Chapter 39:variation

Chapter 39:variation

"Little van, you listen to mama of, stay away from your second sister-in-law home."Li mother said with a face of serious, she looked at her son, eyes full of concern."Do you remember your second sister-in-law, the villagers all say she is a good daughter-in-law, but in my opinion, her home has a drunkard, that's a dangerous man."

"The elder brother of the yulin is not quite like to drink?"Shao-fan li asked with puzzle," because of the raw gas in their house?"

"Isn't it?"Li mother sighed," that guy a drink, unreasonable.Now he is more and more too much, stay at home all day don't go out looking for a job, just live on that the harvest of the field.Who would dare to provoke him? If he got into trouble, it would be troublesome."

"I remember the elder brother of the yulin is not the case before."Shao-fan li said with a frown," he used to be fun."

"The older generation in their house, just like that."Li mother reluctantly shook his head," when I married, or your grandmother told me?Now the old couple gone, nobody tube he, he became our liu village gangsters.You go outside to inquire, see who does not know little liuzhuang yu-lin liu, Liu Erge."

"Xiaoyu that child is very cute, we also don't want to be like this."Li mother's eyes flashed a could not bear," but this is also can't."" yes, I see.Is really you never know, people will always encounter all kinds of changes.Do you have any plans for the afternoon?"

"In fact, I want to go to the field to see today.The food over there should have grown almost.If not, I want to pick some in advance, lest we are busy when the food is old, can't sell a good price."

"Why don't you call the man and let him drive to pick it up?It's a hot day like this. It'll save us the trouble of delivery."

"In fact, I'm going to go to the city to see if there are any other opportunities.Who knows, maybe I found a can let me become the richest man in the world business opportunities?"

"Even if you become the world's richest man, that's my son."The mother smiled and said," well, go to wash your hands for dinner.I made your favorite fertilizer dishes, I'm hungry."

"Mom, I'm not very hungry today."Eat full pomegranate shao-fan li belly a little up," I'm not very hungry."

"Aren't you hungry?You are not the most like to eat?A little heat stroke?"A face of concern, the mother looked at him anxiously.

"It's okay, I just touched the two prawns, under the river directly to eat, now my stomach a little uncomfortable.Wait a minute. It'll be fine.Let's eat first."Shao-fan li found a reason to explain.

In them, raw river shrimp is often the case.Pinch head peeling, like eating shrimp in a restaurant.However, he still hope mother can understand, he is just not hungry."Oh, mom, you see this shrimp meat, raw also distinctive flavour!The taste was super strong, and there was also a lingering fragrance of river mud.Which have you said so horrible?"Shao-fan li response with a smile, apparently able to shrug off concerns about the mother.

"Oh, you are how old is like a child!Said on TV, meat to eat less, or long belly worms."Li mother a face of blame, but eyes is more of a love and concern.

"Mom, don't be so nervous," shao-fan li comfort with a smile,"we are not so come over when I was a child?Now look, we didn't also long worms in the belly.Many of those who had worms had eaten too much.I ate two, do not have a thing to have a rest."

"You still laugh!The child when you can let our province worry!"Li mother sighed," it seems that I have to give you find a wife, to intervene with you."

"You give me a break."Shao-fan li quickly stop this topic, he was afraid of mom and mention Liu Zihan.

"That you go to bed for a while, if hungry call me, I'll do it for you."Li mother said with concern.

"No, I come."Shao-fan li refused with a smile," although not as good as you do, but at least can eat."

"Okay, you lie down, the remote control in this."Li mother patted him on the head, put the remote control on his side," want to watch TV and see, want to sleep sleep."

"By the way, mom, didn't you buy a chicken?Didn't you say you want to stew chicken soup?Zha don't stew?"Shao-fan li in the TV channel, while freely asked.

"The evening stew again!Now you don't eat stew, maybe at that time to stew for you to eat?"Li mother scratched his nose gently, eyes full of spoil.Dear friends, you know what?I don't really exclude fat, just those memories when I was a child let me some concerned about it.Every time I make dumplings, I can barely cope, but if the package big steamed stuffed bun, that would be completely helpless.The fat, can only be left to my dear parents to enjoy.

Last night, I immersed in the life breath in the chaotic space, the feeling is beyond words.I'm thinking, it's time for the family to know the secret.Imagine their surprised eyes, my heart is full of expectation.But at the same time, I also have some worry, afraid of this sudden surprise will make them difficult to accept.After all, it was no laughing matter that the magical things in the fairy tales suddenly appeared on their son's body.

So, I have to consider, how can I make them embrace it.After all, I don't want them to be scared because of me.Dear friends, do you have any suggestions?However, Li Shaofan wonders happened, is not unfounded.He knew that it was not easy to fabricate reasons, and that the early stage needed to be fully laid out, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable.So, he decided to have a good plan.

Is thinking, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his arm, turned out to be a mantis caught him.He grabbed at it with all his strength and saw that this praying mantis was larger than ordinary praying mantis. Its color was not pure green or withered leaf color, but green with a hint of golden yellow. It was extremely unique.

Shao-fan li heart in a surprised, is this the product of genetic variation?If so, the value of the mantis is beyond measure.If those mad scientists knew about it, they would definitely do whatever it took to snatch it.It might make them famous in history.

He began to think, if all the species here have undergone genetic mutation, that here is not a huge treasure house?The idea excited him, decided to further explore the unknown world.Hearing the news, shao-fan li mood instantly boiling up.He felt his heart beat faster, have a boiling passion, as if there is an invisible force in driving him forward.He felt full of creativity and confidence, as if all the difficulties and challenges can stop him.He decided to seize this opportunity, with his enthusiasm and talent to infect more people, let more people feel his charm and influence.He believes that as long as he keeps working hard, he will be able to realize his dream.