Chapter 1 : Get a magic ring

Chapter 1 : Get a magic ring 

 In a small village, Li Shaofan, the young man who was proudly sent to college by the village, has recently become a hot topic for villagers after dinner. He was supposed to spend his youth on the university campus, but suddenly chose to drop out of school and go home, which caused a lot of waves in the village. 

 Some say he was expelled for misconduct at school, while others speculate he was forced to leave because of personal problems with female classmates. Since his return, shao-fan li has been living in seclusion, it undoubtedly deepened the villagers speculation and doubt about him. 

 However, the scene that happened last night made the villagers even more astonished. In everyone comment in succession, shao-fan li unexpectedly quietly away from home, alone to the mountain. When he was found, was in a coma. 

 "Oh, true his niang of bad luck, that damn rabbit! "Just open your eyes shao-fan li scold a way. It turned out that he went to see the meteor shower last night, but suddenly a rabbit jumped out, scared him a stumble rolled down the hill. 

 Although Li Shaofan's explanation makes things simple, villagers are still discussing his dropout mystery and last night's accident. Small liuzhuang again lost in speculation and doubts about shao-fan li. When the first ray of sunshine in the morning sprinkled the earth, Li Shaofan woke up from a deep sleep. He opened his eyes and found himself lying in bed safe and sound. At this moment, a middle-aged woman came in with a bowl of steaming millet porridge. 

 "Every child, how do you this child in such a hurry to get up? You should have a good rest when you fell down from the mountain yesterday. If you leave any sequela, how can you marry a wife in the future?" As she spoke, she placed the millet porridge on the table beside the bed. 

 Li Shaofan smiled and said,"Mom, I'm really fine." You see, my spirit is good!" As he spoke, he jumped down from the bed and bounced around a few times to show his vitality. 

 Mother saw this scene, can not help but some surprise. Her heart of a tight string finally relaxed. She thought, but son is ok, otherwise the husband come back, how to account? 

 At this point, the Li Shaofan stomach growling. He picked up the millet porridge and drank it in big gulps: "Mom, this porridge is delicious!" Is there anything else?" 

 His mother looked at his contented expression and smiled."Wait, my dear son. I'll make noodles for you." Then she turned and walked to the kitchen. 

 Shao-fan li also lost in thought. He thought: Yeah, how come I'm all right when I'm rolling down that high? It's a mystery. 

 However, life is always full of surprises and miracles. Li Shaofan's story tells us that sometimes we can't explain things, perhaps it is the magic of life. He tumbled down from a height but was unharmed. This was simply unbelievable. Could it be that he had seen a ghost? When Li Shaofan confused, an abrupt voice in his mind. 

 "Are you wondering why you weren't hurt?" The voice asked. Li Shaofan responded without thinking: "Yes." However, he soon realized that something was amiss, clearly no one in the room, where did the sound come from? Could it really be a ghost? 

 "Who is it?" Come out, I won't beat you." Shao-fan li jumped up in horror, the whole body nerve is tight. 

 "Don't make a fuss, I'm in your head."" The voice told him quietly. 

 "What do you want?" Li Shaofan nervously swallow a mouthful of saliva, he had read many stories of crossing, is now such a thing really happen to him? He began to sweat. 

 He had thought of all kinds of possibilities, including being possessed. God, he hasn't had time to enjoy life, haven't let parents have a good life. He couldn't be possessed just like that! 

 "I just want you to be my successor." The voice rang out again, as if everything was within its expectations. 

 "On? Are you a god?" Shao-fan li asked curiously. 

 "I can't tell you who I am, or I'll get you into trouble." Are you willing to be my successor?" The voice asked him. 

 "What benefits can I get?" Shao-fan li asked quickly, if only dangerous and no interest, he didn't do it. 

 "You can get my life." The voice answered. Dear Li Shaofan, I must tell you that I am about to impart to you my lifelong cultivation method. However, time is short, I only have a wick sweet time. You need to make a decision in a short time. 

 You may be worried about the dangers of the future, after all, through the plot of the novel is often full of unknown dangers. However, the opportunity is rare, missed this time, may no longer have such an opportunity waiting for you. 

 I know you want to be strong and create a better life for your parents so they don't have to work so hard. This is your determination, and your strength. 

 When you make a decision, all of a sudden, there is a strong pain in your mind, as if something is pounding your nerves. You cover your head in pain, can't control to fall to the ground. The pain lasted about ten minutes, strong to let you can't stand. 

 Now, you're lying in bed, panting, feeling as if you've been through a life-and-death battle. You ask,"What did you just do to me?" However, there was no response from the room. 

 You start to get angry because you think you've made a promise and the other person hasn't kept any of it. You just want to open to blame, only to find that I do not know when the left hand middle finger on the emergence of a ring of primitive simplicity. 

 You pick up the ring and look at it, wondering,"Is this what you gave me?" It doesn't look very impressive, and it's estimated that it'll sell for less than ten yuan in antique shops." However, despite its seemingly ordinary appearance, this ring contained endless possibilities and power. 

 Li Shaofan, you made a brave decision. This ring is small, but please believe in its power. Perhaps, when you truly understand and master its power, you will find it is far more precious than you think. Whoosh! 

 Just at the moment, a faint light burst from the ring, quietly into the consciousness of shao-fan li. His eyelids gradually became heavy, drowsy, and finally fell into a boundless dream. 

 Hazy, shao-fan li as if into a different field. The sky here was gloomy, and so was the earth. Everything was so gloomy. He looked around and wondered,"What is this place?" It's a good idea." 

 " Don't worry, this place will become your private domain. You can enter at any time." Suddenly, a bright light flashed, and an illusory figure appeared in his line of sight. Experienced before consternation, shao-fan li has been able to calm down at the moment, for this sudden phantom did not feel too surprised. 

 "Can you help me? "What's going on?" Shao-fan li eagerly cross-examine. 

 "I don't have much time, can only reveal some information. This is a very good idea. 

 "Of course I understand. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here for no reason." Shao-fan li turned into white, obviously not satisfied with the answer. 

 " Your spiritual power has been led here, while your physical body is still where it is. From the looks of outsiders, you are only in a deep sleep." The phantom explained slowly. 

 "What is it?" As your successor, I hope you can speak more clearly. "I'm sorry." Shao-fan li cross-examine. 

 "You need to be careful." I'm going to disappear, I hope you can use this ring." The phantom said in an ancient tone. Then, it turned into a golden light and disappeared from Li Shaofan's forehead. 

 "Wait a minute. Clear to walk again! "Oh, my God!" Li Shaofan calling, but only the silence of the vanity in response to him. "Come out, give me out! "Shao-fan li roar echoed in the empty space. What's going on here? He thought angrily, this is not playing with people? Caught me endless curiosity, but suddenly disappeared. Don't you know this will be being hit? 

 "Every child, every child, have a meal, don't go to sleep. "When he was angry, ambiguously hear someone calling him. He vaguely opened his eyes and found his mother was looking at him kindly. 

 "Mom, what's the matter? "He asked. 

 "Mom made your favorite noodles with gravy, wake up to eat. Have a good rest for two days, when the time comes mom he give you find a job. "Li mother dotingly patted him on the head, said with a smile. 

 Li Shaofan's anger in his heart was instantly quelled by his mother's love. He looked at his mother's kind face, in the heart of anger dissipate. He knew that no matter how the world changes, the mother's love will never change.