Chapter 3: To catch fish in the river

Chapter 3: To catch fish in the river 

 Li Shaofan rode home on a galloping horse. He didn't have time to rest and began to get busy. He picked up pots of flowers and plants, carefully plucked a few grass in the yard, then hurried back to his room and closed the door. He knew that apples were coming soon and he had to hurry, otherwise the apples in this place might be destroyed and his mother's hard work for a year would be in vain. 

 Taking a deep breath, Li Shaofan took the newly plucked grass and entered the mysterious space. He dug a small hole and planted grass in it. After planting the grass, he immediately went out and moved two pots of flowers into the room, determined to uncover the secret of this mysterious space. 

 An amazing scene appeared again, and the grass began to grow wildly. In less than five minutes, the grass grew rapidly from less than ten centimeters to more than thirty centimeters, and there was a tendency for it to continue growing crazily. Li Shaofan touched his chin and thought," This grass seems to be good for cattle." 

 He then looked at the chrysanthemums. Those chrysanthemums that would take at least two months to bloom were already in full bloom. " No," he frowned." Why haven't these flowers withered?" He recalled what happened with the apple and his heart was filled with doubts. Could this thing also be divided into woody plants and herbs? This was too snobbish. 

 He reached out and plucked a blooming chrysanthemum and threw it on the ground. That strange scene of withering appeared once again. His heart skipped a beat." Could it be because there's something between us?" He thought back to apples and chrysanthemums now, and this thought came to his mind. If that was the case, then the secret was probably much more complicated than he had imagined. That's wonderful! Li Shaofan's eyes sparkled with excitement as he exited this strange space. He picked up some green apples his mother had picked up in the field and returned hopefully. He dropped the apple gently into the pot and prayed silently that everything would go well. 

 Time passed quietly, but the green apple did not wither. Instead, it began to change. It goes from green to yellow, then yellow to red. In just five minutes, a ripe red apple miraculously appeared in front of Li Shaofan. 

 "How about a taste of this?" Li Shaofan licked his lips and grabbed the apple excitedly. He took a bite, and the crisp and sweet fruit flavor instantly filled his mouth. He swore it was the most delicious apple he had ever eaten. If he lies, let God strike him with lightning! 

 To test the effect of the soil, he dropped a bite of the apple on the ground. Sure enough, the magical scene unfolded again. The apples withered and the seeds sprouted. 

 " Mother, I won't let your hard work for a year go to waste this time." Li Shaofan made up his mind that since he was no longer a student, he had to bear the burden of his family. 

 Throughout the afternoon, Li Shaofan immersed himself in various experiments. He concluded that the soil in the space had the dual function of ripening and withering, and the key lay in the concentration of the soil. When he figured this out, he felt as if he had become the protagonist of those legendary novels. The golden finger had finally arrived! 

 Since God had given him this opportunity, he decided to seize it. He will become a great farmer. Looking at the two-meter-tall apple tree and the nearly one-meter-tall grass, Li Shaofan felt a surge of pride. He knows that 360 lines, every line out of the top, and he has made up his mind to become an outstanding farmer. As long as he worked hard, he could also live in a big house, drive a luxury car, and marry beautiful women, making those city people envious. 

 "You bastards, just wait and see! What's the big deal about having money? Graduation is two months away, and I'll definitely be there when graduation day comes. At that time, I'll let you see who the real hero is and who the focus of everyone's attention is!" Li Shaofan recalled the argument from a month ago and was furious. 

 But at this moment, he calmed down and began to think about his future plans. "To get revenge on them, I have to fight hard now. Only by becoming stronger will those who once looked down on me understand their mistakes." 

 At the same time, Li Shaofan also realized a serious problem. "I've got to find a way not to let Mom know what I'm doing, or she'll blame me for not doing my job properly." After all, he couldn't hide all his apples in chaos space, otherwise it would attract suspicion. 

 After much thought, he decided to test the market with some apples. After all, what he thought was delicious might not necessarily be delicious to others. 

 Thus, Li Shaofan exited the chaotic space and discovered that it was already evening. He hastened to pick some apples when no one was looking. At the edge of the chaotic space, I randomly collected some strange items. I did what I said, rested, recovered some strength, locked the door, and embarked on a new journey. 

 "Uncle Fan Zi, isn't the big city as beautiful as it is on TV?" A group of five or six-year-olds surrounded me, their eyes shining with longing. I smiled and touched their heads one by one."Big cities have good sides and bad sides. When you grow up, explore for yourself. No matter how much Uncle says, it's better for you to experience it yourself." 

 "But Uncle, Dad said there are many bad people there. He's afraid that we'll be cheated." A cute little girl asked. I pinched her cheek."There are good people and bad people everywhere. As long as you are good people, you will find the good side." 

 Farewell ignorant children, I carry a bag of apples on the way home. I hummed along the way, feeling happy. When I passed the river near the village, I heard the sound of water coming from the grass. 

 "There's a big fish!" My heart was filled with joy. Not to catch them, but to imagine the delicious taste of wild fish in the river, in sharp contrast to the monotonous feed fish in the school cafeteria. I put the bag down, took off my shoes and went into the water, slowly approaching. 

 The clattering sound of water echoed in my ears, as if it were the call of a big fish. I swore to myself that I would catch a big fish and taste the taste of home. In the vast river, Li Shaofan tried his best to catch a big fish. However, before the joy dissipated, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. His gaze fell on a pink pair of underwear in the river. Instantly, his heart was shocked. 

 "Oh no!" Li Shaofan thought to himself. His face instantly turned pale. 

 He realized that someone was bathing by the river, and what shocked him even more was that it was a woman. He never expected that there would be women bathing here in broad daylight. His heart trembled. If he was discovered, he would probably forever bear the reputation of being a "refined beast." 

 Cold sweat trickled down his cheeks. He decided to leave immediately. However, the more anxious you are, the easier it is to make mistakes. His foot suddenly stepped on a pebble and he fell backward into the river. 

 "I don't want to die!" Li Shaofan shouted in his heart. Huge water splashed everywhere as he fell heavily into the water. 

 Just as he was about to sink, he caught a glimpse of a girl's frightened face. The girl's screams almost tore his eardrums. He immediately reacted and used all his strength to rush towards the girl like a hungry tiger, covering her mouth. 

 Fortunately, the river played a role in shielding, and the sky was slightly dim at this time, otherwise the girl's spring light would be unobstructed. He whispered nervously to the girl,"Don't scream. I didn't mean to offend you. I really didn't mean to." Li Shaofan rushed to Zihan's side, his eyes flashing with excitement." Zihan, you can't imagine it. I thought it was a big fish!" Remember when we caught big fish when we were kids?" 

 Zihan's beautiful eyes widened as tears rolled in her eyes. The corners of her mouth trembled as she whimpered. Her body twisted like a frightened deer. 

 Li Shaofan looked at her and an indescribable emotion surged in his heart. At this youthful age, Zihan's petite body emitted a faint fragrance when it twisted, like an invisible magic, instantly igniting the impulse deep in his heart. He felt his heart beat faster and his blood rush through his veins.