Roger stood atop the castle and looked at the rising sun. It had been four years and he had more people under him. It was much more interesting to be in politics as it was much more challenging than the militaristic warfare. He had taken a lot of land and cultivated as much food as possible. There was no one in this country who cultivated food and he was the only one who cultivated the food and wood. He had spread many ideas and many new methods of creating items. The revolution too much more time to spread and the dress wore by the people was something that was not even wore by the nobles in other kingdoms.


Roger decided to take over the world. It was much more interesting to control the planet. Roger found that political power was not something that was useful. He could control the world and all the men and women would be in awe of him. They will follow everything he said and he could let the world develop in any manner he wanted. It was really boring. What he had to do was to try to at least become a void level being so that he will have infinite life. With the identity of the priest of innate chaos concept god and being a void being with a true soul, he should be able to fight against and become a true being. If he reaches that stage then his soul will have the properties of the void and he will be having that power for ever. He could keep trying to rise from that position to become a void god and he may be allowed a promotion to become a god under the pantheon of God of speed. He can then be free for a long period of time and then remain a powerful being for ever unless he is killed by the god of speed. It was much better than letting this kingdom become better.


Roger decided to declare the war. He went and sat inside his room. This world was really boring. Is this why the gods send others to the worlds. They might be really bored. He took a paper and wrote the commands to different lords to attack different regions. He will have the continent conquered in not much time. Political power was really boring. It only took a sheet of paper to conquer the continent but he liked this boredom. This should be the true thought of a powerful being. How can you claim to be a powerful being if you are not bored by your actions unless you are childish to be interested in all things.