Chapter 51: Take my girl to play

Chapter 51: Take my girl to play 

 "Shao-fan li said with a smile," in fact, the number is not much, only a few dozen. In order to express my gratitude to Zhao Zong, I decided to give you ten super apple for free. " 

 Zhao Mengyao heard this, face the shocked expression, apparently did not expect Li Shaofan will make such a decision. She knew the value of the super apple, one is four thousand, ten is forty thousand, for a farmer's family, this is almost a whole year's income. 

 "Are you really willing to give me? "Zhao Mengyao some to dare not believe it. 

 Shao-fan li still keep a smile,"yes, I think this is due to thank you. " 

 Zhao Mengyao took a deep breath,"that is really thank you. But I still want to ask, why do you want to give me? " 

 Shao-fan li explained,"if not you, I may still be at the police station. The loss, is not ten apples can than. "He smiled." I think it's worth it. " 

 "But if I wasn't? "Zhao Mengyao continue to cross-examine. 

 "They have no evidence to prove that I am the attacker. Hold me for 24 hours, tops, and then you'll let me go. "Shao-fan li tone is full of confidence," if they dare to commit perjury, I also prepared. "He would have considered this kind of situation, also did give way, when he believes his own judgment. 

 "I just found out today, you are not as simple as it looks. "Looked at shao-fan li Zhao Mengyao, eyes flashed a trace of admiration. "Too much TV, that's all. "Shao-fan li response with a smile. "So, where are you going next? Go home or stay here? "Zhao Mengyao interest in apple, but she also know that Li Shaofan this is not to fight, he has more important things to deal with. She didn't want to seem to ignore the general interest because of his impulse. 

 Li Shaofan laughed lightly and said,"Of course I choose to stay. Very not easy to come, how can you not enjoy? The day after tomorrow, I'll have to go." 

 Zhao Mengyao nodded and politely suggested,"If you need to go somewhere, I can send you there." 

 Li Shaofan declined: "No, we want to look around. You must have a lot of things to deal with, I don't want to give you trouble." It was not that he didn't understand the ways of the world, so he naturally understood that Zhao Mengyao had a busy schedule. 

 Accompanied by Zhao Mengyao, they arrived at Tianhai City Zoo. Another purpose of Li Shaofan's visit is to satisfy Zihan's love for small animals. Zihan had always liked the zoo, and they were going to have a good time this time. 

 When Zihan saw Zhao Mengyao, the general manager of Blue Sea and Blue Sky, she was envious: "Little Brother Fan, is she from Blue Sea and Blue Sky?" " 

 Li Shaofan nodded affirmatively and explained,"Yes, she is Zhao Mengyao, the general manager of Blue Sea and Blue Sky." We're going to sell her our food in the future, she's our big customer." Then he turned to Zihan and said,"Let's go to the zoo." 

 Zihan looked forward to it."She's really beautiful." 

 Li Shaofan is not convinced: "Beautiful?" I don't think so. You're much prettier than her. Didn't you smell her perfume when you were in the car? "I want to go." 

 But Zihan has a different view: "I think it's very good." This is a new piece of content that expresses itself in a more creative, confident and polite way: 

 "It's okay, we don't tangle with this matter. Remember you mentioned that you are interested in animals. Today we came to the zoo. There are many animals waiting for us to explore. Let's go, go and see them! "Shao-fan li enthusiastically pull Liu Zihan hand and walked into the zoo. 

 "Little every elder brother, you know? I've only seen lions on TV before, and I didn't expect to see them in person today. "Liu Zihan excitedly said, pointing to lazy lying in the shade of the lion. 

 "Compared with the prairie lion, what do you think is the difference? "Shao-fan li asked curiously. 

 "I think the lion less wild. "Liu Zihan seriously replied," probably because they have been locked up here for a long time, lost their freedom. " 

 "Maybe, but you know, the lion is essentially just a big cat. "Shao-fan li smiled and said," come, standing on the stone, I'll give you a photo, let everyone see you with a photo of the lion. " 

 "Here? "Liu Zihan some surprise. 

 "Of course, come on, be natural, don't be so stiff, smile! "Shao-fan li encouraged. 

 They spent the whole afternoon in the zoo. They not only carefully observed lions, tigers, leopards, camels, ostriches, sika deer and monkeys, but also left many precious photos. Li Shaofan recorded every wonderful moment of Liu Zihan at the zoo with his mobile phone. 

 Night falls, more than six o 'clock, LiShaoFan looking at Liu Zihan is still enthusiastic, can not help but smile: "Girl, you play enough?" I feel exhausted. "The end of the day, the vitality of Liu Zihan shao-fan li deeply admire. 

 "Little every elder brother, here is really fun, we can come again later? "Looked at Li Shaofan Liu Zihan expectantly," next time we can bring a big black and leopard together? " 

 "What do you think this is feasible? Bringing a dog to the zoo may upset the animals. "Shao-fan li reluctantly shook his head. Well, we have to find a place to have dinner and then find a place to settle down." Liu Zihan suddenly froze,"ah, it's so late? Don't we go home?" 

 "It's almost seven o'clock now. Can I catch the bus if I go home?" We're gonna spend the night here. Let's go, find a place to eat, and then find a place to live, and experience the nightlife of Tianhai City." Shao-fan li explained with a smile. 

 "But..." Liu Zihan some hesitation. 

 "Are we going to walk home now? "Is that so?" Li Shaofan rolled his eyes." Don't hesitate. Just listen to my arrangements." 

 "Oh," she said. Liu Zihan full of idea to follow Li Shaofan walked, dinner time she hasn't completely return to god. 

 How will she spend the evening? After dinner, naturally want to find a hotel to settle down. Li Shaofan don't want to injustice Liu Zihan at this time. 

 "Give us a little room." After arriving at the hotel, shao-fan li handed him and Liu Zihan id card, said with a smile. Although he doesn't know what's going on in Liu Zihan, but he would never do let a person misunderstanding. If come out, even if he didn't do anything, others will think what he did, that's not good. 

 "Two single rooms?" The front desk looked at Li Shaofan, the in the mind some don't understand. Today's young people how to do this? A man and a woman to check in, but to two rooms, and then only sleep in a room, another room is empty. Even if you have money also can't waste? It's easy to lightning strike! 

 "Is there a problem?" Shao-fan li, of course, I don't know the idea of the front desk, otherwise he will and her theory. Who said that men and women must sleep together? We this is not to increase your income? 

 "Of course not. The front desk was a little embarrassed." I need a deposit of 200 yuan." The following is a re-creation of the original text to ensure that the expression is the same as the original meaning, while avoiding ambiguity or misleading, and in line with the creative, confident, polite style of modification: 

 Shao-fan li smiled and handed over two hundred dollars, took the room card, gracefully walked upstairs. 

 "Hey, do you think they'll talk to each other these two nights?" The receptionist began to guess curiously. 

 "What does that have to do with us? "Do you want to go?" Another person said disapprovingly,"Look at that little girl, and then look at you. You're an old woman, and she wants you?" 

 "What do you want?" 

 "I don't have such extravagant hopes, so I won't say that either." 

 After entering the room, Liu Zihan looked at everything in front of her and seemed to be at a loss. 

 Li Shaofan saw her confusion and asked,"What's the matter? Are you not satisfied here?" Why don't we go down and change rooms?" 

 Liu Zihan quickly shook his head: "No, it's much better than our home. There are so many things here. If we break it, we won't have to pay for it, right?" 

 Li Shaofan smiled and explained,"Of course not, these things are prepared for us by the hotel. We can use all these food and drink, but we have to pay extra when we check out." 

 Liu Zihan picked up a bottle of mineral water and saw the price tag on it: "The things here are so expensive, much more expensive than those outside?" 

 Li Shaofan said carelessly,"It's okay. Just use it if you like." He looked at the time and said," Let's take a rest first. We'll go out to the night market and buy some things later." 

 Liu Zihan was worried: "Do you want to go out at night?" "Is there a problem?" 

 Li Shaofan confidently said,"Don't worry, the sky is lively at night." I'll go back to my room, wait for a while I come to you. Remember, everything will be fine with me here." Li Shaofan warned me carefully: "Please don't open the door to anyone at will." He said as he turned on the TV, is permeated with a smile on his face. I asked him curiously,"Is there any danger here?" He replied,"There are all kinds of people here, so be careful." If anything happens to you, my mom's gonna think I'm the culprit. Sometimes I wonder if she is my own."