Chapter 54: get back to work

Chapter 54: get back to work 

 Although there is a piece of land to plow today, but Li Shaofan in the early morning received a chicken farm director's phone call, told him that the order of chicken seedlings have arrived. He hurried with his mother after a few words, then drove the motorcycle tricycle gallop away. 

 "I'm really sorry, I should have done it yesterday, but I didn't call you until today. You won't blame me, will you?" As soon as he stepped into the chicken farm, the head of the farm's apologetic voice greeted him. 

 "It's okay, I don't blame you." Li Shaofan responded with a smile,"If you had called me yesterday, I might not have been at home." 

 "Your 500 chickens are all over there. Do you want to load them now or take a break before loading them?" 

 "Let's start now. I still have to hurry back to plow the land." Li Shaofan answered frankly,"How much is the total amount of chicken seedlings? I'll give it to you now." 

 "One for two, one thousand." Field and smiling quote us the price. 

 Shao-fan li paused, he remembered that it may not seem like the price of the chicken seedlings. When he came, he had asked his mother, at least two pieces of 451, how suddenly drop so much? 

 "Don't look at me like that, I said two is two." The director saw his confusion and explained with a smile,"Your apple has satisfied our old man. This is my little thanks." 

 "That's not good." Li Shaofan some embarrassedly say, but made a merry heart, this kind of good thing can fall on his head, don't go out today stepped on ****? Otherwise, how can so ****? 

 "There's nothing wrong with that, I said that's it." Field patted shao-fan li on the shoulder, called a few people are busy handling feed, began to put the chicks get on the bus. 

 "I still have chicken feed here, do you want it?" Field asked. 

 "No, I'm ready. I'm not going to feed the chickens, I'm going to free-range them." Li Shaofan replied. In the bustling market, shao-fan li is preparing to leave. At this moment, a 14 - 15 year old girl suddenly ran over, her eyes filled with doubt. "Hey, did you sell us those apples?" She asked. Li Shaofan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and answered,"Why, my apple is not delicious?" 

 The little girl's father glared at her and interrupted their conversation. "Yun Yun, this is our guest." His tone was serious. But Yunyun still had doubts: "Dad, the apples here are so bad this year, how did this person grow them?" "I think it's a good idea." 

 Li Shaofan smiled and said mysteriously,"If it's not strange, how could such good apples grow in this year's weather?" I have a lot of things to do, go first." 

 Looking at Li Shaofan leave of figure, the person in the heart more curious. She decided to find out what was going on. And the director sighed, thinking: Silly girl, after knowing the truth, can you still let him continue to make a fortune? 

 Li Shaofan quickly returned home and placed the chicken seedlings in a pre-designated area. He fed the young chickens and ran to the fields. Mrs. Li looked at him in a hurry and said with a smile,"What are you in such a hurry for? Didn't you put the chicken sprouts in the yard?" 

 "The second uncle who built the house will come soon," replied Li Shaofan."It should be finished in a few days." 

 "Mom, don't we have a well?" Shao-fan li asked, pointing to the nearby shaft. 

 A few days later, the second uncle arrived as promised. They began to busy building a house, ready to dig a well. And the crowd also finally discovered the secret of shao-fan li. It turned out that he grew apples and chickens all benefited from a mysterious power. And this secret, only a few people know. In the days to come, the water will only be more and more, don't want to use the pump every time? "That's not a problem." Lee's mother's tone with a hint of discontent,"since a lot of money is spent, still care about this money? "It's not going to happen." 

 "Well, you're right." Li Shaofan scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed,"Then we will contact the drilling team tomorrow to solve this problem as soon as possible. "I'm going to be there." 

 "You should ask an electrician to do this. After all, it involves electricity." Mrs. Li's tone was filled with worry. 

 "It's okay, as long as you pull the brake down, it won't take too much time." Li Shaofan said with a smile, as a college student, he this small thing natural li to fail him. 

 "I'll see you later." Mrs. Li didn't dwell too much on this issue."When we're done plowing, we'll do the ridging today, and we can plant it tomorrow." 

 "Yes," he said. Shao-fan li nodded, the weather is so hot, if you don't grasp the kind of after the plough, the land is dry. When the time comes to irrigate the land, that would be in trouble. 

 "I let you call yesterday, did you play? If they don't come today, these dishes will be old." 

 "Don't worry, I've already called them. I reckon they'll be here soon." Li Shaofan replied helplessly,"Mom, why do I feel like it's not going well today?" 

 "When you can't do it, you'll find that it's a wonderful thing to have something to do every day." Mrs. Li said with a smile, her eyes full of warmth." Right, I have something to discuss with you." 

 "What is it?" Shao-fan li is a bit sensitive now, he is the most afraid of mom mentioned object problem. 

 "What are you talking about?" Looking at his son's embarrassed face, Li's mother scolded him with a smile,"I want to wait for the dishes to grow here. In the busy life, we seem to be busy all the time." What do you think of my proposal to call your father back? Shao-fan li heard this topic about his father, immediately became more serious. He knew his father's hardships outside for many years. Although he could bring back some money every year, compared with his hometown, life in the city was restrained and stressful. 

 "Then let's make this decision. I'll call your dad after a while." Mother said firmly. 

 Li Shaofan added with a smile,"Mom, you know my dad's stubbornness, a phone call may not be able to convince him. I think, you personally, will be able to make him come to their senses. Otherwise, I'll bet he'll probably wait until the New Year." 

 After hearing this, his mother smiled and said,"Well, I'll go there myself. If he doesn't come back, you see how I tidy up him." 

 As time passed, the morning's work was obviously not finished. Li Shaofan and his mother both know that 50 acres of farm work needs more time and effort. 

 "Are the things I left behind still there? Otherwise, I'll be miserable." Li Shaofan suddenly some concerns. 

 His mother comforted him,"Don't worry, I've saved it for you." 

 Li Shaofan heaved a sigh of relief."That's good. Otherwise, we'll have to tamper with it ourselves. That would be troublesome." 

 He looked at the land in front of him and sighed,"Ah, so many things, it seems that the income from selling vegetables will be spent completely." "That's it." 

 His mother looked at him and said seriously,"You have to spend the money you need to spend, didn't you tell me before?" If you don't want to spend money, you can't make a lot of money." 

 Li Shaofan smiled: "I'm not reluctant to part with it, I just think the cost is a bit big." 

 "It can't be helped," said the mother with a smile."We can't give up a better life because we're afraid of the cost. "I'm sorry." In the busy life, Li Shaofan felt a little disorder and confusion. He smiled bitterly and said,"There seem to be too many things. They are all piled up together, which makes me a little flustered." 

 "Isn't this all your sudden whim?" A voice replied, it was his mother, her face tired,"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have worked so hard." 

 Shao-fan li a warm heart, he knew that his mother these days of hard work. So, he smiled and suggested,"Mom, when things are done here, I'll take you wherever you want to go. How about that?" 

 His mother smiled and said,"Son, if you really want to reward me, marry Zihan as soon as possible and give me a grandson. "I'll be fine." 

 Li Shaofan shook his head helplessly."Zihan hasn't promised me. Where did you get your grandson?" He looked at his mother's anxious eyes and couldn't help but laugh."Didn't we agree on a week? It's only been one night, are you in such a hurry?" 

 "I'm not in a hurry?" Mother glared at him and suddenly laughed again."Look, isn't this coming?" 

 Li Shaofan followed the mother's eyes looked, see Liu Zihan carrying shovels came along. His heart can not help but some doubts, is great aunt liu also said to catalpa han? Things seem to be some beyond his expectations. 

 "Zihan, it's such a hot day. Why are you here?" Li Shaofan deliberately said with a straight face. 

 "Why can't I come?" Liu Zihan put down the shovel."I'm also a person who has been to the ground. Don't underestimate me." 

 Li Shaofan wry smile in my heart, he is clearly concerned about catalpa han, but let her misunderstanding to look down on her. This girl, is really could somehow. He can only silently stood by, watching them talk. At that delicate moment, Mrs. Li astutely chose to leave. She knew that the young man had his own way of handling things, and perhaps it was more appropriate. Looked at the mother leave of figure, shao-fan li flush a weak smile in my heart. He knew that his mother is always so considerate, properly keep distance. 

 Liu Zihan stretched out her slender palm and looked at him firmly." Brother Shaofan, give me your mobile phone." Her tone, no doubt, but also let shao-fan li felt a little confused. 

 He looked at her and couldn't help asking,"What do you want a cell phone for?" Liu Zihan's answer is simple and direct: "Some things need to be done with a mobile phone." 

 Shao-fan li son, he looked at Liu Zihan limpid eyes, know her own claims. He took out his phone from his pocket and placed it gently in her hand. At that moment, their hearts seemed to be closer.