Chapter 9: Waiting

Blake sat next to her in silence she did not react at all, Blake stared at the metal wall carrying them he then glanced around and saw many children of other families but he did not care he just wanted get more powerful.

Blake sat there in silence, everyone couldn't even hear the sound of his breathing like a corpse until someone broke the silence.

''Why, are you dressed in all black?'' a person sitting next to him said.

He turned and saw a girl with black hair and blue eyes, wearing a blue pants and a white blouse looking at him curiously.

''Black is a, nice colour.'' Blake responded his voice was emotionless.

She was, probably from another family like his he had no interest in her at all he was thinking about other things.

''I am, surprised you're family kept you even though you did not get a swordsman building.''

Blake was then, brought back to that moment his life fell over and his expression did not change at all he just ignored her that time he was thinking about the combat test to see which class he would get into.

''Oh, don't ignore me I do not think you are stronger than me.''

She grabbed his face and made him face her, his strength stat must have been in the high 30's he could barley resist it.

''Look at that, nice and smooth skin have you ever fought before pretty boy?'' She said that while smiling widely

Blake almost used his skill, but he decided not to do it, he wanted to hide his application of his skill for later so he tried to pry her hand off him but he was struggling to even move it.

Jade, turned to see the bizarre scene playing out her brother getting man-handled by a woman and him trying his best to fight back but failing.

Blake was trying to, fight back but she was overpowering him she was practically on top of him the rest of the people where looking at this bizarre scene the women were looking away while the men were shaking there heads.

''Get of me, you gorilla!'' Blake shouted he was frustrated he was being embarrassed

''Come on, stop resisting me.'' She said playfully

Blake was, sweating and struggling like his life depended on it while she was not even sweating a little bit he was slowly losing the struggle he was close to being pinned down he was pushing her body to its limits which made it even worse.

Blake, was screaming like he was being violated Jade moved from her seat to a free one next to her he was thrashing around trying to push her hands away but slowly and slowly with every ounce of strength they were slowed.

Rein from the Flame family, watched this and couldn't help but stare into the distance.

''Is this, what the world has come to?'' He said out loud.

Rein could not even look at the scene, the screams did not bother him he was just disappointed then, the screams stopped.

Blake couldn't scream anymore his stamina hit rock bottom he could barley push her back she saw a slip in strength, and pinned his hands above his head she pushed him against the wall behind his seat.

Blake had a thousand-yard stare at that moment, he couldn't fight back at all she neared him and licked the sweat off his forehead he felt her tongue and instantly fought back with renewed strength but to no avail she slapped him lightly and went back to her seat like nothing happened.

Blake sat slouched slightly, there his hair was ruffled and messy he did not move or look back at his happy attacker he stared into the distance.

Everyone else felt pity while Rein couldn't look Blake in the eye not that he was looking at anyone though he was staring into the metal wall on the other side of the transport all he could think was.

''I hate, myself.'' He hated that he was weak he hated what just happened to him he wanted power but how would he get it?? The academy but what skills would benefit him he did not know but all he knew was he wanted to get stronger.

Jade, looked over at him and said.

''And I thought, men were rough.''

Some women, chuckled while the men were silent Rein had a pensive expression and Blake was motionless like a doll Jade noticed this and slapped him he did not react his cheeks were red and he was supposed to be feeling pain but all he felt was, emptiness.

His expression was like of a broken dolls dark and expressionless, he always prided himself in being able to at least fight stronger opponents even though he did not use his skill were skills omnipotent? No they had the potential were high but one skill wouldn't change much.

At, the end of the day he was powerless and got played around with the woman was not even trying he was a toy he was a puppet in her little game after all that time of growing little by little losing that little power and somewhat getting it back he was waiting, waiting for the chance to have power.

(I Apologize for the late chapter I was extremely sick)