Chapter 52: go home

Chapter 52: go home 

 Of course you are his own, you this sentence if let your aunt know, will certainly make her unhappy. I suggest you'd better not say this sentence in front of her, lest cause unnecessary misunderstanding. 

 Li Shaofan smiled and said,"It's no big deal. I've been scolded a lot since I was a child. I'm used to it." Let's have a good rest, we go out for a walk." 

 Liu Zihan said with some embarrassment,"I played too crazy this afternoon, a little tired. I want to go to bed." 

 Li Shaofan nodded in understanding."Well, then, we'll go out tomorrow." He knew that the beauty has said so, if still determined to go out to play, may make things complicated. 

 A night without words. 

 The next morning, shao-fan li with Liu Zihan had a good time. At noon, they went home. 

 "Mom, where are you going?" Li Shaofan, who had just returned home to rest, could not help but ask when he saw his mother armed to the teeth. 

 "Of course," she replied,"I'm going to the hospital." Tomorrow you Wan Lin uncle to plow their fields, 50 acres of land! Shall we do it tomorrow when we plow the fields?" 

 Fertilizer? Yes, and this thing, I really forgetfulness is too big. 

 Li Shaofan slapped his forehead, looked at the sky, and thought about the area of 50 acres of land, suddenly had an idea,"Mom, let's ask someone to help us fertilize it. Fifty acres of land, if we come, don't know when to get. "We can't do that." 

 "I've been spending a lot of money on it," he said. Now that you're back, let's do it this afternoon and get up early tomorrow morning." "Of course, we don't need to worry about things. There's still a lot of money to be had right now, isn't there? "Li mother looked at Li Shaofan, slightly growled back," so small so lavishly, is not good. " 

 "Mom, have you ever wondered, if you are tired is ill, how much does it cost to go to the hospital? "Shao-fan li some depressed, he felt that mom so penny wise and pound foolish," what are you thinking about every day? " 

 "Well, you're also makes sense. "Li mother nodded." but how much money for everyone? I think it's a waste to give too much, but I'm afraid the villagers have opinions if I give too little. " 

 "This is simple, we hire 20 people, can finish in the afternoon. Everyone give 50 yuan, I'll buy some watermelon and ice cream, such as this should be everyone satisfied. "Shao-fan li wanted to think, and then said,"20 people do 50 acres of land, shouldn't be difficult. " 

 "That's settled. "Li mother nodded." you go to town, I go to your five uncle there, let him help to find people. And then go directly to our home vegetable collection. " 

 "Well, I'll go now. Pay everyone when you finish your work. "Shao-fan li smiled and said," Wan Lin uncle plow their fields of money, I will give it to him tomorrow. " 

 "Do it at your own will, I now go to your uncle there. "Li mother was about to go out, suddenly looked back at Li Shaofan," son, did you do to catalpa culvert last night? " 

 "Mom, why do you think so? "Shao-fan li some unhappiness," catalpa culvert and I are in their room to sleep last night. " 

 "Really, smelly boy, you don't understand to seize the opportunity. "Li mother gently blame the shao-fan li, and then turned around and went away. 

 Shao-fan li paused, and then smiled. Seize the opportunity? Mom is to want me to catalpa han? However, he knew that he had no such intentions towards Zihan. He just felt very comfortable and natural with Zihan. As for what the future would be like, he hadn't thought about it that much. But now, he has more important things to do, which is to help his family finish the farm work. Before considering liu widow may anger, I have to slow tone. Now, however, I temporarily not to think about these, after a short rest, I rode a motorcycle tricycle to town. I bought some watermelon and cold drinks, but finally decided not to buy ice cream, after all, when I work later, ice cream water may be out of place. 

 Liu Shancai, really not the kui is a village head, he quickly summoned twenty people. According to the plan discussed with his mother, these people came pushing cars and carrying shovels. 

 "Sister-in-law, is it true that I'll give you fifty dollars later?" Villagers like to joke with each other, so they began to discuss the issue of wages, even though we haven't started to work. 

 His mother smiled and replied,"Don't worry, I'll give it to you if I say so. It should be easy for us to spread dung on these lands." 

 Someone said with a smile,"There are so many people. If we can't finish this little work, we'll have worked for nothing for so many years." 

 Liu Shancai interrupted their argument and said kindly,"Alright, alright, don't argue. Hurry up and work. The sooner you finish, the sooner you will be quiet." 

 Hear the village chief, everyone immediately began to work with passion. When Li Shaofan came back, everyone had already started working, and half of the feces had been dealt with. 

 Someone joked: "Xiao Fan, where did you go?" "Do you want to be a doctor?" 

 I took out a watermelon from the car and said with a smile,"No, we have a rest first. I bought watermelon and soda in town, we eat and drink first, and then continue to work. Otherwise, the iced watermelon will become a roasted watermelon." 

 We ate watermelon under a big tree, chatting. Someone joked,"What, do you want to be a big boss?" 

 I replied,"What a big boss, just a vegetable farmer." "What is it?" Li Shaofan replied cheerfully,"Oh, it's just a small matter. I'm just looking for some fun. Otherwise, I'll be idle at home. If my father finds out, he'll definitely scold me." 

 Liu Shancai smiled and joked,"Xiao Fan, you are now a big man in our little Liuzhuang." If the fifty acres of land you really kind of become, then you will become our hero here. I'll go to the meeting, those guys won't always find me trouble." 

 Li Shaofan handed Liu Shancai a piece of watermelon and joked,"Uncle Wu, are you still afraid of them?" He blinked and continued,"With your fiery temper, who doesn't know about us?" If someone dares to find trouble with you, don't you scold their ancestors for three generations?" 

 When Liu Shancai heard this, his face was a little unhappy: "Who told you this?" Don't think I don't know, is your father told you?" He glared at Li Shaofan."When he comes back, I have to talk to him." 

 "I don't want to tell you who said that. Five uncle, you go to give it a try, see four big ye will chase you scold. "I haven't seen you for years." 

 Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter. Liu Shancai also laughed: "Come on, I dare not try. "I'll be fine if you don't." Here's an adaptation of the original's creative, confident, and polite style: 

 " You're already in your forties, and you're still talking about this in front of your child. Don't you feel ashamed?" Liu Shancai face slightly embarrassed. 

 "Xiaofan, what are you going to grow here?" Liu Shancai tried to change the subject and escape from the awkward situation. 

 Li Shaofan replied with a smile,"It's the vegetables we usually eat, no pesticide, no fertilizer, pure natural and pollution-free." It's a very good idea." 

 "You're really worthy of being an educated person," someone praised."You haven't even started to grow vegetables, but you've already considered the issue of sales." 

 Li Shaofan confidently replied,"Don't worry. If it succeeds, I will definitely bring everyone to make a fortune." 

 Liu Shancai also said with a smile: "Look at Xiaofan, he thinks about big things." He looked at the crowd,"I believe that small any success this time. If we really succeed, we can grow vegetables besides apples, so that our income will be more than planting sticks or cotton." 

 Rest for about 20 minutes, watermelon is to eat about the same, they began to work again. 

 On this day, they enjoyed the good treatment: money, watermelon to eat, and drink. Under the hospitality of Li Shaofan, they finished the work soon. Look at the time, only six o 'clock, the day is bright. 

 After finished the work, Li Shaofan according to the agreement, sent fifty dollars to each person. Then they will get rid of all the rest of the watermelon and drink, their home. "What's the matter with you? "Shao-fan li had originally planned to set foot on the way home, but in the face of the mother that deeply regretted, he couldn't help but ask curiously. 

 "This one thousand dollars, alas... "Li mother murmuring, seems to be in dialogue with his heart.