Chapter 5 : We're out of apples.

Chapter 5 : We're out of apples. 

 Business has been tough this year, and Apple's quality is not as good as before. But Li Shaofan is not eager to set up a stall, he chose to conduct market research first. 

 The survey showed that this year's apples were of inferior quality, not even comparable to those from their own orchards. I'm afraid no one cares about such apples when they are put out for sale. And people have complained that this year's apple can only go to the field to buy. 

 In the investigation process, Li Shaofan also learned that the original five or six yuan a catty of apples are now reduced to three also no one asked. A worried look appeared on his face, their county is a big apple planting county, many people are apple for a living, this year's price drop, loss cans be imagined. 

 But Li Shaofan understood that he could not care about everyone. His first priority is to sell his apple. So he set up a stall in the market and divided fifty green apples and fifty red apples into two piles. 

 Before long, someone asked the price: "Young man, how much is this apple of yours for a kilo?" 

 Li Shaofan replied with a smile,"Aunt, I don't sell by catty, I sell by catty." 

 This answer puzzled the auntie. She had never heard of apples being sold by the unit. But looking at the red apple, she temporarily suppressed the doubt in her heart and continued to ask,"How do you sell it?" 

 Li Shaofan's sales mode broke the traditional sales mode by catty and aroused people's great interest. How on earth is he going to sell these apples? And what kind of story is hidden behind this? In the bustling market, Li Shaofan's stall is different. In the basket in front of him, the red apples were in sharp contrast to the green apples. "These apples, red is six pieces, green as long as five hair. "He enthusiastically introduce to past customers. Although those green apples were not eye-catching, they were the hope of his heart. If he could sell them, of course, it would be the best. If he doesn't sell them, he plans to send them to the homeless people under the overpass, where he believes they won't despise their appearance. 

 An aunt approached the booth, hesitated for the red apple,"young man, six dollars a bit expensive? "Shao-fan li reluctantly explained," aunt, this year you also know the apple, our family a few acres of orchard had a difficult time to find this a few apples. We want to lose less? If you want to buy, you hurry up, otherwise don't blame me for a while to sell out. " 

 Aunt thought about it, the whole market really does not have such a good apple, now decided to buy five. Three apples, 15 dollars, shao-fan li for the first time feel money turned out to be this kind of feeling. 

 He began to shout like other vendors,"sell apples, big, red apple. "In previous years such Shouting may not cause too much attention, but this year is different. After shouting a few words, many people were attracted and surrounded his stall. 

 "Little boys, where did you get this apple? "Some people asked curiously. 

 "The field. "Shao-fan li answered," eldest brother, to a few ah, six dollars a. " 

 The auntie had a surprised expression on her face. Clearly, she had not expected this to happen, and she was momentarily stunned. 

 Someone asked,"Can you try it?" " 

 Shao-fan li hesitated, finally decided to let the customers have a taste. He broke the two apples into several portions and handed them to everyone to taste. The apples are amazing."So sweet. ,"" good crisp. "Wowing wwe. In this lively market, Li Shaofan's green apples have become the absolute focus. That sweet taste seemed to have magic, making everyone who had tasted it admire it. 

 "It's delicious!" Wowing wwe. 

 "Little brother, I want all of your apples. Each one costs six yuan." One customer said eagerly, his hand already reaching for his wallet, afraid that the baby would be robbed by others. 

 "We've bought them all. What are we going to eat then, little brother? You have to leave a few for us no matter what." People are asking, and the children in the family can't wait. 

 Li Shaofan looked at the lively scene, in the heart is full of joy. His apple has been recognized by everyone, and today's sales will definitely be fine. However, he was not a heartless person." Everyone, since you all think my apples are delicious, then that's it. I still have forty to fifty apples here, and each person is limited to three. I will come the day after tomorrow at the latest. I will definitely let everyone enjoy themselves, alright?" 

 Business is all about timing and considerate, offend anyone. 

 Everyone seemed to think that Li Shaofan's words were reasonable, but when they thought of the current Apple market, they all looked at him with puzzled eyes, as if asking: "Can you get so many?" 

 "I promise you that by this time the day after tomorrow, I'll be delivering at least 500 catties of apples." Li Shaofan said loudly,"I mean what I say." 

 "Well, young man, we believe you just because of your words." One man said,"But how are you going to divide these apples?" 

 Li Shaofan smiled and said,"Since you want to buy apples, then let me decide." He thought about it and continued,"I just counted, and there are forty-five apples left. Each person is limited to three, each six dollars. If you want to buy more, you can only buy two more." In this lively market, Li Shaofan's apple stall has become the focus of attention. His clever mix of red and green apples makes one wonder what his sales strategy is. 

 "Young man, I really know how to do business." A passing customer praised. Li Shaofan scratched his head shyly and explained,"In order to sell it as soon as possible, I had to do this." 

 Indeed, his strategy was very successful. Soon, 55 apples were sold out. Everyone chose five red apples and two green apples, which cost only fifty cents a piece. In a short span of time, shao-fan li earned two hundred and sixty-six dollars. 

 However, eighteen green apples remained. Shao-fan li is not discouraged, he packed my things ready to go home. He was going to tell his mother that he had sold out all of the 100 apples for 100 dollars. This will no doubt make mother happy. 

 Just as he was about to leave, a hurried man stopped him. The suit of Mr Claiming to be the blue sea blue sky of the purchasing department manager, named de-xiang zhao. He showed great interest in Li Shaofan's red apples. Unfortunately, all the red apples have been snapped up. 

 Li Shaofan honestly told him that there were only some green apples left. The manager was disappointed, but he quickly regained his eagerness and invited Li Shaofan: "Little brother, I want to talk to you about cooperation." Can you come to my office tomorrow?" 

 Li Shaofan agreed, his heart was full of expectation and excitement. This small apple stall might become a turning point in his life. In this busy world, stir-fry chef Li Shaofan is staring at Zhao Dexing in confusion, the stranger, handed over the business card like a mystery. Zhao Dexing explained that they are looking for a special kind of apple to supply to the upper requirements. These days, Zhao has been rushing around the market to find the elusive apple. 

 Li Shaofan eyebrows stretching, he seem to see the business opportunities. He asked Zhao Dexing,"I have these apples, but how many do you need?" Zhao Dexing answered without hesitation: "At least 1000 jin." But Li Shaofan shook his head and said,"I can take out 500 jin at most." 

 Zhao Dexing wasn't disappointed. He decided to buy the five hundred catties first. Li Shaofan, however, told him that the five hundred jins and not all sold to him. He explained why, the original apple is he found in a mysterious place, the number is extremely limited. De-xing zhao after listen to, in the heart, thinking and then took out five hundred dollars, handed shao-fan li. 

 Shao-fan li paused, he didn't pick up the money. Zhao Dexing explained that he wanted to buy all the apples in Li Shaofan's bag as a friend. Li Shaofan looked at the firm guest, in the heart can not help with emotion. This deal, is not only a material exchange, but also the establishment of trust and friendship between people. Li Shaofan was stunned. The person in front of him was so rich that it was shocking. Wallet that a large pile of unity, reveals his wealth. 

 "Little brother, is it convenient for you to leave a phone number?" De-xiang zhao asked with a smile. 

 "Of course." Li Shaofan responded without thinking. 

 After telling Zhao Dexiang the phone number, Li Shaofan returned home in a trance. He did not think of, the 18 green apple can sell for five hundred dollars. 

 "It's great to make so much money on the first day." Sitting in the car home, Li Shaofan stroked the pocket of more than seven or eight dollars, the joy of the heart beyond words.