Chapter 10: Weakness

Blake waited, and waited but he knew it would take at least 2 days he beat himself over and over it was worse that he got easily overpowered by the woman his drive to power was always constant he wanted to prove himself to be the heir then he wanted to surpass all of them.

But now, Blake was hit with reality without quests he could not raise his stats his mind stat was 39 but what would that matter one skill that relied on that skill sure he found another way to fight with it but what if it was not enough?

He did not know, but at this point he just silent he was barley breathing he was not doing it for any specific purpose he was just in thought each any any thought was about power his greed grew it grew high, higher than ever.

'It never, truly hit me how weak I was, I fought for my life like I was going to die she played around with me like, like a toy dammit goddammit.' He said while looking up at the ceiling.

The sudden movement made all the passengers look at Blake but all they saw were, glazed over eyes looking up at the ceiling even though it was the same as the walls and floor of the transport Rein did not even look over he was disappointed.

The woman who caused Blake, all this distress Vendra did not even look over at him she was talking to other people of her family she had even forgotten what happened it was at the back of her head.

While Blake was still beating himself up over it, was painful it was saddening it was disgraceful his heart felt devoid of any feeling.

'Is this how it is, now? Am I just weak can't I get stronger I know the way I know the path but how can I beat the combat test and get into a high grade class without power.'

'I figured, out how to enhance a part of my body with assimilation but it is not enough i need more MORE MORE!' Blake screamed into his head as his grip on the chair tightened.

Blakes resolve was soaring and a hatred arose, how could someone humiliate me like that? He thought he did not realize on the outside he was twitching and breathing heavily and gazing at something but if you were to look at the same place you would see nothing.

Jade was the first, to notice as she was 2 seats away she said nothing Rein noticed it next he felt like he felt like he was looking at a rabid beast he almost pulled out a weapon he did not know what was going on in Blakes mind.

Blake was in that state for a few seconds then, nothing his arm rests were mangled and his hands were bleeding but nothing he was doing nothing once again his mind was in chaos but it did not show.

'When will my hell end when, will I become the person I want to be?' 

Blake thought as he sat back and closed his eyes he did not want to suffer he wanted to just get to the combat, test at least then he would not have to suffer like this.

But once again, it was ruined his rest he heard that woman's voice who else but Vendra she was laughing carefree while he was agonizing but worst of all she was laughing to her family her friends about him about what she did like it was a joke.

Even, Jade was laughing almost everyone was now talking about it Rein was silent what was Blake feeling? Embarrassment? No Sadness? No then what could it possibly have been well it was just a drowning feeling.

'If I were stronger this wouldn't have happened if I wouldn't have to agonize over my own power and incompetence.'

Yes this was a overwhelming, drowning feeling of weakness it hit him hard it washed over him there was not a comeback no insults no help no sympathy nothing there was nothing to help him he was alone in this all.

First his, father then his sister brother mother gave up and now he got a skill they still treated him the skill just no insults but did it matter?

No because in the end, they did not even try to believe in him not once this reason the reason why it was like this he did not have enough power not enough skills his building was near useless now and his stats were below average this contributed to this already sickening feeling.

'I hate myself, i hate this weakness in me.'