Chapter 5: Skills

Blake, slowly crawled up the stairs of the prison but just as he was about to climb to the third floor he collapsed he couldn't handle the exhaustion and collapsed on the stairs and fell asleep.

When, Blake woke up he did not feel 100% but he could still move he got up from the stairs feeling slight muscle pains he entered his office in the third floor it was just a bed a stone desk and chair there was no light so it was all so dark.

Blake sat on his bed and laid down.

'Seeing as i can gain, skills from simply doing the same thing over and over or by getting exposed to something this is god sent wait...

Blake, thought of something that interested him what if he ordered his guards over and over would he get a skill related to that? He got out of his bed and ran down to the ground floor fast he needed to test and see.

Blake ordered his guards to do random things like walk squat run anything he could to keep ordering them he took a toll on his mind after a while but he kept doing it until he saw the system pop up.

[Skill Unlocked Hive Mind]

You're mind has evolved to command to all beings in your control you can hear smell see and hear anything they can you are a greater being you can issue commands instantly without fault or pause almost endlessly.

Before, he could process what he had gained he felt a pulsing pain in his head he felt he could see everything better the stone looked smoother he could almost see through the darkness his mind felt like it was melting after a few agonizing minutes the pain stopped and he finally could think properly.

He, could think faster after the pain stopped he felt his thoughts were smoother and clearer he opened the system to check his gains.

[Blake Star]


Hp: 20

Strength: 25

Stamina: 28

Defense: 27

'Huh what's this?

Blake could see a new Stat.

Mind: 30

''YESS! This, is what i wanted to break through to stat 30 its a qualitive change even people at stat 29 can't deal actual damage they would have to exploit a weak point to beat a stat 30 but what does mind do?''

Blake pondered he assumed it had to do with hive mind, he put it at the back of his mind and tried all sorts of things to get more skills but it didn't work.

'I need larger stimuli, after getting two skills the difficulty increases well it makes sense plus I already have 2 good skills.

He needed to know where he could find new beasts to contain or fight so he could get stronger, he knew where he could succeed there was a celebration after the new heir was selected in the family it was supposed to be him but since the past events happened it would be Jade.

But that, did not demotivate him all family members were allowed on the trip where they currently were on a planet the family claimed it was almost completely forest and lakes the Head courters was on earth.

So, the heir celebration was the hunting of mutated beasts on a unexplored planet for sport usually the danger was not high seeing as the heirs are strong even directly after awakening there units could help them in any circumstance but this celebration banned the use of units you needed, you're own strength to survive.

He was going on it with his family, for a number of reasons there were barley any beasts on the planet he was and he needed a new skill. 'This, time with my skill Beast combat my strength is the same as Damian second rate Half-Blood you couldn't even become the heir Father did not even think about you.'

Blake chuckled to himself as he began to examine himself, his clothes were torn and ripped his upper body was practically naked his pants were torn and ripped in all places, he looked like a beggar he looked through the shop after becoming a warden a lot of things improved with the system, he found what he was looking for.

[Warden Uniform]

A set of clothing Worthy of a warden.

It was 250, in total it was expensive but he had reasons to buy it first he had no clothes and although he could go to his closet at home, he wanted his own all he felt was coldness to them and it would probably look cool.

So Blake, bought it and instantly his other, clothes were replaced by All black Clothing a all black jacket, black shirt, pants and black gloves that covered his entire hand his jacket had a a falling star golden badge right where his heart was there was strips of golden and short golden chains on his jacket a all black cap mixed with gold was on his head some of his short black hair was flowing out, his golden eyes were slightly black.

'Wow this looks good, worth 250 this is truly worthy of a warden even though I cant buy anything lets focus on my own stats.'

Blake slightly laughed, as he prepared to venture back to the manor without thinking about it his guards began to take their positions he already took his free items from the Armory he was not taking any of them he only, needed what he had.

Blake, calmly walked without a worry all he had on his mind was how he was going to get stronger the next day he looked into the sky and saw it was day, he had been in the darkness for so long he did not have any electronics or a clock he did not know himself how long had passed.

He reached the manor and entered, the maids gazed at him but this time they were wondering where he could get such clothes in the wilderness it was solely explored by the Star family.

Damian, walked from the second floor to the first he felt like some weird aura had entered the manor Damian gaze at the entrance and saw what, he thought was a high ranking individual was just his brother at closer inspection he was suprised he didn't think he left the manor.

''I wonder what exactly transpired in the wilderness, you're different.''

''Why is my Half-Blood brother talking to me did father not love you enough to give you some conversation?''

Blake responded looking at Damian with a smirk.

''What do you, believe just because you got a new look you can actually reach my level in strength? You're lucky that its almost time for the celebration otherwise i would've beaten you black and blue.''

''Want to give it, a shot I know mother does not love you a lot you must want some attention oh my poor brother.''

Blake said while holding back a laugh.

''SHUT UP! I am out of here you little piece of SH*T.''

Damian Stormed off his usually calm face contorted in anger his graceful white hair looking like it was struck by lighting once, he was out of sight Blake went to his fathers office.

Blake opened, the door.

''What do you want?''

Jonathan asked with irritation

''I, am going to participate in the celebration.''

''You're death wish, don't expect anyone to help you i actually hope you die so our family does not experience any more disgrace.''

Instead of feeling angry or betrayed, Blake just calmly walked out of the room to his bedroom in the manor but as he was in his own thoughts he bumped into Jade at this point he knew it was intentional it happened two times in a row.

''So you going to move out of the way princess?''

Blake said coldly while looking into her eyes they were the same height while Damian was slightly taller than him.

She did not respond and attempted to push him out of the way like the last time but it actually failed caught unprepared instead she got pushed out of the way.

Blake calmly walked to his room without a care on his mind, Jade stood there stunned she was pushed by a few steps but still was dazed she had stats of 40 only someone with stats of 30 could push her or do anything to her.

She stared, at his back and noticed his new clothing she knew that he got stronger and immensely so.