Chapter 2: A strange discovery.

Chapter 2: A strange discovery. 

 Here is a creative, confident, passionate redraft of the original: 

 "Mom, I think we need to relax a little bit about finding a job. My mind is a mess right now." Li Shaofan ate the noodles in big mouthfuls. Although he was a little vague, his eyes were filled with determination. 

 "Fan Zi, tell Mom what happened in school? Why did you look so disappointed when you came back?" Mother Li thought of her son's appearance when he returned. She had not dared to ask before, but now that she saw that her son's mood had obviously improved, she decided to ask him clearly. 

 Hearing his mother's words, Li Shaofan's palm trembled slightly, swallowed the noodles in his mouth, and then smiled and said to his mother,"Mom, this matter is not clear in one or two words." But rest assured, when the time is right, I will tell you everything. But I assure you that I have never done anything to betray my ancestors, my parents, or my conscience." 

 "Alright, since you don't want to tell me, then I won't ask." Mother Li understood her son's character and knew that he was not a bad person. Although he sometimes liked to play pranks, he would never do anything harmful. 

 "Mom, I'm done eating. I have to go take a look at the orchard." Li Shaofan was afraid that his mother would continue to ask questions, so he quickly finished pulling the noodles in his bowl, put down his chopsticks, and left with a brisk pace. 

 "This kid kept it a secret from his mother." Mother Li smiled and said. Seeing that her son had returned to his original appearance, she no longer worried about why his son dropped out of school. As long as he was happy, it would be good. 

 "Come on," he said. 

 "Sixth Uncle, I heard that your sow gave birth to fifteen piglets. You're going to make a fortune this year." 

 "Fourth Uncle, if you have time, let's have a game." 

 As he walked, he greeted his acquaintances in the village warmly. For Li Shaofan, this is his home, everything is so natural, confident and enthusiastic. Here's a reworked version that's more creative, confident, and passionate: 

 "Ah, this child." Looking at Li Shaofan's disappearing figure, the villagers sighed. He had hoped that he would bring glory to the whole village, but he did not expect it to end in such a way. However, Li Shaofan didn't care. He firmly believed that as long as he lived his true self, he didn't need to care about other people's opinions. 

 Walking down the country road, he smiled at those strange eyes. After all, when God closed the door for him, he also left a window. Moreover, he held a magical ring in his hand. It was the key to wealth. In fiction, such plots always bring good luck and wealth. 

 Arriving at his orchard, Li Shaofan looked around and saw nothing. Decades of apple trees hanging fruit, but compared with previous years, the quality is not satisfactory. According to my mother, this year's harvest is probably only 70% of last year's. However, Li Shaofan was not discouraged. He knew that every challenge was a stepping stone to growth. 

 He climbed the tree lightly and picked an apple. After wiping it off, she bit it and immediately spat it out. The taste of this apple was so astringent that no one wanted it even if it was given away for free. Mother's hard work would be a losing proposition if it didn't fetch a good price. 

 Li Shaofan thought to himself that he had to find a way to solve this problem. He decided to use the ring in his hand and his wisdom to share the pressure for his mother. He believed that all problems could be solved by faith and courage. This was Li Shaofan's style: confident, enthusiastic, and daring to challenge! Sitting on a branch, Li Shaofan fell into deep thought and frowned. He felt confused and helpless because he couldn't find a solution to the problem. He began to wonder if he really wanted to lose money. However, just as he felt despair, he noticed the ring in his hand. This was a ring given to him by the mysterious person, so that he could discover the magic of it. 

 Li Shaofan's heart lit up. He realized that this might be the key to solving the problem. He plucked an apple and closed his eyes, silently thinking about entering the space in the ring. With a buzzing sound, the apple in his hand disappeared and was replaced by an empty space. 

 Li Shaofan opened his eyes and found himself in a strange space. He looked around, trying to understand this mysterious space. He looked at the apple in his hand and found that it had not changed at all. He began to think about how to use this ring, thinking about bringing things into space. 

 However, something shocking happened to him. When he released his hand and the green apple fell to the ground, it quickly withered, leaving only a few seeds in the blink of an eye. Li Shaofan exclaimed. He could not understand this phenomenon. Could it be that there was only death in this dimension? He had hoped that the ring would become a mobile warehouse, but now it seemed that it was all over. 

 Just when he was disappointed, something amazing happened again. Those seeds sprouted rapidly and grew like mushrooms. Li Shaofan watched this scene with his mouth agape. The shock in his heart was indescribable. 

 At this moment, he realized that the power contained in this ring far exceeded his imagination. Despite initial frustrations, he now sees new hope. He would dig deeper into the magic of this ring and explore its mysteries. Under the care of the family orchard, Li Shaofan knows how to reproduce apples. It is well known that apple trees are usually propagated by grafting. Although seeds can also produce new life, it is time-consuming and expensive for small-scale farmers like us. 

 As time passed, the saplings quickly grew taller. In just a few minutes, they were already more than half a meter tall, as if they were showing us endless vitality. Li Shaofan's eyes sparkled with longing, as if he could see mountains of gold rising before his eyes. 

 "If we use these seedlings to cultivate saplings, how much money will we earn?" Li Shaofan's heart surged, as if he had been placed in the ocean of wealth. 

 However, he soon came to his senses and realized that this was not a wise move. "If you suddenly sell a large number of saplings, others will inevitably be suspicious. Our family's land is only a few acres. How can we plant so many saplings? Moreover, my hometown never produces saplings. They are all imported from outside." 

 At this moment, Li Shaofan had an idea. " Apple seeds fall on the ground, germinate, grow…" he repeated repeatedly. Suddenly, he squatted down, dug up a handful of soil, and put it to the tip of his nose to smell. The smell of the earth seemed different and refreshing. 

 "It must be because of this soil!" After some pondering, Li Shaofan concluded that it was the special features of the soil that allowed apple seeds to grow smoothly. 

 He laughed excitedly and said,"Haha, this young master is rich!" If the soil here is removed to plant trees, the quality of the fruits will definitely be first-class!" Li Shaofan's face was filled with a victorious smile, as if he had already seen a beautiful future beckoning to him. Here is a creative, confident, passionate redraft of the original: 

 "This way, I can earn more money and create more possibilities!" Li Shaofan's eyes sparkled with determination. He understood his goal. 

 " That's right, right now. I want to return to the laboratory immediately and start a new experiment with soil." He acted decisively, retreating from space and leaping lightly from the apple tree. He saw his mother worrying about the quality of the apples. 

 "Mom, why are you here? Why don't you rest at home?" He ran to his mother and asked with concern. 

 "Sigh, the weather this year is really bad. Look at the quality of these apples. It's hard to say whether they can sell for a good price at that time." Mother Li said helplessly, frowning. 

 "Don't worry, Mom, we're all the same. If my experiment succeeds, everything will be fine." Li Shaofan comforted his mother, but he secretly swore in his heart that he would definitely let his mother's worries disappear. 

 "You're optimistic." His mother smiled and tapped him on the head. 

 "Yes, things have come to this, we can only look forward. You can't go against God, can you? If we really annoy him, we'll be the ones unlucky." He smiled and touched his head. 

 "You're right." His mother smiled and nodded." Forget it. At most, all my hard work this year will be in vain." 

 "Look, once I enlighten you, you'll open up." He smiled triumphantly, as if he were a great psychiatrist. 

 Suddenly, his mother's hand hit him on the head."What do you mean, old man? Am I old? You brat, have you been too relaxed lately?" She pretended to be angry. 

 "No, no, this is a respectful title! You will always be the youngest and most beautiful in my heart." Li Shaofan immediately explained, his tone full of love and attachment for his mother. Li Shaofan hurriedly said,"Mom, don't make fun of me." I know you're good to me, and I know it. When I earn a lot of money in the future, I will definitely buy you the best things so that you can live a good life." 

 Li Mu smiled and said,"Get it, don't come to this set." When you get married, you'll know how to make me happy. Don't forget your mother when the time comes." 

 Li Shaofan didn't bother with this question. He had his own ideas. Now, earning money was the most important thing. As for marriage, it had spread throughout the surrounding villages. Who would marry their daughter to him? So he said," Mom, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. I'll go home first." 

 Mrs. Li nodded. She looked at her son's back as he left in a hurry and felt a little uncomfortable. She knew that her son had grown up and had his own ideas and pursuits, but she still hoped that he could start a family and lead a happy life as soon as possible.