a beautiful dining room chairs made of crystals food made by the best chefs money could offer all he could see and think about was the hatred that was being directed at him.

''If you, are not going to eat you're food just leave.'' he looked, over and saw Jade looking at him the sweet older sister from before he awakened was not there only a another person who saw him as a burden as nothing but a fly.

He quickly got up to leave, the room but Damian got up as well and threw his wine at him.

''Oops, sorry Blakey knowing you wont you need mommy and daddy to come clean you up?'' Damian said while snickering and laughing even his cold older sister Jade was laughing at him.

He said, nothing and walked out of the dining room he walked past the maids and went to his room he laid on his bed not bothering to take off his drenched clothes.

He heard a knock, at the door and a maid came into the room.

''Young master, Blake you left you're food at the table i brought it for you.''

''Thank you.'' Blake responded so silent it was like a whisper he took the food and stored it into the system he took his bed and stored it into the system.

He, left his room and walked to the front door and left as he was walking through the forest he felt weird he didn't feel shame for not awakening a swordsman building he didn't feel bad for being a failure all he felt was Hatred he hated them he no longer wanted to surpass them and make them acknowledge him and accept him back he wanted to surpass them and destroy there pride.

As he, finally realized what he wanted to no what he needed to do he summoned he ordered his prisoners to go in the same direction as the last prisoner who was mauled went he was going to imprison this beast he didn't know why he desired to imprison it but he was going to do it.

He ran, in the same direction he left the guard on the walls he was the only one with a rifle he heard felt one of his basic prisoners connection die off he knew where to go he gathered the guards he had the Enhanced prisoner lead them to the position.

*Crunch *Crunch

He saw it hairless bear looking creature it was eating the prisoner the bear was deep in the prisoners guts eating away the black prison jump suit was ripped into the pieces the prisoners limbs were torn.

Blake stepped onto a twig and alerted the bear he turned to his direction blood flowing down its mouth it was dark but Blake could still see what a abomination it was he ordered the Enhanced prisoner to charge at it he left the basic prisoners behind him.

He had no money he couldn't equip the guards so he sent them to help, the bear swung its claws at the enhanced prisoner he grabbed the arms of the bear and held it in place it was obvious the bear was stronger but he stalled enough time for the guards to attack from the side they attacked fast so fast Blake could barley keep up.

The guards wore all black police uniforms with a falling star symbol, they hit the bear hard but it didn't stop the bear it headbutt the enhanced prisoner and smacked one of the guards the other one backed away.

The bear roared and tried to finish off the enhanced prisoner who recovering from getting headbutt Blake with a stick got on its back and stabbed it with a stick in its eye but it roared in pain and threw Blake off he hit a tree hard.

Cough Cough

He was coughing up blood, he could barley stand the bear turned its attention to Blake but the enhanced prisoner bashed a rock over its head the bear wacked him the prisoner was flung like a ragdoll

'Dammit this bears so strong i have heard of mutated beasts but not this abomination.' 

Blake thought, as he saw a guard uppercut the bear it turned to him and slashed him across the chest and pinned the guard down but then Blake jabbed a sharp stone into its spine the other guard knocked away helped they both bashed the rock into the bears spine the bear fell on top of the guard.

But Blake was not happy the Enhanced prisoner died he felt the connect sever the bear was still breathing but was not able to move Blake and the remaining prisoners carried it 

''I fucking hate this.'' Blake said as they were walking when they reached the prison again the gates opened and the prisoners threw the bear onto the floor he ordered them to go to there cells and for the guards to be on stand by.

He, dragged the bear and threw it into a cell close to the entrance he locked the cell and.

[New Prisoner Detected]

[New Unit Unlocked Hair-less Bear]






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