Chapter 13 : Super Apple

Chapter 13 : Super Apple 

Dear Zhao Dexing, you ask eagerly,"How much of the supplies we need have you succeeded in obtaining?"are there any apple left?We really need it."Before I answer, please allow me to interrupt.This moment, during the heat, were it not for fear that you can't find me, I would have to find a cool place to hide."It's all here, but, can we find a cooler place to continue to chat?It's a good idea."I offer with a wry smile.

"Oh, you're right!""You see, I'm a little tired."Come on, get in my car, we'll talk in the back."It's not a problem."We act quickly, driving a tricycle, came to the logistics warehouse is located in the blue sea and blue sky behind the building.Here is located in a north-south connect fully hutong, the breeze, my body heat dissipation quickly.

"Little brother, how is it?Are you ready?"You looked at me eagerly, eyes full of expectation, as if looking at a delicious food.

"It's all right.I smiled and replied,"Manager Zhao, I'm sorry, there's only so much."The apples are the same as before, and these vegetables are the pollution-free vegetables I told you about."

"Xiao Wang, Xiao Li, Xiao Ma, don't stand there, put these apples in the kitchen."You call a few employees, began to busy.Looking at my slightly helpless expression, you comfort,"little brother, don't worry, we all know.The apple is ten dollars a."I'll go to the bathroom."

I was relieved to hear your assurance."That's great."A string in my heart finally relaxed,"In that case, look at these vegetables."I've just got to go."In your busy with employees, our deal is completed.Wow, the blue sea blue sky is really good!They were extremely strict with the selection of raw materials. This was a rule set by the general manager himself.Out of a little problem, directly fired those responsible, the rest of the relevant personnel to deduct wages.Now how hard it is to find a job, so strict rules, who dare to neglect?Everyone wants to build drawn!

"What's the matter, are there any problems with these dishes?"Looked at de-xiang zhao that consternation, shao-fan li heart suddenly.If you don't pass here, he package to grow vegetables even if to go large quantities of wholesale, that also can't earn much money.

"No problem, of course no problem!Brother, where did you get the vegetables?With my years of purchasing experience, there are absolutely no vegetables of this quality in the surrounding vegetable bases."De-xiang zhao after carefully check, a face of dismayed to shao-fan li said.

Shout, heard these words, shao-fan li tight heart finally relax.As long as after this."It's all right."Very well, he said.

"How many more?"Zhao Dexing asked.

"There's something else."Said Li Shaofan wanted to think.Transformation of wasteland soon, if pull vegetables every day, so half an acre of land, estimates that when the time comes can frighten dead, so there must be a gradual process.

"Too good, we all want to blue sea and blue sky!The price is double the market price. What do you think, brother?"De-xiang zhao said immediately.

"Well, will the higher-ups agree to your price increase?"Li Shaofan said with some concern.No boss would agree to such a price increase.If they were filled with joy to agreed, then the above words to deny himself, then cry all too late.

"Well, here's a creative, confident, passionate re-write of the original:

"We put the food carefully weighed, everything just take a little bit, so accurate.Now, we're looking for the general manager, he is sure you can trust?De-xiang zhao is a shrewd man, he certainly know what shao-fan li in the mind think.However, he felt that it was all going quite well.

"No problem, no problem!"Shao-fan li a promise.

All the weights were accurately weighed. Li Shaofan took the list, put on his backpack, pulled out the car keys, and stepped on the stairs with Zhao Dexiang.

"The decoration here is really beautiful."Shao-fan li exclaimed, looking at more delicate than outside decoration, he was shocked.The cost of any room could be enough to build a luxurious courtyard in the village.

Soon, de-xiang zhao with shao-fan li came to the general manager's office.

"Come in.""There came the voice of a cold, de-xiang zhao with shao-fan li went in.

"Zhao Zong, this is to provide us with apple's little brother, now he has brought vegetables, I have been tested, the quality is very good, so I want to raise the purchase price, to double the market price to buy."De-xiang zhao behaved very respectful in front of the general manager, this let shao-fan li again felt what everything has its vanquisher.

"It's an elegant lady."Looking at Zhao Mengyao that beautiful face, shao-fan li could not help but admire.Liu Zihan beauty is the beauty of innocence, and in the sight of the woman's beauty is full of professional charm of beauty, the two are very different.

"Very good."Zhao Mengyao not easily to conclusions, she got up and carefully check the vegetable samples again," I decided to buy according to your price.That's settled!"

"That's great!"De-xiang zhao breath a sigh of relief.

"Thank you very much!"Shao-fan li tao.

"If there is no other things, you can check out.I have a lot of work to do."Zhao Mengyao way.Zhao Mengyao didn't seem to want anyone to stay in her office for too long, and as soon as she sat down, she showed a hint of urgency.

"Little brother, let's go to the accounting room."

Li Shaofan smiled and hugged his backpack tightly, saying,"Mr. Zhao, I have a special item that you will like."I don't know if you want to buy?"

Zhao Mengyao raised her head and asked expressionlessly,"What's the special item?"

Li Shaofan didn't immediately answer, but the backpack on the ground, unzipped, took out two large apple.The two apples each at least three catties, red.He had specially prepared wheat straw from his backpack to protect the apples, so they looked perfect.

Zhao Mengyao and Zhao Dexiang's eyes were immediately attracted by the two huge apples.In their eyes, this is not just an apple, but a perfect work of art.

"How much is this apple?"Zhao Mengyao quickly regained her composure. She looked at Li Shaofan with curiosity and interest in her eyes.She is more interested in Li Shaofan Li Shaofan than in the hands of the apple.

Shao-fan li, of course, understand that this is not for him, so he want to make good use of this opportunity.

"We have never seen such a big apple here, and it's rare.As for the price...Li Shaofan deliberately paused, he also don't know how to sell the apple should be, but obviously the high price is right."Five hundred."Li Shaofan's eyes widened in disbelief."What?"An apple to five hundred pieces?"It's not that."

Zhao Mengyao looked at Li Shaofan's reaction and smiled confidently." One thousand."Her voice was filled with determination, as if know shao-fan li will promise.

Li Shaofan almost didn't hesitate and agreed: "Deal."This price was definitely unprecedented in the county. If news of this spread, it would definitely stir up the entire county and attract the curiosity and attention of countless people.

Zhao Mengyao, as a keen businessman, immediately noticed the huge business opportunity behind this. She looked straight at Li Shaofan and asked decisively,"How many of these apples do you have?"

Li Shaofan smiled gently and pushed the two apples on the table to Zhao Mengyao."There aren't many of them."He deliberately kept Zhao Mengyao in suspense, trying to arouse her interest.

Zhao Mengyao took a deep look at Li Shaofan. She knew that there might be some unexpected changes in this year's Apple market: "As long as the quality is good and the size is big, we will accept any quantity, and the higher the price, the better."

Li Shaofan laughed in his heart. Of course, he understood Zhao Mengyao's thoughts.He smiled mysteriously."President Zhao is so confident. Of course I will deliver the goods on time."He made up his mind that the large apple must not be supplied too much at once, so as to maintain its scarcity and high value.

Zhao Dexiang also nodded. He understood Zhao Mengyao's intention." Manager Zhao, in the future, the Big Apple will be sent directly to our hotel."His words were full of enthusiasm and expectation.

Then things going unusually well, these apples and vegetables sold smoothly, Li Shaofan easily income of more than ten thousand yuan.His heart was filled with joy and satisfaction.

After leaving the accounting office, Zhao Dexiang couldn't help but ask Li Shaofan the question in his heart: "Little brother, how did your apples grow?""How can you be so happy?"Just yesterday overnight, I bought apples in you there is consumed more than half, and the rest is reserved by others.

"These apples are grown in the ground."Li Shaofan vaguely replied.Then he invited Zhao Dexiang warmly,"Manager Zhao, if you have time, please come to our Little Liuzhuang tomorrow.""I promise you will."

De-xiang zhao's eyes flashed a trace of excitement, it seems shao-fan li considerable inventory.Without hesitation, he agreed to Li Shaofan's invitation."Okay, I'll be there."