Chapter 6: Coldness

The only way Blake was able to do that, small feat was he activated beast combat but she wouldn't know that anyway he thought.

Even though, Jade was surprised, she did not think anything about it after all she was feeling like a goddess after that fateful day.

Blake entered his room, it was the same as before beautifully painted walls and a smooth floor other than that there was nothing he took his bed last time he came so he just laid on the floor.

'Ever since I awakened, i have not felt hunger I eat here and there but other than that nothing i thought builders had to eat but it was just for taste i don't even have a Oder maybe that's because of my unique prison.' 

Blake, pondered. 'The celebration begins in 2 weeks i already ordered my Guards and Prisoners and of course my cute bear.'

For the two weeks, all Blake did was lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling, he did not leave his room not for dinner or breakfast he did not even receive it at his door but he did not care much.

The maids gossiped thinking about what Blake was doing in there for two weeks without, movement at all, once it was time Jonathan made Damian go get Blake for the celebration even though he hated it his father and his younger sisters gaze was enough to send him running.

Knock Knock 

''Blakey, wakey wakey, trash its time to go.

Blake was silent for a little then responded with.

''I think the real trash, is the one who's mother is a whore don't you think?''

* ,,,,*

''F*ck, you Blake.''

Damian hurriedly ran off, scared to upset his sister and father but most of all he was on the verge of tears.

Blake stood up for the and exited the room he was holding back laughter, it was so funny apart from coldness and hatred and disgust he felt joy hearing his brother run off like that, he reached the garden where the Teleporter was it was also near the place he awakened they were both high tech produced by the family.

He walked to the teleportation platform, he saw most of his family and even some cousins, but he long forgot there names after all they were just side characters in his eyes.

''Alright, since we are all here let us begin.''

Jonathan said handing everyone a badge in the shape of a star except Blake he threw it at him but to, his surprise Blake caught it with no difficulty after being dazed for a few seconds he activated the Teleporter.

Blake felt, a invasive feeling on his body like something was wrapped around him but just as the feeling came it left he looked around they were inside a small clearing the rest of the place was jungle.

''We secured this area the rest of the planet is, unexplored Blake, Jade and Damian you will go alone the rest of us will go in groups.''

Jade, and Damian just nodded but Blake just walked away in a seemly random direction he did not even look back he just disappeared in to the jungle.

''What a, anti-social creep.''

Blake's cousin Jewel, said with distain her hair was white it was the common, trait of the family they originally thought Blake was special because of his all black hair and unusual coloured eyes but as it turned out he was below average even though Jade suspected.

He had grown immensely, she believed he had reached stat 30 in at least defense, but ordinary people can reach stat 30 without hassle the breakthrough to stat 40 is complicated it is different for each building user unless you have god given talent.

Blake, continued walking he chose this direction at random he was looking for beasts or anything that can give him a skill he assumed he had to get hit by it hit it or b exposed to a ability to receive it but there was not much info his theory was he could only obtain skills from beasts not human skills.

Blake after 10 minutes, finally saw a beast it was a huge ant half his size it was white and standing completely still it was the perfect target to test his strength.

Blake did not even use his skill and just, got close and punched it the ant was blown away like a ragdoll but the damage was minimal there were only slight cracks on its body and it was abnormally fast after being blown away the ant was already in front of him.

Blake could only raise his hands to bloc being bashed, he was thrown back but he got back his footing.

'Ant type beasts, aren't supposed to be this fast our stats are close i strength but his stats in defense and stamina weird.'

Blake dashed once again and smacked it into the ground, Blake activated Beast combat for the buff he know had 31 Strength 31 stamina and 33 defense he was raining punches on the ant he didn't care which beast he mimicked.

Blake needed another skill, and yet after 3 minutes of constantly attacking the ant only had cracks in its exoskeleton and there was a black goo like substance leaking Blake backed away.

He did not know if it was poison or its blood but he did not want to, try his luck the ant was not even moving so he walked around the crater he made with its body and continued looking for more beasts he only had 2 minutes left of his buff anyway.

Blake saw something like a cave from, his position so he sprinted to it and it indeed was a cave but there was something off about the place black goo was all over the place the inside was also dark.

'Is this like a poison skill? I don't know if i should go down there.'

Blake wanted to just turn away, but he realized if he did not take risks how would he surpass everyone else? so he walked into the cave he stepped into some black goo but it did nothing to him so he kept walking deeper and deeper.

The amount of black goo increased it clung to his clothes, but after traveling down the cave for a while he saw a opening once he entered the opening he saw the most beautiful he had ever seen it was a 2 meter long snake with black and white scales he wanted nothing but to admire it's beauty.

But Blake, quickly snapped out of it and prepared to attack it but the snake did not even react it was laying on the ground with black liquid pouring out all around it.

''It is like the black goo from higher up but, not as thick.'' Blake noted.

He approached the, snake he was careful in case it was alive but it did not move at all, he touched it but felt no heartbeat but he examined it and saw wounds on it he realized its blood was all the goo he saw.

''That, ant had goo inside it is this a mind control skill?''

If so Blake would be so lucky mind, control was only a trait of beasts who lead weaker beasts so to gain the skill he took some of its blood and.

He drank it, instantly his mind was fuzzy he stumbled and fell his mind was in disarray.

[Skill not compatible with builders body]

[Changing builders body to meet the requirements]