Chapter 11: Academy

The, transport finally landed after 2 days of waiting it finally began it was time for Blake to enter the academy though needed to get passed the combat test.

Blake worried over it, he was nothing special though having a skill that scaled with you're stats was a good skill he only found one way to fight with it other than taking assimilating another life form.

 'I am going to pass I have to here, I am at a severe disadvantage but worrying about the combat test is for future me.' Blake thought as he walked out of the transport

He did not spare anyone else a glance, all he saw was the grand and majestic place in front of him it seemed like a place made for kings there were people in the yard training or conversing with others.

Blake had everything sorted for him, everything but the test there was a written test but it did not matter that was the easy.

But beating a another candidate for enrolment was going to be difficult for Blake.

A teacher from the academy, led them to where the test was taking place they were led to the place it was at the very back of the school.

''So, the opponents you will face have already been chosen so no need to waste time let us begin all of you will have you're test taken today when you hear you're name called go to the arena for now wait at the side lines.'' The teacher calmly said

Blake was nervous, but he wouldn't chicken out so he waited to see who was being called first, and to no surprise it was him and his opponent was Fulgur from the lightning family.

Blake's face darkend, his worst possible matchup he was basically manipulating his body and assimilating parts of his own body to make them stronger lightning was not a good match.

But Blake still walked up to the arena, the arena had no walls to stop people from running or getting thrown off it the rules for the battle were if you are knocked out from a attack and fall off the arena you lose, if you kill you're opponent you wont be enrolled.

As Blake reached the other side of the arena, a person with Blonde hair bright blue eyes and wearing all white stood at the other side Fulgur.

Blake heard the announcer say GO, so he activated his skill but as he tried to assimilate himself the assimilation was interrupted his entire right arm erupted with blood.

The black blood poured out onto the floor, and even on Blake's clothes, but it did not matter to him cause he was in pain humongous pain usually assimilation did not hurt.

WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED! The thoughts ran through his head, as he tried to understand it but when he felt the next burst of pain from the left hand he understood.

What, was happening to Blake was he was getting hit by electricity it interrupted his skill before he went into shock he assimilated his pain receptors.

Now without the pain he, moved the blood that was lost onto his arm and assimilated it, it was a strange feeling like his arm was a puppet.

Everyone, spectating was appalled at what they witnessed why was his blood black? how is he still standing, all those questions popped into their minds but they did not voice them.

''Interesting, type of skill there I did not intend to hurt you that bad but give me good fight failure of the Star family.'' Fulgur said mockingly 

Blake did not, answer instead he assimilated his legs next while he was not fully assimilating his body parts only the surface of the muscle it was enough to shot his speed and attack power in the 30's.

Blake took a step, the strength he could unleash was more than he had ever felt though it was like moving 2 body parts at the same time he could deal with it he ran up to Fulgur who hadn't moved.

But as, Blake got close and threw a punch at full power but his fist hit something that felt like a net he was confused but that lasted a second before a blast of electricity hit him point blank.

Blake flew through the air and crashed into the ground back at where he started, last second he made the assimilated blood around his arm harder but it only destroyed them entirely.

The blood, used for the assimilation on his arm was gone it fell to the ground smoking like glass or like pieces of broken armor he did not feel pain but felt his cells were damaged on his arm.

Blake was laying on the ground, luckily the electricity only hit his arm he got up with difficulty and looked at his opponent Fulgur was looking at Blake indifferent almost looking bored.

Blake said nothing, but examined his opponent he did not know what building he possessed or his skills but he knew it had something to do with lightning seeing as he got hit by it point blank.

But as Blake was seeing how he could beat him Fulgur appeared in front of him a instant with a translucent sword, Blake hadn't seen before.

As Blake, tried to attack him time seemed to slow Fulgur swung down the sword at impossible speeds and severed Blake's left arm but, before Blake could process it Fulgur disappeared.

He, appeared back at his original spot Blake dashed to him but halfway a bolt of lighting was shot from Fulgur, Blake could see it he understood what was happening.

But, his body couldn't move or it was that his body could not move that fast his legs still had stat 20 flesh just covering the outer layer would not give him 39 stat speeds.

Blake, was soon hit full force by the bolt of lighting he wanted to attack back he long forgot his arm had been cut off, the bolt hit him and flew out of him.

All was, left was a fuming hole in the middle of his chest.