Chapter 7: Transformation

Blake, fell down into a small puddle of black sludge screaming in pain his entire body was covered in black veins his mind was melting his bones were destroying and rebuilding themselves.

Blake continued, to writhe in the puddle until he lost consciousness.

Blake woke, up after which seemed like hours he saw the system notifications flood in.

[New skill Assimilation]

[Previous skills have been removed since bodies reformation strength stamina and defense have been reduced by]


Upon activation you can control you're body to a incredible extent to assimilate any beings once assimilated they will be like another limb like a part of you're body.

[Blake Star]


Hp: 20

Strength: 20

Stamina: 23

Defense: 22 

Mind: 39


'I will just deal with it, can't be that bad right?' Blake asked himself

Blake, sat up from the puddle of black sludge he did not care how it clung and stained his clothes not that it mattered the uniform was 90% black.

Blake looked at the corpse of the, snake and came closer it still looked beautiful like deity but the black blood pouring out was off-putting, he tried to collect some meat but he was too weak he had lost huge amounts of strength after gaining the skill.

'It, appears that I will have to find a way to gain skills I cant even handle the most basic beasts usually people have units to surround beasts but i wont be wasting money until i get stronger.'

Blake went back up of the cave the black sludge, did not bother him anymore he got out of the cave it is was pitch black in contrast to the hot sun earlier that day and to his luck there was a wolf waiting for him outside.

Blake had no expression he used his skill, and he felt a pulsing pain he was aware of every cell of his body a huge burst of knowledge hit his head but the wolf did not wait it jumped on top of Blake while, he was reeling from a headache.

Blake fired his blood and it pierced through the wolfs heart, it fell on top of him .

''I almost died.'' Blake said breathing heavily 

''The skill does not deactivate, and i don't feel any mind exhaustion what a god given skill hehehe.''

Blake had Hive mind and with Assimilation he could potentially, make a army of beasts given he could beat them he turned to the corpse of the wolf and started to move the blood he shot inside it.

After gaining the skill, he was aware of his every cell downside is that when he activated it he almost got killed but he just moved on after a few seconds he spread the blood from the wolfs heart to the rest of its body then he tried using hive mind.

The wolf instantly stood up even the wound dealt by him healed, he really could move it like another limb and with hive mind it was as easy as breathing to make it move Blake did not the wolfs exact stats but it clearly had 30 stats in strength.

Blake did not have a mirror, he did not see his current state his black hair was dripping of black sludge his clothes was covered by it his face was not visible in the darkness, the wolf walking beside him had pitch black fur and did not make a sound while walking..

Blake decided to go back to the, teleporter he did not need to sleep so he did not he did not stop walking for a second the only reason he was not running is he wanted to save stamina for any fights.

Soon he, saw another beast on his path he fired a stream of blood it pierced into, the beast but this time the beast seemed to resist his assimilation.

'Assimilation is not, omnipotent after all.' Blake thought

Blake stood not moving the beast continued to struggling until, it fell the ground dead Blake came closer to see what beast it was there was no light after all it was a large tiger.

Blake shot it through its lung, after observing he decided to Assimilate it once he was he mounted it and found it was the perfect transport it was so wide that his whole body, could lay on it while he travels back to the teleporter.

He, made the tiger and wolf go in the direction of the teleporter the wolf ran in the front, the tiger carried him and ran in the back


On her way, back to the teleporter Jade killed countless beasts it was all too boring for her stat 40 beasts were rare to find she still stayed emotionless and calmly walked to the teleporter she did not venture far from it.

Damian could not find any beasts, he was ashamed he hit a tree while crying.

''I am a dirty half-blood my mother was, a whore even my useless brother is better than me dammit just dammit,'' Damian was sobbing while saying those.


Blake had, noticed he was taller before he was 5 feet now he was 6 feet he had nothing else to do while waiting for the tiger to reach the teleporter so he examined himself a little.

''The Blood from the snake does not dry its blood is still on me.'' Blake did not care much he was not even annoyed he was even thankful to the snake for giving him this skill even though it made him weaker.


At the teleporter everyone was, waiting for Blake the star badge they received would notify Jonathan if any of them died he would know, from the distance Jonathan was the first to notice a tall man in a black and gold uniform covered in a black substance.

''Blake, is that you?'' Jonathan said he was on guard because he found Blake creepy with the state he was in he couldn't see his face from the distance.


Blake, walked closer Jonathan could see his face clearly the corners of his lips were covered by a black substance he did not, recognize.

''Skill?'' Jonathan asked he was still tensed, he couldn't even hurl a insult at him.

''Yes.'' Blake answered in a ethereal voice

''Well you, don't smell but just take off your cap i can barley see you're face from here.''

Blake obliged and took it off now Jonathan started to notice something weird, Blake's eyes seemed to have turned slightly black and his face was clearer and smooth he looked like a dark deity.

While was coming here he decided it was better he killed the tiger and the wolf so he ate them and took back his blood from the assimilation.

Jonathan simply, continued to lead the way once Blake reached the teleporter all of them were creeped out except Jade.

''What in the, world happened to you?'' Jewel couldn't help but ask.


The rest of them decided to keep quiet Damian though was looking at Blake.

'Did, he find a beast? how I couldn't find a singular one.'' Damian was at this point nearing depression when he came back, to the teleporter with no blood or proof he thought everyone else just had a pensive expression.

Damian did not have time, to wallow in his suffering cause it was time to go.

''Since, Jade got her first skill and you, Blake you will be sent to the academy on earth.''

Ever since Blake had confirmed, he had got his skill his fathers attitude to him changed instead of annoyance, anger and disappointment he was just passive.

The teleporter activated and they were back at the garden of the manor.

''Okay, the first semester has already started so you two will go there in a week. ''

Jade, just nodded while Blake walked out of the garden and back into the manor when Blake was about to enter his room when he felt someone grip his shoulder it was like a giant was holding gripping his shoulder.

Blake turned around, it was Jade she was staring at him with no emotion.