Chapter12 : contracted land

Chapter12 : contracted land 

In the home of the village chief Liu Shancai, Li Shaofan put forward a staggering idea_he wants to contract the wasteland in the north of the village.Liu Shancai looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes full of doubt and concern."Xiao Fan, are you sure you want to buy the land?"He asked, wondering if the young man had been provoked by something.That wasteland was saline-alkali land, and no one was willing to plant it even if they gave it away for nothing.

Li Shaofan confidently replied,"Uncle, I'm sure."Now there are not many jobs outside, the salary is not high also, it is better to find food in the land.The national policy is so good, why don't we find wealth in our own land?"

Liu Shancai sighed and reminded him,"My child, the land in the north has been deserted since I was a child, and nothing can be planted.""Are you sure?"His heart was quite willing to this piece of wasteland was contracted, also calculate one of his achievements.But on the other hand, he is also worried that the decision will affect the lives of villagers, especially families like Li Shaofan's family.

Li Shaofan saw the worry of the village chief, but he was determined. He smiled and said,"Uncle, I have already thought about it."Do you think the village can agree?"

Liu Shancai was silent for a moment, and then said,"If you really want to, then I will make the decision.There are 50 acres of wasteland in the north, all package to you.I'll talk to the accountant tomorrow and get the lease contract done as soon as possible."

"Fifth Uncle, what's the price?"Li Shaofan asked, rubbing his hands.He knew he didn't have enough money, but he had to be careful for the future.

Liu Shancai thought for a moment and said,"The price is good to say.That piece of land was originally barren land. According to the convention, 50 mu of land costs 50 yuan per mu a year. After 20 years, he began to calculate,"This is not a small amount of money."

Li Shaofan's heart tightened, but he still said firmly,"Uncle, I know."But this is my big plan to get rich, and I will stick to it."

Liu Shancai looked at the young man in front of him, in the heart can not help with emotion.He hopes Li Shaofan can succeed, but also worry that he will suffer losses.However, he decided to support him."All right, kid, I believe you.""I'm going to have to talk to you."

In this way, shao-fan li package plan supported by the village chief.He knew that this was an adventure full of challenges and opportunities, but he was ready.In the coming days, he will use his wisdom and courage to open up the barren land and bring new hope and wealth to the village.On that sunny afternoon, Liu Shancai stood on the yellow land at the entrance of the village, his eyes flashing with doubt and expectation.He just want to calculate a calculate, suddenly remind of shao-fan li college students around you.He smiled and said,"Hey, what am I? I'm a college student here. I'm just messing around. You can calculate for me."

Li Shaofan smiled slightly and took over the topic: "2,500 yuan a year, 50,000 yuan in 20 years."This number let Liu Shancai breath in a gasp.He knew that for the family, fifty thousand dollars is a distant number.However, for the sake of a better life in the future, they decided to do their best.

Fifty thousand dollars, enough to cover a capacious and bright house in the village.However, Li Shaofan will use the money to lease wasteland.He imagined the sensation in the village after this matter came out, but he was more convinced that the future harvest.

He assured Liu Shancai,"I'll have enough money to sign the contract in three days at most."Liu Shancai nodded with satisfaction, patted his shoulder and said,"Good boy, you have ambition. I'll wait."

Back home, Li Shaofan's mother was shocked when she heard his plan."What? You want to pack so much land? What are you doing? Son, are you crazy?"Li Shaofan comforted his mother with a smile: "Mom, I'm not crazy. Do I look crazy to you?"

Despite the difficulties and doubts, Li Shaofan is still firmly on his own path.He believed that knowledge could change destiny, and that this wasteland would become the hope of their family's future.His enthusiasm and belief infected the people around him and made people look forward to the future.On the vast Loess Plateau, Li Shaofan stood in his apple orchard, looking firmly at his mother, his face filled with an indescribable enthusiasm.His heart if only one keeps, confident, because he is determined to do something unprecedented-reclamation wasteland.

"Mom, you can rest assured that when the time comes just collect money."Li Shaofan smiled and said to his mother.His smile was filled with anticipation and confidence for the future.

Mother is worried." Collect money, what the hell am I collecting? Fifty thousand yuan. Even if you sold our house, it's not worth the money, right?"Her words with a hint of anger, she had never seen a son so decisive, did not discuss with her.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'll think of a way to get the money."Li Shaofan answered firmly,"What should you do or what should you do? You'll definitely be surprised when the time comes."

Mother is still worried."I don't care, no!Where are you going to get fifty thousand dollars?Even if you take on the 10,000-odd apples, you still need 30,000 yuan. What do you want to do?"

Li Shaofan looked at his mother, eyes shining with the light of determination."Within three days, I brought the money home.As long as I get the money back, you can't blame me, and you can't interfere with my land reclamation."

Mother paused, she knew that his son's character, once decided to do.She nervously warned: "Don't do anything illegal."

Shao-fan li looked at his mother, rather a warm current."Heaven and earth have good conscience. I will never do anything illegal, and at the same time, I will never do anything against my conscience."His words were full of sincerity."What do you think?"

The mother was silent for a moment, then said,"Well, if that's true, I promise you."But what if you can't get the money?"

Li Shaofan smiled and said casually,"If I can't get the money, then I'll listen to you obediently and go to work honestly.""That's all right.

Mother nodded, eyes flashed a trace of relief."Well, that's settled."

Shao-fan li gently embrace the mother."Thank you, Mom."Then turned to leave.His back in the light of the sunset is firm and confident.He knows he has a long way to go, but he has the confidence to walk every step.Because he knew that as long as there is a dream in the heart, there is enthusiasm, have confidence, nothing can stop his steps forward.In the long river of time, Mrs. Li's figure trembled slightly. Her eyes widened as if she could not believe her ears."You're already so big, why are you still playing this game with me?"She laughed and scolded, but soon, the gloom and gloom enveloped her face.More than thirty thousand dollars, where to find?Even borrow, and how much can borrow?

Borrow money?Shao-fan li shook his head, that is not his style.He had a chaotic space that no one else knew about, and that was the source of his strength.Selling apples?Yeah, that's his plan.After his mother fell asleep, he jumped over the wall and set foot on the path of his orchard.In the moonlight, his busy figure as if a hardworking elves, for half a night, he was too tired to almost fall, but when he saw the red apple on the ground, all the fatigue.

The next morning, when the sun on his face, he was in the vegetable patch.In front of eggplant, chili, beans, cucumber as if a sea of harvest.He excitedly picked a cucumber and chewed it down. The sweet taste was like the most beautiful delicacy in the world.He swore that these vegetables must sell the best price, or his name is written upside down.

After busy for more than an hour, he returned with a full load.A car of vegetables and apples, is the product of his chaotic space.He decided to go to the county's largest hotel, where his old customer, manager zhao.

Under the blue sea and blue sky, the prosperity of the county town is panoramic view.When shao-fan li van slowly into the hotel, manager zhao to meet up with a big smile.He knew that the ingredients this time would not disappoint him.In the blue sea and blue sky of the general manager's office, Zhao Mengyao dressed in a decent white work suit, platinum necklace under the lights flashing unique luster, her simple dress but revealed a different kind of amorous feelings.As the soul of the blue sea and blue sky, Zhao Mengyao is not only beautiful, but also has extraordinary wisdom and decision-making power.

Zhao Dexiang stood in front of her with a reluctant expression."General Manager, our apples are only enough for one day, but the supplier is not satisfied."

Zhao Mengyao raised her eyes, eyes firm,"DE xiang, sometimes business opportunities like apples, only ripe in an instant.The food and beverage industry is generally in a slump, but if we seize this opportunity and get Apple's supply in place, other dishes will sell well.Do you know what's at stake?"

Zhao Dexiang nodded,"Yes, I'll contact the supplier.Also, General Manager, which supplier can provide pollution-free vegetables, do you think?"

Zhao Mengyao smile,"as long as the quality is guaranteed, we are welcome.It sounds like this supplier has a lot of potential and I'm looking forward to meeting him."

At this time, Zhao Dexiang's cell phone buzzed. He picked up the phone and revealed a happy smile." General Manager, he's here."

Outside the blue sky, a young man sat on a tricycle, eating an apple, eyes full of envy.He is the mysterious supplier-shao-fan li.He looked at the magnificent hotel in front of him and swore in his heart,"One day, I will open a restaurant like this."

At this moment, Zhao Mengyao and Zhao Dexiang were preparing to welcome this passionate and energetic young man. They knew that a new opportunity was quietly approaching.At the moment of shao-fan li deep in thought, de-xiang zhao figure suddenly appeared in his line of sight, he trotted all the way, as if what's the urgent matter.

"Little brother, you can come!"Zhao Dexiang panted heavily as he shouted, face the joy of color.

Li Shaofan was slightly taken aback. He looked at the old man who had rushed over in a hurry, and his heart could not help but feel a little confused.He didn't know de-xiang zhao, also don't know why he would be so excited to meet her.

"Old man, do you know me?"Shao-fan li asked doubtfully.

"Yes, of course."Zhao Dexiang said with a smile,"I've been waiting for you here for a long time. I've always heard that a young man is coming. I didn't expect it to be you."

Li Shaofan more confused, he felt that he seems to be involved in an unknown mystery.He decided to follow de-xiang zhao, see all this what is going on.

They crossed a narrow path and came to a dilapidated courtyard.The houses in the courtyard were in a state of tatters, as if they would collapse at any moment.De-xiang zhao with shao-fan li walked into a room, the room filled with a terrible smell.

"Little brother, you sit."De-xiang zhao, pointing to a shabby chair, he sat down on a rickety wooden stool.

"Old man, what can I do for you?"Li Shaofan asked.

"Oh, it's a long story."Zhao sighed,"I know you are an ambitious young man, always looking for opportunities to display their talents.I am old and have little time, but I want to impart my experience and wisdom to you."

Li Shaofan was very moved after hearing this. He felt that although the old man was in trouble, he had a generous heart.He humbly asked Zhao Dexiang many questions, Zhao Dexiang also patiently answered his doubts.

In the days that followed, shao-fan li and de-xiang zhao became forget the stock exchange.They discuss life together and share wisdom.Li Shaofan learned many valuable experiences from Zhao Dexiang, which made him more determined and confident in the future.