Chapter 7 : This water is amazing

Chapter 7 : This water is amazing

 In the autumn harvest season, Li Shaofan and his mother picked a car full of apples, looking at the two big basket full of fruit, Li Shaofan can not help but laugh and cry. Mother told him and smiling, they will send out the extra apple, don't accept a cent. 

 "The day after." Li Shaofan thought for a moment, tomorrow he will quietly return to the orchard, to ensure that the apples for the city are fresh. Mother nodded yes, and proposed to organize the apple together tomorrow. Night fell, the cool wind blow gently, they returned home. 

 After bathing, Li Shaofan put on loose shorts, return to room, this time, he took his shovel into the chaotic space. Choosing a spot far from the apple trees, he began to dig. Dig deeper and deeper, the smell of damp is increasingly strong, he guessed that there may be water below. 

 Soon, the clear water appeared in the deep pit, strange smell. Li Shaofan confirmed that this was no ordinary water. 

 "I'm going to have to go." He silently said in his heart, deciding to explore the mysteries of this chaotic space. In a chaotic void, Li Shaofan with the desire for the unknown, through the barrier of time and space. The glass in his hand gently tilted, and the liquid in the glass fell into the flower pot where the celestial being was planted. That night, he fell asleep, unaware of the pot of life is brewing in the miracle. 

 Early the next morning, the sun on the earth, shao-fan li still sleeping in the dreamland. Suddenly, a scream cut the silence, it was his mother's voice. "All right! Get up! "It's a big deal!" Mrs. Li's voice was filled with fear. 

 Shao-fan li rubbed his bleary, to-day slippers out of the room. He saw his mother pointing at the flowerpot on the windowsill, a full face of incredible. "What is this?" He asked, in the heart is already clear. 

 The liquid he poured that night actually caused the celestial being to grow crazily overnight. It became the size of a human head and bloomed into a yellow-white flower, emitting a faint fragrance. The celestial being seemed to have a life of its own, transforming at an astonishing speed. 

 "It's not that. "What's going on?" Lee's mother's tone is full of confusion,"cactus how overnight become so big? "Is it true?" 

 Li Shaofan could not help but smile bitterly."Mom, what age is this? You still believe in ghosts." He knew that the change of the celestial being is not ghosts and gods, but he dumped the cup of mysterious liquid caused by the miracle. 

 "What do you mean?" Mrs. Li asked. She obviously needed a reasonable explanation. 

 Li Shaofan took a deep breath,"I said, this cactus may have eaten some kind of panacea and become a spirit!" He joked with a smile, trying to ease the tension. 

 In this way, their lives because of this magical celestial being and become colorful. And Li Shaofan also decided to continue to explore the mysteries of the world, to find the source of the cup of mysterious liquid. On a sunny afternoon, Li Shaofan's adventure quietly unfolded. He was envious of the blooming flowers and was about to stretch out his hand to pick them, but his mother slapped him back to reality. "Smelly boy, what do you want? "What do you mean?" Li mother nervously to protect the potted flower, as if it is priceless. 

 But Li Shaofan smiled cunningly and said,"This flower can be eaten. It's a great tonic." His words are full of naughty and provocation. 

 "Eat, eat, eat, you know." Mrs. Li glared at him." You absolutely can't eat this flower, or I'll beat you up." She carefully moved the flower pot to the sunlight, her face full of pride." I'll let my older sisters see it in a while. I envy them to death." 

 Li Shaofan looked at his mother's proud appearance, helplessly smiled. His eyes turned to the flower is getting bigger celestial being, a bold idea in his mind. 

 After a meal the sun agley sprinkled in the orchard, shao-fan li hurriedly picked up the bucket, like a 'wild horse rushed out of the door. "Mom, you're an expert. I won't rob you. I'll be back soon." His words echoed in the air, but he had already disappeared around the corner. 

 "I'm going to meet you," he said. Mother Li's words were blown away by the wind. 

 Shao-fan li stopped in the orchard, panting, face is full of expectation. He poured out a pool of clear space water from the bucket and muttered to himself," Space water, space water. This time, whether I can buy apples openly or not depends on you. Don't let me down." 

 He chose two apple trees, each tree poured WuLiuJin water. Then, he stared nervously at the apple tree, waiting for the miracle to happen. Time seemed to slow his steps, his heartbeat echoed in the ear. 

 Finally, a miracle appeared. The apple tree was covered with huge apples, which were brighter and more attractive than ever. Li Shaofan's face was filled with a happy smile. He knew that he had succeeded. On that early autumn afternoon, the sun shone on the orchard, and the slightly tired leaves seemed to be injected with vitality, instantly turning dark green and shiny. Those still with green apples, also quietly began to change, gradually from green to golden, and then from golden to brilliant red, asing if is the magic of nature, let a person. The air was filled with a faint fragrance. It was the fragrance of fruits, the smell of harvest. 

 "It's not that!" Li Shaofan excitedly a clap a thigh, the joy of the heart like spring water gushed out. The apples, they not only turned red, but also a lot bigger than before. He made a rough estimate, each apple is almost a kilo. This was the first time he had seen such a scene, and the excitement in his heart was hard to express in words. 

 He quickly picked up the kettle and poured some water on each apple tree. Then, is to wait. Wait for the fruit to become fuller and more rosy. Half an hour passed, and the apples in the orchard seemed to hear his voice. One big apple after another hung on the branches, red and attractive, and dazzlingly bright. 

 "Mom, mom, this time our family is going to be rich!" Li Shaofan shouted excitedly, picked a few apples in the bucket, and ran home quickly. He wanted to tell his mother the good news immediately. 

 Before he entered the yard, he shouted at the top of his voice,"Mom, Mom!" The voice was filled with joy. When he rushed into the yard, five or six middle-aged women are around the celestial being wowed. 

 "Smelly boy, the fire went to the room or the scorpion stung his ass. He's already such an adult, but he's still so unruly." Lee mother glared at ruthlessly Li Shaofan. 

 "Mom, you see." Li Shaofan ignored his mother's words and reached out to take out the apple from the bucket."How is the apple?" 

 "Where did you get it?" When they saw the apple, not only did Mrs. Li and the rest of the women's eyes widened. This was such a good apple. They had never seen such a good apple in the past. It's a pity that this year's apple. 

 "In the middle of the night." Li Shaofan said excitedly,"A lot." 

 "Smelly boy, you dare to use your mother's brush? The orchard we just went to yesterday afternoon was full of green apples, and it could become red apples overnight. You're lying." Mrs. Li said angrily," Hurry up and tell me. Did you take it out yesterday in the city to make me happy?" 

 "Oh, I cheat you do ah," Li Shaofan eagerly explained,"I really didn't cheat you! I went to the city yesterday afternoon to do some shopping, and when I came back, I found the apples in the orchard turning red. I don't know what's going on, but I think it's probably a good thing." 

 His words stunned everyone present. They looked at Li Shaofan hands red apple, look at the way he is a face of serious, suddenly realized that he may not be lying. So, what's going on with these apples? They began to around Li Shaofan ask for more details, and Li Shaofan also can't wait to share everything he knows. On a sunny afternoon, Li Shaofan stood at the entrance of the village and vowed to the aunts and aunts with firm eyes: "If I lie to you, your grandson will never find a wife in the future." His voice was full of enthusiasm, as if a hot heart beating. 

 "Smelly boy, don't think you can fool me like this." Mrs. Li glared at him, but she couldn't help but look pleased. She took out the apple basket from yesterday and placed it in the car. 

 "Aunties, let's go to the orchard now. Seeing is believing." Li Shaofan said with a smile. 

 A line of people came to the orchard talking and laughing. The apple trees in the orchard are dense, the apples on the trees are big and full, red, like small lanterns hanging all over the branches. Sunlight shone through the gaps of the leaves on the fruit, sparkling, let a person see the heart of joy. 

 "Oh, such a good apple is really rare!" 

 "If my boy can get a wife this year, he must come and buy a few." 

 Aunt aunt are admiring, while tasting the shao-fan li handed me the apple. Their faces were filled with surprise and satisfaction, as if all their worries had dissipated at this moment. 

 "It's a good idea." Mrs. Li prayed piously, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. She looked at the apple garden, in the heart is full of gratitude and joy. 

 "Mom, don't cry, hurry up and pick the apple." Shao-fan li press a way. 

 "Good, good."" She said,"Come and help me pick apples, my sisters." I'll be at home." 

 "That's not right. We can't eat and drink for free." Although she was embarrassed by this sudden kindness, the aunts still declined. 

 "Oh, don't mention it." Lee mother generous smile,"happy today, you have to share. Besides, these apples can grow so well, and you have a credit." 

 In the laughter, they work together to pick up the apple. Li Shaofan was busy going home to pick up the motortricycle and took a few baskets to load the red fruits. He knew that this moment of harvest and joy, will become their hearts forever beautiful memories. In the quiet village, the arrival of a cart of red apples, like a ground-breaking, instantly aroused waves. Men, women and children in the village, have poured out of the house, their face is permeated with the light of excitement, as if by the car apple lit up the whole village. 

 Mrs. Li, a simple rural woman, did not hesitate to distribute apples to the villagers. Although the apples were valuable, her generosity was unreserved. She smiled and handed the apple to everyone who passed by. Her smile was full of joy and satisfaction. 

 In the village of more than three hundred people, everyone received an apple, and their faces bloomed with happy smiles. Li Shaofan, the young man, looked at the happy scene of the villagers, and his heart was full of excitement. He knew well that these apples were not only a gift, but also a deep friendship between villagers. 

 As night fell, Li Shaofan returned home, facing the one thousand catties of apples, he was a little puzzled. He knew that his mother didn't recognize said, but worry about a person hands are full. He took a deep breath and said softly,"Mom, come with me tomorrow." "I need your help. 

 This car red apples, not only brings the sweet taste, more planted the seeds of love and harmony in the village. In this small village, simple folk customs and deep friendship interweave together, weaving a beautiful picture scroll.