Chapter 6 : Continue to discover the ring's uses

Chapter 6 : Continue to discover the ring's uses 

 "This apple can actually be sold for so much money?" Mrs. Li looked at the 150 yuan in her hand with a look of disbelief. She knew that this year's apples were not of ideal quality, so that she could not believe that the money was from selling apples. 

 "Mom, it's true." Shao-fan li answer with a smile, glad I didn't take out all the money at once. He was afraid that his mother would be frightened. 

 "How did you do that?" Mrs. Li put away the money and asked curiously," A few days ago, your second uncle also went to sell apples. None of them were sold. How did you do it?" 

 "It's a good idea." Li Shaofan jokingly said,"Mom, don't worry about how I sold it, but I didn't do anything illegal." Let's eat first, and then I'll go to the field to pick some apples and send them to people." 

 Li Shaofan worried that his mother would find that there were fewer apples in the orchard, so he decided to tell her the good news. Of course, he can't reveal the secret of chaos space. 

 What is it?" Did someone order these apples?" Mrs. Li looked surprised." You're not saying that to comfort me, are you?" 

 "Mom, how can I lie to you?" Li Shaofan smiled helplessly and took out another hundred yuan to put into his mother's hand,"I have already paid the deposit." You see, if it was fake, how could I have so much money?" 

 "Don't these people look at the quality of apples?" Mrs. Li was still a little confused. "Li mother muttered, but now that can sell, sell it for you. Ok, I'll go to cook now, wait a minute we go together, the man how much? ". 

 "Two hundred jins. "Shao-fan li vaguely answer. He knew that no matter how many apples in the city will be snapped up. "Mom, you have a good rest at home, I a person go to, you tired one day. ". 

 "The child, you make money is too tired. "Li mother smiled and said," that's settled, I'll go to cook now. You're so good, these apples can let me worry about. ". 

 Mrs. Li happily busied herself in the kitchen. She felt that it was better to sell a little than to rot in the field. 

 "It seems that I can only hope to sell in the morning. "Shao-fan li said with a wry smile, but see mother happy, he also feel happy. 

 "If I can sell all these apples, mom will be happy into what look like? "Li Shaofan soliloquize, estimates that she will be happy to faint. 

 After dinner, Li Shaofan took his mother to the orchard. 

 "Son, although this year's apple quality is not good, but we want to take out the best apple to sell. "Li mother said, with hand to throw a few small apples on the ground. Li Shaofan could see that the mother's heart cherish, in previous years these small apples can stay at home to eat. 

 "Mom, don't worry, this year this kind of situation, as far as I know a lot of places are affected. "Shao-fan li consolingly," you think about it, other people are not sell, our apple can also change back to a few bags of fertilizer money? ". "That's true. "Li mother responded with a smile," I didn't think you this boy went to college for two years, the eloquence is getting better and better. " 

 "By the way, mom, my dad have to call recently? "Shao-fan li suddenly asked, he didn't tell his father he dropped out of school, now also don't know how to explain to him. 

 "Why, think of your dad now? Says,"li mother as she went to the basket filled with a few big apples," are you afraid of your dad know it's back to beat you? " 

 "Yes, mom, when the time comes you must help me to block. "Li Shaofan pathetically looked at his mother. In their family, the father always plays the role of strict, and the mother is the image of the protector. 

 "This is a little difficult. "Li mother thoughtfully said," but, if you can make it one thing, your dad might not hit you, even very happy. " 

 "What is it, mom? As long as I can do it, I also in diligently to go through fire and water. "Shao-fan li to pick apples, hurried to the mother's side, a full face of expectant to ask. 

 "That is you will find a wife. "Li mother smiled and said," in this way, even if your dad anger, also won't beat you in front of the daughter-in-law? In our village with you about the size of a lot of married. Now the girl so little, you have to grasp. Waiting for you to deal with the things here, I went to a matchmaker, let her give you say a kiss. " 

 "Mom, I'm only 22 years old, what are you doing so nasty? I'm under the legal age for marriage. "Shao-fan li explained, his birthday in October, hasn't arrived. 

 "I don't worry can do it? "Li mother stared Li Shaofan one eye," you see the east little nothing, 18 years old and he got married, now the child is four years old. And let's small five next door, as big as you, the child will run away. You look at you, don't know in a hurry. "" oh, mama ah, I now doesn't even have an object, lift head in the village. ". 

 "Hold on hold on," shao-fan li hurriedly interrupted his mother,"mom, the time has come, daughter-in-law came naturally, block also can not hold up against, also don't come. ". 

 "Don't give me these useless bullshit, waiting for you to work things solved, I will go to find you a object, don't give me to find all sorts of reasons, or I'll beat you. "Li mother militantly proclaim. 

 "Good good, you, you have the final say. "Shao-fan li had to throw in the towel, now promise you first, how about later that is my thing. 

 With chaotic space, I now but potential stocks, it won't be long before I will be rich. I grow so handsome, and money, it is a rich singles, then girl is not already the scalp want to follow me. 

 "Aunt, little every elder brother, you are picking apples? "At that moment, an ethereal voice rang, the shao-fan li from fantasy back to reality. 

 Looked inside, shao-fan li face a little embarrassed, the original bearer is Liu Zihan was caught by him yesterday. 

 "Zi han, days getting dark, why don't you go home? Your mom's gonna worry. "Li mother looked at Liu Zihan asked with a smile. 

 "Aunt, my mother said to make dumplings in the evening, no green onion in the home, I will come to the ground to pull a few. "Liu Zihan waved the hands of green Chinese onion," you and less every elder brother this is doing? ". 

 "Oh, every child sold some apples in the city today, the somebody else also booked some, I am to pick some back to tidy up, send to the person as soon as possible. ". 

 "Little every elder brother, how are you bad ah, now the apple in our village can't sell, you can sell, is really bad. "Looked at Li Shaofan Liu Zihan a face of worship. In Liu Zihan bright eyes, as if flashing countless little stars. Shao-fan li still feel a little embarrassed, after all, yesterday he had inadvertently saw her private, the pink shorts and attractive images reflected in the river, always lingering in his mind. Whenever he saw Liu Zihan, his mind can not help but float back to the river in the evening. 

 "It's a good idea." Li Shaofan tried to hide his embarrassment with a smile."I happened to meet the help of a kind-hearted person." 

 "That's what I'm talking about." Liu Zihan shao-fan li some surprise. She looked at him with a hint of envy in her eyes." If our apples could be sold as easily as you, my mother wouldn't have to work so hard every day." 

 Speaking of which, the little girl's face reveals a lonely, but soon she smiled again. "Aunt, Brother Shaofan, I won't talk to you first. My mother is still waiting for me at home. I'll go back first." 

 "Well, be careful on the road." Li Shaofan smiled and waved goodbye to her. Liu Zihan leave let him breath a sigh of relief, the atmosphere is so embarrassed, he even can't look straight into the eyes of Liu Zihan, afraid to think of those who make a blush. 

 "You little brat, how do you talk to a girl?" Mrs. Li knocked on his head discontentedly." How can you find a girlfriend like this?" 

 "How can I help you?" Can't see the girl ran up to somebody else say to be my girlfriend? "I'm going to be fine." Li Shaofan glumly replied. His mother had been knocking him on the head like this since he was a child. Now that he had grown up, she still couldn't change this habit. 

 "You're not going to do that." "My son is so good, how can he just find a girlfriend? "We're going to be fine." 

 "Mom, you are so right! When we look for a girlfriend, we have to find the best one, beautiful, graceful and filial." 

 "I'm going to have to go." Mrs. Li smiled in satisfaction. But the next sentence and let shao-fan li felt depressed. Oh, if my house catalpa han can become the lees daughter-in-law, that's a really better! This girl not only grow watery, also special will take care of people, must be a good shu DE good wife. 

 "Mom, you don't want to mess around." Li Shaofan didn't know whether to laugh or cry."Where is this?"