Chapter 55: full swing 

Chapter 55: full swing 

 In the busy city life, Liu Zihan and Li Shaofan friendship is particularly precious. Liu Zihan loves nature, especially the animals in the zoo. He once shared with Li Shaofan photos he took at the zoo, in which the animals were lively and full of life. However, one day, when Liu Zihan showed Li Shaofan those photos again, only to find that the photos had disappeared. He some consternation, also some dissatisfaction, a confused look at Li Shaofan, questioned whether he deleted the photos. 

 In the face of Liu Zihan questioned, shao-fan li felt a little embarrassed. He hastened to explain that he hadn't deleted the photos, and that he thought they might be better viewed on his computer. Liu Zihan after listen to, although a little disappointed, but did not continue to pursue. He told Li Shaofan that he had shared the photos with his mother, but that his mother did not believe he had been to the zoo and even suspected he was bragging, which made him very angry. 

 Just as the two were talking, a loud voice broke the silence. Turned out to be de-xiang zhao with people carrying a basket. He is a friend of Li Shaofan and the owner of a restaurant. Mr. Zhao told them that Mr. Li's dishes were so popular in restaurants that they required an appointment. He hopes Li Shaofan can take him to pick more vegetables. 

 Shao-fan li readily agreed de-xiang zhao's request. They went to the vegetable field to pick vegetables together. Picking process is very smooth, less than 20 minutes, they picked all can pick vegetables. De-xiang zhao traditionally gave Li Shaofan four thousand dollars. 

 This story shows the taste of friendship, trust and success. Liu Zihan and Li Shaofan friendship is moving, they trust each other, support each other. Li Shaofan's dishes have been recognized by the market and prove that his efforts have paid off. And de-xiang zhao shao-fan li's trust and support, also provides a powerful help for the success of shao-fan li. Brother, you know about the apple? He said,"If I don't get it back, I'll be damned." Can you help me?" 

 "Don't worry, everything has been arranged." Li Shaofan confidently replied,"Those apples, I have already stored them properly at home, but temporarily locked them in my room, so as not to frighten my mother suddenly." If she is frightened, I can't bear it." 

 When they got home, Zhao Dexiang looked at the flock of chickens and asked,"Brother, are you raising chickens?" This seems to be a good idea. 

 "No, this is the young chicken I picked from the chicken farm."" Li Shaofan explained,"Although the site is not large, if it is carefully taken care of, these chickens may bring me extra income." When they grow up, I will send you a few." 

 After hearing this, Zhao Dexiang suggested,"Since you have raised 500 chickens, why not raise more?" He said,"I have a friend who specializes in this, and I can introduce you to a local chicken." What do you think?" 

 Li Shaofan smell speech, eyes suddenly flashed a surprise. He knew that raising chickens was far more profitable than meat chickens. He replied politely,"I would be grateful if I could." If it proves to be profitable, I will scale up." 

 He said with a smile,"You are my brother." When you need to know, just let me know. Now, can we talk about Apple?" Two people smile at one another, when you say nothing at all. Of course, gentlemen, please follow me." 

 In a piece of laughter, we are busy to apple out. When the account comes, Li Shaofan is determined to charge only part of Apple's fees, which puzzles Zhao Dexiang. This is the amount of tens of thousands of yuan, how can easily give up? 

 Faced with Zhao Dexiang's doubts, Li Shaofan did not elaborate, but simply said: "We have to repay the debt of gratitude." His heart was bleeding. He knew better than anyone the value of the money and silver. He blamed himself for being so impulsive and easily sending out this heavy favor. 

 At this point, a big black and leopard barking up at his feet. He shouted irritably,"Be quiet, stop shouting!" This sudden rebuke stunned the two little fellows. They only wanted to get close to him, so why did they get such treatment? 

 He glanced at the chicken coop, confirmed that there was enough water and food, locked the door, and went to the field. That was the place he missed the most. 

 Back here again, Second Uncle had brought the workers to discuss the construction of the house with Mother Li. 

 "Xiaofan, how do you think this house should be built?" Two big ye asked with a smile, in the hands of a pipe umber. 

 Li Shaofan smiled bitterly: "Second Uncle, this is your specialty. I know these? You're a master architect here and you're experienced." He knew that two big ye skill enjoys a high reputation in eight miles village. 

 "You're a good boy, you can talk." The second uncle said so, but the smile on his face was filled with pride and satisfaction. In the smoke, he gulp out smoke, eyes looked at me firmly. "Since you've given it to me, I'll start contacting people to buy materials." His voice was full of confidence, let me full of trust in him. 

 "That's great. How much do you think is appropriate?" I asked with a smile, looking forward to his answer. 

 He thought for a moment and then said,"For two cabins, it's about 10,000 yuan, including material money and salary." 

 I took out five thousand yuan from my pocket, added another thousand yuan, and handed it to him, saying,"Second Uncle, here is six thousand yuan. Go buy some ingredients. If it's not enough, ask me for it." 

 He looked at the money in my hand and said with some surprise,"You give me so much money, why don't I give it to you?" 

 I smiled and said,"If that's the case, then I'll buy you a drink." 

 He patted me on the shoulder and said with a smile,"Brat, that's enough. I won't talk to you here. I'm going out. I'll try to cover you up within a week." 

 I looked at him leave of figure, the in the mind is full of gratitude. At this time, I found that my mother and Zihan were looking at me. I couldn't help but touch my nose and ask,"Mom, Zihan, why are you looking at me like that? Is there a flower on my face?" 

 Mom looked at me and said,"Your money?" 

 "What's wrong with my money? It's all clean money. It's not against the law." "I said. 

 "I mean, where did you get that thousand dollars?" Mother continued. 

 "Of course it's on me," I explained."Aiyo, Mom, you don't allow me to have some pocket money. Look, the money to buy the barbed wire fence, the money to dig the well, and the money to plow the land for Uncle Wan Lin are all money. But I don't have any money now, so I can only take it from you." 

 Finally, I couldn't help but sigh: "When will the vegetables in this damn vegetable garden be ready? I'm short of money now." I looked at the hands of the money, the in the mind can not help but worry some. Oh, mom, I now in addition to the change really nothing. Every time I come back from business, I want to give you reimbursement, let you know my income and expenditure. But, I know you didn't mind tube these trivial things. 

 "Oh, I don't care about you, too? When you grow up, you have to have some money. "Well, I'll give you some money later, and now your father is not at home, so you're the head of our family." She smiled. 

 Hear mother's words, I'm a little reluctantly touched the head. Head of the family, the burden for me, it seems, are still some heavy. However, since my mother said so, then I can take the responsibility well. 

 "Brother Shaofan, I just showed the photo to my aunt. She said it was very nice." Sister said sweetly. 

 "Is it?" I'll take you to that place when I have time." I replied. 

 "Where are you going? Just watch it on TV. What are you spending that money for? Don't you know how many places you can spend money in now?" Mother stared my one eye, some harsh tone. 

 "Well, I understand, just pretend I didn't say it."" I said. I really don't know what is the idea of mother, clearly want to take her to go out, but she didn't want to go. 

 Time has come to around eleven o 'clock, we are ready to call it a day to go home. 

 "Uncle Wan Lin, don't do it. Go home and rest for a while. It won't work if you do it again." I persuade. 

 "It's only eleven o'clock. I'll run two more times." Wan Lin uncle is a simple and honest man, heard this and walked over to replied. 

 "Line line, and no one in the back line, we do not have to do more in the afternoon? Go home, or Aunt Wan Lin will scold me." I said with a smile. 

 "What does an old lady know? She's still in the wrong." Wan Lin uncle grumpily replied. 

 "Let's stop here. It's almost half done. We can definitely finish it in the afternoon." I said confidently. OK, let's rewrite this novel into a more creative and confident version. 

 Under the afternoon sun, Uncle Wan Lin nodded lightly. There was a hint of determination in his eyes." Then we'll continue in the afternoon." He said to the people who are working. Then, he looked at his sister-in-law and Zihan and invited them over." Come, sister-in-law, Zihan, let's go home together." 

 Mrs. Li walked over with a basket of fresh vegetables in her hand. She gently placed them in the car, her eyes full of passion and concern." Wanlin, take these vegetables back and let sister-in-law stir-fry them." 

 Uncle Wan Lin looked at the fresh vegetables with an awkward expression." These are all vegetables that you have carefully grown. How can I take them away?" 

 Lee's mother is a face of calm, she looked at wan Lin uncle firmly,"what money is not money, our village folks, you will accept it. I'm sorry to ask you to plow in such hot weather. If you don't accept these dishes, I will be anxious." 

 Although her tone firmly, but it is full of respect for Wan Lin uncle and gratitude. In this simple and rustic scene, we see the simple human feelings of the countryside and the deep feelings between people.