Chapter 4: Power

[Congratulations you have met the requirements to gain a class]

[Calculating new Prisoner stats to give appropriate class]

[You have imprisoned a strong opponent given class is Warden]

'Well it, makes sense that I got a class related to prisons but I was only able to beat that abomination due to my units I hate this.'

Blake had, always dreamed to be strong he was the heir he was thought of to be a genius he did well in combat classes before awakening he had done better than his brother and sister even but now, he tasted his own weakness full force he wanted to change he needed to change.

Blake, then opened the system to check his stats.

[Blake Star]




Hp: 15

Strength: 16

Stamina: 19

Defense: 15

'My stats have Improved, I don't feel any different what does my class do anyway?'



As a Warden you're control over the prison have Improved Income per Prisoner has increased to 5 dollars per Prisoner guards are Buffed by 10 percent in you're presence,

Prisoners now have a happiness bar if you mistreat them you will gain lower money per day and it can cause a Prison riot if the bar reaches below 5 percent, but if the happiness bar is above 50% the prisoners will gain a buff in your presence.

'That's a bizarre change, but I can manage it I have about 3 prisoners and 5 guards and a hair-less bear there Is a quest tab lets see what it can do for me.'


[Build more prisons]

Build another Wood prison

Reward: 500

[Gain a skill]

Learn a skill from either fighting or training

Reward: 7 free items from the Armory

'It does not seems too hard, except gaining a skill who the hell would i fight?!'

Blake thought about it, and decided he would train with the Hair-less bear but he would Build the second prison first.

'Wait a moment, to be honest I haven't really seem what the Hair-less bear looks like well it's really dark in here cause there isn't any lights installed but let me get a closer look.'

Blake walked back down from the third floor was he could navigate perfectly he assumed it was just because he got the Warden class, he finallt stoodinfront of the Hair-less Bear more specifically it's cell.

It was dark and but since he was close to it he could see its features almost perfectly, it had no hair in sight it was atleast 2 meters tall it was skinny but had defined and powerful muscles it looked terrifying but it was not in good condition after the fight it was healing fast, but it would atleast take a day.

All Blake could think was 'I am actually gonna fight that again?' But even though he got injured and his clothes were torn from fighting the bear he didn't feel any, ptsd of any all he felt was bliss seeing as this abomination was just his Prisoner.

After a few, minutes of observing it he walked out of the front gates and used the wood he had and created yet another prison next to the stone one, while it was building both prisons connected together increasing the size of the prison two-fold.

[Quest Complete]

The system popped infront of his Face showing him he completed the quest, Blake got the money and decided to go to sleep.


At the manor no one knew he was gone they just continued with their buisness.


Blake woke up the, next morning there wasn't any sunlight the prison was enclosed but it didn't bother him he could navigate the prison perfectly, he made his way to the ground floor and saw new prisoners he had 8 basic prisoners now he also made 15 cash last night giving him 515 cash in total.

He didn't know what to do with it, so he opened the cell of the Hair-less bear and commanded it to spar with him, he made the order air-tight so there was no, chance it could kill him.

The first spar, before Blake could react he got swatted away he crashed into the smooth stone wall this time he didn't cough blood infact he could stand up and move after a few seconds.

'Must be because my defense increased.'

Blake, thought as he charged at the bear again it swung its meaty arm at him again but he ducked and punch it with all his might.

His fist hit its meaty stomach, but it did no damage at all he was dazed that he couldn't even hurt it or push it back so once the bear was able to backhand slap him.

He was thrown at the wall again but this time he blocked yet his arms were shaking, from the impact.

Blake continued to spar with the bear he kept getting beaten over and over, the only reason he could survive was because he ordered the bear to hold back.

After 244 attempts, and at 4 am Blake was covered in sweat he was able to predict a blow he finally able to predict its attacks, he swiftly dodged a blow he jumped to its height and span in the air he delivered a devastating back hand, but the bear was only pushed back 5 centimeters and Blake slapped away again.

He hit the stone wall and slumped down onto the floor, his Stamina was completely drained he was barley awake, but atlast he saw the system panel his hope was here he knew it.

He must have learned a skill, he suffered for so long getting beaten like a rag-doll.

[Quest Complete]

[Skill learned Beast combat]


After all this suffering all he got, was a weird skill that was not main stream he looked as if someone took the love of his life, he ordered the bear to go back to its cell.

He checked the description of the skill.

[Beast combat]

A unique combat style that allows you to mimick the way mutated beasts fight increases strength by 5, Stamina by 3 and defense by 6 when in use max usage time 5 minutes and 11 seconds.

'It dosent seem, that bad but I was hoping for something else something better not a combat style, what I need is power and there is only one way to get it.'

Blake got up his legs were shaking because his body was exhausted but he got up, his clothes were torn but he stood tall his brain was barley running yet he thought he wasn't power power thay would get him to the top he was willing to get beaten over and over to get it this was Blake's determination.