Chicken and a bowl of steamed dumplings

When it comes to restaurants, there are few things that should be kept in mind. If it is secluded and yet crowded, then it is the one.

Ravi's lunch box of braised pork rice was still in the office but the aroma from the restaurant was more than amazing. He swallowed, the only thing Ravi might like more than his cooking is other people's cooking.

"Officers, you are right on time. A table just cleared up." A middle aged man with a handkerchief around his head said. He looked in his later forties and was tattooed from the tip of his fingers to the blade of his shoulders.

"Adeben! This time I came with my friends. Better treat us well." Lisa sauntered in as if she owned the place.

"Arjun. It is Lisa. Little Lisa is here. Hopefully with money." The man behind the counter laughed along with some of those eating.

Lisa gritted her teeth, "Don't mind him."

Sarah smiled, "You came here a lot as a child?"