He makes him curious.

The morning sun greeted everyone warmly that morning. Bright eyes returned its greeting as families began to put away their winter coats against the warning of the weather forecast. Switching her wool top for a light cotton dress, a young lady on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex not far from the Davenport Police Bureau sat down to apply her makeup with a smile.

The cause of the good weather was in an apartment on top of hers and he hummed a tone as he poured the hot coffee in a cup. He raised the mug and took a sip before choking and hurrying to the fridge to pull out a jar of milk, and chugging it down.

Arlen signed and returned to the coffee, he returned to the coffee, he had followed all the instructions, how come it tasted so bad?

"The 67th try is a failure." He dumped the entire coffee.

"Oh! I forgot! The eggs." He hurried back to the kitchen and paused at the doorway, his sharp nose caught the scent of burning.