Chapter 38 :Busy space

Chapter 38 :Busy space

"Xiaoyu, you also want to try?"Shao-fan li looked at the little guy with a smile, with confidence to encourage.

"Of course!"Xiaoyu excitedly waving small arms, show great enthusiasm and determination.

"Well, we catch fish together!"Shao-fan li smiled, picked up the small space, let him stand by his side.

"The second sister-in-law, you see, the children's desire is how pure and beautiful, how can we let them down?Let's accompany them together and create wonderful memories!"Shao-fan li smiled and looked at the second sister-in-law, said in a confident and enthusiastic tone.

"Well, you're right, small any.Let's work together, let the children feel our love and care!"The second sister-in-law also responded with a smile.

Therefore, Li Shaofan and Xiaoyu, two sister-in-law together, with the children's expectation and laughter, began to catch fish journey.With wisdom and courage, they challenge themselves, overcome difficulties and enjoy the pleasure of close contact with nature.

With their efforts, fish were caught ashore one after another, and the children's laughter rose and fell.While shao-fan li with his actions and words, convey the power of confidence, enthusiasm and creativity, let everyone feel the beauty of life and infinite possibilities."This is a good one!"Li Shaofan happily washed his hands, approached said."Oh, it's so big."Xiaoyu's eyes lit up."It's enough for me to eat for a few days."Just by looking at this little fatty, one could tell that he was a gourmet. His mind was full of food."Enough for you?"Second sister-in-law came over,"Xiao Fan, this fish is too big, you'd better take it back." "No, I'm not."Xiaoyu said stubbornly, he just wanted to reach for it."Pah!"Two sister-in-law quickly knocked his hand and picked up the small any going."Wow!"Xiaoyu's tears burst out.Li Shaofan some angry,"what's the matter with you?What do kids know?He is just a child, don't argue with him.Is it not a fish?"I'll give you something to eat."He grabbed a handful of grass, cleverly woven into a straw rope, through the gills in the past, wash away the mud with water."Don't cry, go back and let your mother stew it for you, but you can't let your father eat it, understand?" "Xiao Fan, this fish?"Two sister-in-law looked at shao-fan li, a face of confusion.The fish several catties, so gave her?"Take it, if the child wants to eat it, give it to him."Li Shaofan said with a smile,"Don't let Xiaoyu come here alone in the future. It'll be bad if he falls.""How can I thank your uncle?" "That's a good idea."Xiao Yu's face is permeated with a smile, looks like a blooming flower."Well, go home, it's too hot here."Li Shaofan said with a smile.Two sister-in-law holding the xiaoyu left.In a cool place, Li Shaofan leisurely took his seat and began to explore the mysteries of the chaotic space.As he stepped into this mysterious realm, he was instantly stunned by the scene before him.Where is this chaotic space?Clearly is a very busy botanical garden!The grasshopper, cricket, toad jump happily, puddles of fish like to eat the doping hopping.Plants are also vibrant, in this is not too big of a space, has formed a unique and harmonious small ecosystem.

"Aiya, if those crazy scientists find out about this, I'm afraid I'll become the target of public criticism."Li Shaofan muttered to himself, his eyes beaming with excitement.He knew that everything in the chaotic space was filled with endless mysteries, waiting for him to reveal them.

" This time, I've brought in so many living beings. The life aura here must be extremely rich!"He recalled the mysterious guy's words, is permeated with satisfied smile on his face.In his eyes, chaotic space is like a beautiful woman in gorgeous clothes, and he will try to uncover her mystery, a peek.

He reached out and fished out a crucian carp from the puddle, and exclaimed,"Oh my God, this fish weighs a pound and is as wide as a palm!"It's been a long night, and it's been amazing."He wondered,"If these creatures were allowed to grow freely, would they break through the shackles and become very large creatures?"If they were to sell it, they would definitely be able to earn a fortune.Carp pig's trotter soup is an excellent tonic for promoting lactation."

Li Shaofan became more and more excited as he thought,"When the vegetable field is profitable, I must raise fish.""It's a good thing."His eyes shone with determination, as if he had seen a bright future.

In this chaotic space full of vitality and vitality, Li Shaofan confidently launched his exploration journey.Neither avid researchers nor discerning businessmen could stop him from pursuing truth and wealth.Wow, this pomegranate is really big!Like a small watermelon.I threw it into the puddle, and then came to the edge of the fruit trees, bug-eyed stare out of surprise.This pomegranate is different from ordinary pomegranate, its color is red, especially festive.I counted, a total of 28, a weigh with the hand, each have to have more than four catties.In this place, pomegranate is a rarity.

Apples have been sold a lot, these pomegranates will certainly sell for sky-high prices.However, I can't sell here, or others to treat me like a monster.Had, I can have time to go to the city to sell, there are not many people know me, is sure to sell a good price.Now people pay attention to the quality of life, there is such a big pomegranate, looking at people happy.

Ha ha, how about I taste first!I can't help but belly lazier, picked a come out.There was no one around, so I opened the pomegranate.Inside the pomegranate seed ah, much bigger than usual, special neat shape, like a small pearl.But I have eaten a lot of pomegranate, sour, sweet, but so attractive, absolutely not eaten.I picked a thrown into his mouth, suddenly bite down, oh, this taste is great!moderate sour and sweet taste and crisp taste.The pomegranate is delicious!At that moment, an intoxicating sweetness deeply into Li Shaofan heart, like the strings upon his senses.He could not help but feel the pain in his heart.

"It's so nice."Shao-fan li could not help but praise, clutching half a pomegranate, mouth to chew.Twinkling of an eye, he has been aside miraculously destroyed half.If it weren't for the stomach has begun to growling, I'm afraid he will eat up the whole pomegranate.

" If that's the case, why don't I open up a piece of land in the chaotic space to plant these magical fruits?"After satiation, shao-fan li heart of a meter.In this era of the pursuit of fresh, as long as something is novel enough, taste good enough, don't worry about no market.Moreover, the price is determined by oneself.This pomegranate, can not find elsewhere, only I have here...

To start!

Li Shaofan didn't go home. Taking advantage of the noon sun, he quickly collected all the pomegranate seeds.He carefully tore the pomegranate peel into small pieces, and then threw them into the river.Then, he took the pomegranate seeds into the mysterious chaotic space.

Although he had never planted pomegranates before, Li Shaofan used the pomegranate trees in the chaotic space as a template and planted seeds every five meters or so...

There were three rows of fifty seeds in each row, making a total of one hundred and fifty seeds.After all this, he threw the rest of the pomegranate seeds into the river.These seeds will not have any effect on the river, perhaps can also be a big fish food?Today, he did a good thing...

150 seeds. If each seed could produce 20 pomegranates, that would be 3,000 pomegranates!That's a lot of money.

Although Li Shaofan has the ability to grow more, but he felt right amount.Too much is difficult to deal with.If you want to grow more, can only consider contracting more land.After all, these pomegranates grow in the ground.As for the curious, let them study.Even if they developed, also can't do like me.Here, I am unique!

With an excited thought, Li Shaofan looked at this new land with anticipation....Li Shaofan, light step, humming a cheerful ditty in mouth, set foot on the way home.

"Shaofan, how did you stay in the river for so long?"Mrs. Li asked worriedly,"I thought you were washed away by the river and dragged away by the fish."There was a hint of reproach in her words."You're already so big, why are you still as playful as when you were a child?"

Li Shaofan replied with a smile,"Mom, don't worry."I met two sister-in-law in the river holding the xiaoyu, I will give xiaoyu caught a fish to play.So come back late."No, it's not.

She said,"I'm going to get you out of here."People's hearts are hard to fathom, and people who know their faces don't know their hearts."