Adopting a cat

The woman sighed and shook her head, "There are only two clinics in Davenport, we are so booked and a pet like this needs extra care and love. Mr West, no Officer West, don't you think that the kitten finding you was fate.


Ravi looked at the kitten whose entire body was tensed up. Fate?

He might have used those words to comfort Arlen but for this kind of situation, to this child, that word was just an insult, it was a sharp sword.

"I do not believe in fate."

"You do not. Ah. It is a pity. We would put it up for adoption for a week and if nobody came. We would put it down, it would be painless but at least it would be better than letting it be a stray."

Ravi refused to be deceived by the fake treat, what kind of vet clinic would say such a thing? Putting down a kitten, she just wanted to scare him, but unfortunately for her, she had met her match.
