Chapter 8: Humiliation

He could not move at all, Blake knew he was weak but not this weak coupled with the fact that he lost stats in everything but mind this was tantalizing.

''What, do you want.'' Blake asked with no emotion but inside he was in shambles he could not muster a insult at that moment he was feeling it through, his cells through his brain that primal instinct fear

Meeting someone, stronger in everyway all he could do is ask that he could not fight back at all he could do was just stand there and take it.

''Ah look at you little lamb, looking so cute you're so dirty with all this black gunk.'' Jade said, mockingly

Blake was fuming but he could do nothing about this, this humiliation.

Jade came in close and softly whispered in Blake's ear 

''You're a tasty little, lamb trying to get stronger to catch up to big sister.''

And with that she walked off, without a care Blake stood there expressionless, he had been through a lot things but never once had he felt fear of another human being he knew she was strong but he did no think that he was far apart.

Even though he knew the gap, feeling it was, so humiliating after gaining assimilation he felt like a new person but now he realized he was still the same person in the eyes of someone else.

Why? Because they are strong, a weakling would always feel the same when you defeat them or experience there strength there was only one way get a quest or gain more skills quests needed you're building but Blake offset it until he became stronger building users were supposed to be stronger than there units for synergy.

Blake did not go, into his room he instead went o the library he wanted to learn about Beasts with his skill he could create a army well if he does not die first.

Blake entered the library, and looked for books on beasts he found a few and started to read them but he still couldn't forget what happened earlier he hadn't forgot that humiliation.

But that was not going to stop him, he was going to get stronger at any cost.

Blake read through them, and found many types from fish type, insect type, bird type but what interested him was the Parasite type they spread there spores of whatever they did to invade a persons body for food.

'Its like my skill maybe i can, gain some inspiration.' Blake pondered

Blake continued studying, beasts related to his skill he did not even leave the library for the second until he finally made the breakthrough he found a new way to fight but just as he was processing his gains.

A knock came at the, door Damian came in and told him it was time to go Blake had not changed his clothes or cleaned himself the took off the jacket of his uniform leaving him with just a black shirt and black pants.

His hair was a little longer but still pretty short it, only partially covered his eyes he stored the jacket in the system he ran out of the library he practically sped through the manor he was excited.

'This, is my chance to get stronger after almost a week its my time.' 

Blake ran to the outside, of the manor this time there was no transporter earth was split between multiple factions and families always fighting there was no particular reason everyone was fighting for land whether it was plants or little islands.

A ship was descending to take Jade and Blake there, Jonathan was there to see Jade off but to Blake's shock he even said goodbye to him.

Blake just nodded, he was thinking about other things the mind stat that some monsters had made his thoughts smoother and faster so he naturally wanted to take advantage of that once the ship descended He and Jade got on board.

To his surprise, there were also other people from the other big families, as much as he did not want to he sat next to Jade after all he did not want to sit next to strangers.

'What, a horrid day.'