Quantum Time Lock

"Your ability is only limited by your imagination." Hunter said as he polished the gun on top of his table. He loved that gun, it had been the only thing from the first planet he was sent on a mission to.

Maybe it was not love, perhaps guilt.

"Easy for you to say." Ravi sank into the chair in front of him with a frown, "Easy for you to say. You can control minds."

Hunter placed down the gun, "That is pretty neat, isn't it." There was a proud expression on his face to know that the bragging was pretty much intentional.

Ravi scoffed, his power was so useless. He could only heal himself. In the Sentinel Realm where different abilities flowed like rivers to a sea. It was pretty useless.


That was 500 years ago. Ravi did not think so right now. Hunter was very right. When it came to abilities, abilities were limited to one's imagination.